Unholy Melee Paladin [105-125 content in TU's]

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U're rite buddy but a honorifi T1 wpn can solve EVERY single issue since lvl 24-30 cos u can just add 2-3 Moa orbs (+10-15lvls) and 2-3%ar (+10-15lvls) since that lvl about.. it entirely changes the leveling part... a 1h fast wpn with 2+range with low lvl req as t1 is the only thing u need... probably a scepter due to ias.
Ur solution is good both early/mid game not just mid (u can make honorifc on t1 wpn not just t4 and lvl req is much lower)... in 1 single item... there's no need to add any spelldmg/focus on wpn as u can get that from the rest of the gear (since ur'e gettin rid of %ar/moa issues on 1 slot)...

Then we only need to wait for others to link the notarmory of their "ump" friends doin labs 12+... easily solved...
Core Lord
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I used to push T15 with radiance setup UMP in season 25 & 26
In addition, I have a 140 UMP in SP which is able to do T11-15 too. I can share the d2s file if u want to see it.
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Just make one already. Why is there so much negativity these last 3 pages? It’s a build guide for crying out loud, if you don’t think it’ll work then don’t do it. If you are complaining about mana issues and haven’t even made the character then how would you know the inner workings? There’s tons of different builds to make in this game, choose one or make your own. Simple as that.
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I used to push T15 with radiance setup UMP in season 25 & 26
In addition, I have a 140 UMP in SP which is able to do T11-15 too. I can share the d2s file if u want to see it.

just gear buddy if u can...

Just make one already. Why is there so much negativity these last 3 pages? It’s a build guide for crying out loud, if you don’t think it’ll work then don’t do it. If you are complaining about mana issues and haven’t even made the character then how would you know the inner workings? There’s tons of different builds to make in this game, choose one or make your own. Simple as that.

Maybe cos i already did and it doesn't work by following this guide? Wanna check my notarmory? u could see it in there lvl 115... check wpn on use...

My negativity comes from releasing a not working guide for a spec... simply that... and in 50pages nobody addressing that...

here , to make it easier :
without that wpn > 00%mana everywhere... now it's true that i could change every (other) single piece by adding moa/%ar... it's nowhere pointed out in guide... it looks like u're magically gettin back mana somehow...
here's the video made by the one making the guide (At least i think so)... check at 33min (Lord Jitan)... that's exactly the problem i'm talking about with current gear/setup suggested... 00%mana in 10s... Ok, that's a zerg and Jitan goes down... do u think it's normal to go 00mana in 10s when dealing with a boss when u can have a decent uptime?
Ice Clan
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marco311 wrote:U're rite buddy but a honorifi T1 wpn can solve EVERY single issue since lvl 24-30 cos u can just add 2-3 Moa orbs (+10-15lvls) and 2-3%ar (+10-15lvls) since that lvl about.. it entirely changes the leveling part... a 1h fast wpn with 2+range with low lvl req as t1 is the only thing u need... probably a scepter due to ias.
Ur solution is good both early/mid game not just mid (u can make honorifc on t1 wpn not just t4 and lvl req is much lower)... in 1 single item... there's no need to add any spelldmg/focus on wpn as u can get that from the rest of the gear (since ur'e gettin rid of %ar/moa issues on 1 slot)...

Then we only need to wait for others to link the notarmory of their "ump" friends doin labs 12+... easily solved...

Well, I'd argue about the T1 honorific. Sure, it can be good as well, but I personally think the
Gnarled Root
Gnarled Root
Club (4)

One-Hand Damage: 4 to 6
Required Level: 1
Item Level: 1
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
25% Attack Speed
+50% Damage to Undead
10% to All Attributes
+10 Life Regenerated per Second
Physical Resist 2%
Socketed (1)
One-Hand Damage: 10 to 11
Required Level: 18
Required Strength: 18
Item Level: 31
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
45% Attack Speed
+50% Damage to Undead
16% to All Attributes
+20 Life Regenerated per Second
Physical Resist 4%
Socketed (2)
One-Hand Damage: 14 to 17
Required Level: 37
Required Strength: 49
Item Level: 51
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
65% Attack Speed
+50% Damage to Undead
23% to All Attributes
+30 Life Regenerated per Second
Physical Resist 6%
Socketed (3)
One-Hand Damage: 17 to 21
Required Level: 46
Required Strength: 104
Item Level: 77
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
75% Attack Speed
+50% Damage to Undead
30% to All Attributes
+40 Life Regenerated per Second
Physical Resist 8%
Socketed (3)
is the better item for leveling to 105. The 30% to all stats are really strong and allow for an easier vita leveling early on. The attack speed is also great.

And the issue with the T1 honorific is that you'll basically waste your socket slots. And when you upgrade a honorific item from T1 to T4, it will still be left with 1 or 2 sockets depending on the weapon. And there's not much else you want on your weapon tbh. Just attack speed, mana on attack and Attack rating. Everything else is a bonus. Which is why I think the level requirement is pretty much wasted when you're using a T1 honorific only. Plus this would basically result in wasted gold, and you'd have to waste time farming gold for your T4 honorific, which simply adds a lot more attack rating.

So I'd go with a T4 honorific, probably socketed with Perfect amythysts for the juicy 50% attack rating for low level req (Gems have a level req of 18, so they don't get in your way when socketing them into a level req 24 weapon unlike a level req 60 jewel for example, since this is added on top of the +level req from mystic orbs). Maybe a low level req indest jewel as well. Then I'd go with mystic orbs in the following order: Attack rating, mana on attack (those 2 are vital) attack speed (which is important, too, but you can skip it if you already have enough attack speed from your other gear) life on attack, fire spell damage. That will leave you with a level req of 104-124 depending on how many ias mo's you put on your weapon.

But for early game (until level 105) Gnarled root is imho the preferred weapon. Especially so when you consider that you can get up to 400% AR on it as well. 550% if you're really lucky. In the screenshot below I exchanged 1 jewel/Amethyst with a indest jewel, which is why I only reached 347%. And lucky upgrade failed. Diablo on nightmare was pretty easy though and I never had any mana troubles.


And yes, I really just leveled a toon to see if gnarled root is the better weapon early game (until level 105) :flip:
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Problem is btw "what can replace that t4honorif/t1/gnarled" in the late game (115/120+)... it's hard to fill up 1 single slot with so much %ar/ias/mom.. u can add loa as well (up to the point that with pierce skill maxed u're recovering about 2-3k life each s from 5attacks)... I was thinkin about a crafted rare sacred pally pike with high %ar/ moa/manaleech but mana leech doesn't work and the loss of a shield it's pretty heavy for what i c, maybe a sacred crafted 6sox wpsn (scepter for pally bonuses or even a crystal sword)... especially since the white dmg part has really no use. That's why I'm pretty curious to c how ump players solved this in the late game. I've still to c 1 at high labs (and elsewhere too) and nothing on 1st page endgame built is addressing this issue...
Ofc u can keep "this" patch or something similar on endgame using superbeast 5fpa as a form of 5x Loa recover but it's a huge dmg loss.. it's a bit gross as a solution (for late game) since u basically loose every bonus to dmg (main attacks/bloodthorns) as there're no uniques/sets/rwd provindg all that... and the teorically buffs from a Dux infernum socketed as a spellcaster wpn is in the order of a +5sk/135%spelldmg/80focus at lvl 140... (even an Aetern with good rolls could go since u need no pierce for this built)...
Jewels with Moa are pretty hard to be crafted (u need the +8 from the craft part, probably a 2%spelldmg which isn't so common out of zod, focus, %ar too, ias as well since if on wpn)...
With a t1/t4/gnarled u can go 'n that's ok but u're deffo under 10% any spellcasting fire sorc can do with a 1point flamestrike and some buffs/pierces for single target things...
Dunno.. maybe there's a rwd on wpn i didn't check for %ar/ias/moa/loa and firedmg...
On top of that, 100moa is good as long as blood thorn and lemures are costing LESS than 100... once by adding +sk/pally skillz u start having a 125mana cost blood thorn it's gonna be a plague to other pieces of gear as well...

Since 2.0 is in current Beta it wouldn't be a bad idea to suggest devs to simply add:
"Moa" to Lemures (farming mobs)
and %ar to Blood thorn (bossing)..
at least this way u should have to cover just the missing part (%ar for lemures if u wanna use it for bossing to while leveling and moa to blood thorns to switch to for end game)...

There're no video on youtube of any unholy melee paladins single targeting bosses for more than 12s (they're basically zerging everything overgearing) so it's pretty hard to realize how ppl solved all this...

Everybody has a friend playin or that played ump 140+... no 140 ump showing here or with a set of working gears... those who whispered me were just unholyl CASTERs (tainted blood)...
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Jungle Hunter
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Try to follow the guide for 2.0 and it's still good so far. But I wonder which masteries would be the most fitting for an Unholy Melee Paladin?
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Krazy wrote:Try to follow the guide for 2.0 and it's still good so far. But I wonder which masteries would be the most fitting for an Unholy Melee Paladin?

aside from melee, mana regen one if you are investing in your attack skill and need all mana regen you can, mana on attack isn't enough to sustain
then depending on if youre again maxing your attack skill, specialization could be an option, but mana cost goes even higher
one that increased duration of skills also is not bad, it increases duration of amazing grace, which is straight up multiplier to survivability, don't underestimate that interaction
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Jungle Hunter
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ok, thank you
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Any reason to not take Melee Devotion? Im new so im not sure if that passive was around back when this guide was made, or if there is a reason to not take it?
Also, is there any way to get rid of the severe mana issues early game?
and finally, Is Dies Metus superior to Gnarled root for Lemures?
Edited by Ourfriend 2 years.