Unholy Melee Paladin [105-125 content in TU's]

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akbugger wrote:
Cupelix14 wrote:Fire absorb mobs are also annoying. Is there a point that having more pierce helps? Anything not fire absorb melts. Or does the fire damage eventually ramp to the point that monster absorb doesn't matter?

Build may be overrated but it has already taken me much farther than I got with fire sorc, cold sorc, or summon pally.

You shouldn't worry with pierce on UHM, you get that free anyway. Absorb, from a post by suchbalance:

"% Absorb acts like a "second resistance" that stacks multiplicatively with the normal ones.

Example: 90% fire res and 40% fire absorb. You get hit by 100 fire damage. Resistance reduces it to 10. Then the absorb heals you for 4 and then it reduces the damage by 4. So you end up taking 6 fire damage and healing for 4."
Even a 1 point Lemures will probably clear such mobs better.
The real problem with UHM isn't absorbs, it's bossess. In this game eventually you'll come to a point where farming Teganze, Duncraig and Fauzt just gets old and tiresome. You'll be breezing through these areas, finding some new item every 10 or so runs, it's irrelevant of your chosen build - they all get to that point sometime. You'll want more, so you go to Labs, since it has an enemy which *always* drops the fabled UMOs, the only real progression in items you'll be able to get. And with it's attacks skills UHM is really, really slow there. Low defence, melee, no avoid, no block - bad. For bosses, low ar, to add salt to the wound. And the fact one has to keep being buffed up with minimum 3 skills (regen, rapture, convenant) in the middle of some fights where you barely have time to move as it is is plain awful. Sure, you have a vitality build, but those lab thigies hurt...badly.

I don't plan to farm them forever. Eventually there's a wall where progression vs time spent stalls out. At the moment I'm not breezing through any of those zones. Maybe UHM isn't great for bosses. But if it easily gets me through zones past cows and K3K, I at least have a reliable farmer to grab items for better builds.
Pit Knight
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Cupelix14 wrote:I don't plan to farm them forever. Eventually there's a wall where progression vs time spent stalls out. At the moment I'm not breezing through any of those zones. Maybe UHM isn't great for bosses. But if it easily gets me through zones past cows and K3K, I at least have a reliable farmer to grab items for better builds.

I understand the importance of having a "starter" character ; just feel UHM is a bad choice for that. While the guide indeed says:
" Tiered uniques will carry you up to some 125 ubers easily without even farming for signets. This includes all Rifts." - I dont think is true; maybe it was before but if you wanna farm Dunc u won't be doing it in TUs. My guess is a low geared UHM cant farm even K3K at any efficency, let alone melee mobs in Dunc.
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akbugger wrote:
Cupelix14 wrote:I don't plan to farm them forever. Eventually there's a wall where progression vs time spent stalls out. At the moment I'm not breezing through any of those zones. Maybe UHM isn't great for bosses. But if it easily gets me through zones past cows and K3K, I at least have a reliable farmer to grab items for better builds.

I understand the importance of having a "starter" character ; just feel UHM is a bad choice for that. While the guide indeed says:
" Tiered uniques will carry you up to some 125 ubers easily without even farming for signets. This includes all Rifts." - I dont think is true; maybe it was before but if you wanna farm Dunc u won't be doing it in TUs. My guess is a low geared UHM cant farm even K3K at any efficency, let alone melee mobs in Dunc.

sorry but this is completely false because you can easily roll through k3k with every single piece of gear as a Quiet crafted sacred honorific with spell focus, vitality, magic find and fire spell mystic orbs. even your weapon can be honorific or crafted. you don't even need high rolls so 2-3 quiet shrines is enough for this setup which can be easily and reliably farmed.

if you're wondering why this "build" and other variants don't appear anywhere on this guide is simply because this guide sucks.

As a general guideline (not just this guide) don't blindly trust everything a guide has to offer because it's not like every guide creator is the most knowledgeable person about everything a build has to offer. Some of them create guides based on their experience and share it with everyone for their own reasons whatever it may be but that doesn't mean the guide will be good.

not relevant to uhm rant below

There is actually zero incentive to make a guide and help other people for the person writing the guide so it's understandable that they haven't continuously updated their guide beyond the basics. I understand this sentiment because it's the same reason I haven't written guides because not only do you get dogshit in return for writing one, but also having to update your guide every new season is painful and boring since you have to re-play that build everytime along with several other reasons that i cba to explain.

My point is... if you're struggling with a build, ask for help in discord if you actually want direction for your guides ("general" or "new players" channel). You'll have people with far more experience and accurate suggestions to fix your problems more often than not. Also don't trust guides blindly. And lastly if you want better "guides" then complain to the devs about rewarding people with something (other than self-satisfaction by helping the community...) for writing a decent guide or whatever.
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stay salty. its been a year and you are still mad about my guide getting approved before whatever shit you were writing at the time was finished. the guide is fine, it doesnt suck. it does everything it says on the tin.
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i think you've got the wrong idea because I never planned to write a full guide on uhm or any build because there's no incentive for the same reasons I stated earlier above. the closest thing I've done is a general topic thread when UHM was reworked the first week and a few posts in this topic to help people who were struggling because your guide wasn't able to help them at certain points in the game. Your guide is fine for early game but it's pretty much useless for mid-game which is where most of the complaints for players unable to progress stems from. And I'm pretty sure you're fully aware of how lackluster your mid-game section is for your guide so it's not like you can claim that your guide truly does not suck.

Like I said earlier you unfortunately do seem to have the wrong idea about me or the way I bluntly stated that the guide sucked. I'm not salty or mad about any of whatever you have perceived of me when you wrote it. It's actually the opposite and I'm grateful that you wrote a UHM guide because I cannot be bothered to ever write a FULL guide ever (same reasons as above) also especially since I hate having to cover early-game but that won't change the fact that this specific guide has critical flaws that make it relatively sucky.

At one point you stopped updating it since you weren't playing for a while so the guide was outdated so I stepped in to help players in your topic to help them progress through mid-late game. I don't blame you for this nor do I condemn you but I feel like I have to make this clear so you don't get more wrong ideas. Even after all the suggestions me and other players have posted you still have not updated your mid-game section throughout the years. Mid-game has so much diversity and different ways to play that preform better than the full set but it still isn't updated (for example proc-uhm, honorific-uhm, mixed-Yaerius-uhm etc.). This is why I said your guide sucks and rightfully so. Hopefully you can change the minds of many players by upgrading it to a standard that solves the prevalent issue of players struggling mid-game.

I made it clear why I think your guide sucks so maybe you'll fix it... maybe not? if not and your response to all of what I wrote is "you should write a full guide that doesn't suck" or "its fine lol" then my point stands and people should not be completely fixated on guides in general (not just yours) and be given the knowledge of direction that the other options exist, it's just that they have to open discord and join "General" and/or "new players" or pm other players who have more experience to explain it in text over discord (yeah there are other people who feel the same way about the current state of your guide).
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my Unholy Melee Paladin,

+ cheap gear
+ easy farm
+ 280 mf
= with max res and 450+ sd, easy lab 11-12, except corrupt heros
- very low singletarget dmg

Pit Knight
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anDr3a wrote:my Unholy Melee Paladin,

+ cheap gear
+ easy farm
+ 280 mf
= with max res and 450+ sd, easy lab 11-12, except corrupt heros
- very low singletarget dmg

May I inquire why do you invest so much into Energy instead of Vit?

Edit: seems like to buff the procs
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Stygian Watcher
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OverSky wrote:
anDr3a wrote:my Unholy Melee Paladin,

May I inquire why do you invest so much into Energy instead of Vit?

Edit: seems like to buff the procs

for procs and vessel of justice
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akbugger wrote:
I understand the importance of having a "starter" character ; just feel UHM is a bad choice for that. While the guide indeed says:
" Tiered uniques will carry you up to some 125 ubers easily without even farming for signets. This includes all Rifts." - I dont think is true; maybe it was before but if you wanna farm Dunc u won't be doing it in TUs. My guess is a low geared UHM cant farm even K3K at any efficency, let alone melee mobs in Dunc.

I think this is more about game knowledge and experience. I can definetly get much further in basic gear than newbies, gear alone will not carry a build. Take it slow and dont charge in head first into danger, kite and dodge when needed. Manual dodging and kiting is so underrated in this game, people think they can facetank everything like in clod. Sure, it is gonna be a bit slower if you dont just mow down everything with a swing, but at least you wont be dying every other minute.
Jungle Hunter
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can somebody suggest lab items for uhm