Unholy Melee Paladin [105-125 content in TU's]

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Thunder Beetle
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You shouldn't have much trouble with general farming (mobs),since one of your skills has "ignore target's defence".The downside of the build IS bossing,however,since that stat doesn't work on them.And yes,you will need some AR sources to have an ok chance against bosses.

works,I think there was a tu belt and tu boots that could help with that also,but I think you'd be sacrificing too much with those.I've used only the gloves on targets where I needed AR and managed through (missed a lot,but managed.If you can't go bossing at this point in time,just ignore bosses until you can get a hold of gear that will help out with that.I also dodged a few bosses).If possible,go for
Spirit Trance Herb
Spirit Trance Herb
Required Level: 115
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
10% Attack Speed
10% Cast Speed
(21 to 150)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(10 to 25) Life Regenerated per Second
as soon as you can.It'll help out a lot.
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U have centered the point...
this issue which is "the main issue of this spec" is addressed nowhere in the 1st page not even in the "CONS" points...
it looks like this unholy melee paladin will magically start to hit and gain mana back for unknown reasons (no talents grants mana recover as unholy melee)..

stormlord (even with high +skillz), even a maxlife/mana wormhole, passive source to increase manapool won't save the spec anyway to go 000%mana vs bosses...

Using featherclaw / tu belt (wormtongue) /charms (including legacy of blood for mana leech with a decent white dmg wpn/ spirit trance /etc..) can be good as a "patch" in mid/highlvl where bosses won't last that much. 1st mana drainer u find > u're done for...
Blood thorn is not a cheap spell if u cast it at 5fpa with superbeast...

U'll go 000mana anyway with any of those ENDGAME builts... so i don't really understand how the 1 who makes this guide and everybody posting in these 55pages could have played a "resources starved built" from lvl 1 to lvl 140... (under the condition suggested in 1st post :which is basically spellcaster gear with vitality in place of energy and no pierce due to skillz)... and nobody is addressing this.

U're suggestion is basically to use a completely different built... > it's not longer "unholy melee built" with caster gear but with standard "chance to hit" gear...

Skippin bosses cos as a melee u might need to overgear due to mechanics (of boss) is fine... not due to a lack of mechanics of the spec that won't be covered anyway...

If nobody comes here with a 140 lvl paladin showing how to deal with this spec : this entire guide could be trashes and there's only "unholy melee paladin"... or if u prefer, as u mentioned, a "resource starved" spec requiring a lot of mana on attack, mana each kill just to farm places such as fauntz (and let' s be honest , plenty of specs can do better than an "unholy melee lemures paladin").
Thunder Beetle
58 | 11
Yes,I found some flaws in the guide and made adjustments that worked for me,like I did for other builds in the past.It would be interesting for me too to read some experience from a higher lvl UHM pala on this subject,since I stopped playing at around 130 (the SP one) and I don't really know if my solution will be good enough for higher/highest lvls.Oh,and yes,mana burn/drain is a pain.I was thinking some time ago about something like a mana regen bonus for X amount of monsters nearby and a chunky bonus against bosses and such,but I don't know if it's implementable or not.

On a bit of a side note,use this build to just farm areas.UHM pala isn't much to my taste for a character,but he turned out to be a pretty good starter to get me some gear for other characters.If he's turning out to be more pain than fun for you,just use him to farm somewhere you're comfortable for gear and start a character/build you think you'll enjoy.It is a game after all,no need to make it a chore. :)
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Sry but what's the point? Have u ever read the guide?
In the guide:
"MO - Mana on attack, Life on attack, Fire spell damage, Bonus to attack rating. Lottery roll for 100% bonus to attack."
"Featherclaw - For bossing. You need to beat boss defense for life/mana on attack to kick in."
"Not enough max elemental resistances and low AR are the common causes."
The author of this guide has already addressed the AR issue against boss in gearing and tips sections in the guide. Didn't see?
"U're suggestion is basically to use a completely different built... > it's not longer "unholy melee built" with caster gear but with standard "chance to hit" gear..." "a completely different built"? Are u serious? Sry, I don't get ur point here....I see no reason why it is "a completely different built" just because UMP changes a TU item? The key is to work out the problem, right? No rules forbid UMP from using gears like Featherclaw. Who said "Casters must use caster gears, melee bds must use melee gears, otherwise it is a totally different spec"?
All bds are not perfect. And the gears for a bd are variable. If the changes are huge enough, u can call it " a new spec " of the bd. But I see no reason in calling UMP with some gear changes to solve the AR issue " a new spec" of UMP. Cmn, u mean the author should call it " a new spec " for just changing a TU item for bossing??? If that's what u mean, then I guess we just have a different definition of what is "a completely different built" :)
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No, the only difference between me and u is that i'm tryin to make 1 unholy melee paladin build works while u dont' care at all...
that's the only difference...
Feel free to make 1 sorc built guide where u go full vitality and with no mana reg on gears without addressing any mana starving issues and suggesting to use mana shield up 100%time...
it's the same case... as u know, a build doesn't cover it all... rite?

Try endgame gear suggested (both lemures/ rediance built) if u want > u're not gonna go anywhere without any way to recover mana...
Ump needs to refresh buffs too... if u go 00mana by just using the main attack... u'll stop doin dmg and u won't be able to tp away nor refresh buffs so u'll drop all defences too...
it's a not a little issue... once sanguine covenant drops = u'll have no pierce too as well... and with such a litle mana pool even mana pots won't help...

Adding tu belt/gloves for ar + spirit trance herb and add 100 on attack on wpn by standard mystic orbs is a "placeholder" that can't get replaced (so it's not a placeholder indeed)...
it's not that with radiance/lemure set up u will "magically" gain mana back... situation will just get worst since with +all skill bloodthorn/lemures will cost even more mana...

at 5fpa with superbeast.. u must recover 5xbloodthorn cost each sec... and the cost is 100-120mana x 5... not a cheap 1...
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Horadric Mage
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“Try endgame gear suggested (both lemures/ rediance built) if u want > u're not gonna go anywhere without any way to recover mana...”
Lol, u really played UMP???Have u ever tried T13+ labs?Did u ever focus on ladder before?If u ever cared about ladder before, u will notice there was UMP above lvl 140, and not only 1 or 2.
If it is like u said,“ u're not gonna go anywhere without any way to recover mana...”,then tell me why my friend used UMP to reach lvl 145+ on ladder in 1.6 season?Another friend played UMP even earlier in 1.4 and 1.5. And he has videos killing Phobos with UMP. There is no major mana issue at all for a standard UMP with endgame gears, UMOs and good charms. I really doubt if u ever played a UMP to 140, let alone lvl 140+.
Let me tell u what's the real problem for a standard late game UMP( late game means T13+ labs): Lacking single target damage compared to other bds! If u really tried those good gear late game bds like black ice asn,fire sorc,fire druid,bow druid,bear druid,beamers,voidstar pal, voidstar druid in higher labs, and u will know what Im talking about. Do u know how much time does it take for a standard late game UMP to kill Phobos? And how much for a fire/voidstar druid?
The fact here is:With good gears,UMP can do T13+ labs and kill Phobos. There is no big mana issue. The biggest problem for lategame UMP is lacking single target damage. And second is mid-ranged AOE damage of rediance build. Those problems together, lead to UMP's low efficiency in T11+ labs compared to other mighty lab bds.
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Some additional info:
- Get some mystic orbs with mana on attack and cube them to your weapon.
--> You won't need mana against normal mobs.
- Get a T4 1hand weapon with 6 sockets as honorific. Cube it with 5 x AR, 4-5 x mana on attack and insert jewels with 50% attack rating (bonus if you get flat AR on them).
--> You have a weapon with about 800% attack rating (even more if your lucky bonus applies) and 200+ mana on attack on switch (MoA is capped at 320 or something along those lines, so with crafted jewels you can reach that point, too). That should work against bosses. For even more attack rating, you can add up to another 6 jewels in some shield for another 300% attack rating.
Edited by ParticuLarry 2 years.
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If it is like u said,“ u're not gonna go anywhere without any way to recover mana...”,then tell me why my friend used UMP to reach lvl 145+ on ladder in 1.6 season?Another friend played UMP even earlier in 1.4 and 1.5. And he has videos killing Phobos with UMP. There is no major mana issue at all for a standard UMP with endgame gears, UMOs and good charms. I really doubt if u ever played a UMP to 140, let alone lvl 140+.

I don't give a thing about u nor ur friends... i can boost any1 up to lab15 with my sorc as well and they can come with just max res (just in case aoe elemental dmg spread as well)... come and bring ur friends if they play unholy at lvl 140+. Why are u here? who gives a damn about u since u dunno a thing about what're posting about this spec?

I'll repeat what i've said :
Come with ur lvl 140 unholy paladin and show ur gear and how u're recovering mana... stop writing non sense... do u want to keep on with ur bullsh1ts?
Once u've respecced it let's compare it with current built on page 1...

Is it so hard to understand?
Lol, u really played UMP???Have u ever tried T13+ labs?Did u ever focus on ladder before?If u ever cared about ladder before, u will notice there was UMP above lvl 140, and not only 1 or 2.

I have an unholy melee paladin u have not... I'm lolling at u instead... and the more he lvls the worst thngs are gettin even just cos u're gaining more lvl on bloodthornes and it costing more mana while mana pool sits pretty much at the same...

come and bring ur friends or respec uh since u're lvl 141 and let me c ur gearing for labs...
I'll be lookin forward to see the notarmor link to ur friends gear/built...

Link notarmory of ur friends in here, link the armory of ur friends unholy MELEE (not caster) paladin (that u're not) Or I warrant u that' after ur next post of nonsense ll make a post on General asking Who are ur friends playin unholy melee paladins up to 140+ and doin labs as it's pointless to discuss with u. U really understand nothing nor about the mechanics nor the issue itself... stop making urself ridicolous without adding NOTHING to the table.

some ppl are providing "patch" help... and it's working even with low ar while leveling... the same guy who made this topic..
if u check his notarmory is using at lvl 104 a CLUB t4 with only manaonattack... nothing resembling his own suggestions for the built...

Now these approaches are patches... ok... where's the endgame gear to get mana once blood thorns will starts costing 150-200mana?
Are u really gonna "umo" Dux infernum with 5x mana on attack? Use only empyrean glories with mana on attack unique mystic orbs? Using %ar crafted gears with max blessed life? This is my point... Or emppyrean glories with markmaneyes to get %ar? What are we talking about? Come with the notarmory link of ur friends?
Just a 2h with high wpn dmg to MANA LEECH? Mmm...
- Get a T4 1hand weapon with 6 sockets as honorific. Cube it with 5 x AR, 4-5 x mana on attack and insert jewels with 50% attack rating (bonus if you get flat AR on them).
--> You have a weapon with about 800% attack rating (even more if your lucky bonus applies) and 300+ mana on attack on switch (MoA is capped at 320 or something along those lines). That should work against bosses. For even more attack rating, you can add up to another 6 jewels in some shield for another 300% attack rating.
23 minutes

I didn't think about honorific (on main 1h wpn)... yeah u have a great point... btw... think about it for a 2nd on l8r game...
if u need so much manaonattack to recover what do u think u'll need to do once u hit higher lvl (I assume u'll want to use a more "suitable to boost dmg wpn" than a honorific).. so u'll either have to go for 1 strong whte wpn dmg (with mana leech somewhere) and chance to hit, or mana on attack and same thing... as basic thing... not an expectional thing presented...

Btw an honorfic wpn since lvl 1 (ar/moa) wouldn't be a bad thing to be added in:
Initial / MID / endgame gear...

thi spec in its current state really just look like a goblin staff built... good ok... just untill to get a decent lvl to switch to a working 1...
Edited by marco311 2 years.
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Dark Huntress
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marco311 wrote:
I don't give a thing about u nor ur friends...

Come with ur lvl 140 unholy paladin and show ur gear...

Is it so hard to understand?

I have an unholy melee paladin u have not... I'm lolling at u instead...

This 00%mana dude :lol:
Ice Clan
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marco311 wrote:I didn't think about honorific (on main 1h wpn)...

Yeah, honorifics are often overlooked, because most builds don't really need them. But they are really good for a few niche builds that really need that 1 specific stat. UMP is one of them.

If you socket the weapon with Ral Runes, you can also add another 20% fire spell damage with mystic orbs for a total of 38% FSD, and even more life on attack. T4 honorifics usually have a base level requirement of 24 if I remember correctly. So you can add 4 different mystic orbs and it's already a great anti-boss weapon right from level 104 onwards.

As for late game, sorry I haven't played UMP far enough, so I can't help you out in that case unfortunately.

Depending on my gear I would probably try crafting a couple of NIH jewels that have up to 8 mana/life on attack. 12 can already give your weapon/shield 96 MoA, plus the 100 you can get from mystic orbs on your weapon, and you should already be pretty fine for the most part. I would also craft those kind of jewels for runewords if you plan using some. Just to be safe.