Median XL Offline Tools v0.6.4

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Blood Golem
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There's missing image for catalyst of jewelcraft
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something its wrong or i do some wrong , i use last version , when i try to move items form inv to shared stash , they dissaper from inv but not shown in shared stahs or any other stash also skill three button shows blank window
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DOOMEX wrote:when i try to move items form inv to shared stash , they dissaper from inv but not shown in shared stahs or any other stash

attaching/uploading saves where this can be reproduced and listing exact reproduction steps would help a lot
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Jungle Hunter
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I cant figure out how,nor i can see any option once i select an item to "removing all or specific Mystic Orbs" from items,is this feature still available and if so,how does one do it ?
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zulderacul wrote:I cant figure out how,nor i can see any option once i select an item to "removing all or specific Mystic Orbs" from items,is this feature still available and if so,how does one do it ?

not available for sigma 2.x yet
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Got large signet of learning, eated it in program by right click, eat.
Now i got 416/400 additional stats Point. After saving now i cant open my char with program, got error, cheater detected, stop cheating.
Is there any way to revert this? :(
39 | 10
redicomerade wrote:Got large signet of learning, eated it in program by right click, eat.
Now i got 416/400 additional stats Point. After saving now i cant open my char with program, got error, cheater detected, stop cheating.
Is there any way to revert this? :(

The default settings produce copies of the save files prior to alterations.

These are labeled with .BAK

Remove the current files and change the .BAK ones to MXLOT.stash, sharedstash.shared, name.d2s, name.stash respectively.

Sort by most recent to use the current backups.
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Cat_IED wrote:
redicomerade wrote:Got large signet of learning, eated it in program by right click, eat.
Now i got 416/400 additional stats Point. After saving now i cant open my char with program, got error, cheater detected, stop cheating.
Is there any way to revert this? :(

The default settings produce copies of the save files prior to alterations.

These are labeled with .BAK

Remove the current files and change the .BAK ones to MXLOT.stash, sharedstash.shared, name.d2s, name.stash respectively.

Sort by most recent to use the current backups.

Yeah the problem is i didnt noticed it soon enough and played more. And now the amount of work i did in this char is too big to revert.
So if its the only way, thats bad. I got char with 16 stats Points above limit.
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redicomerade wrote:Got large signet of learning, eated it in program by right click, eat.
Now i got 416/400 additional stats Point. After saving now i cant open my char with program, got error, cheater detected, stop cheating.
Is there any way to revert this? :(

send me your char, I'll remove extra points
141 | 10
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kambala wrote:
redicomerade wrote:Got large signet of learning, eated it in program by right click, eat.
Now i got 416/400 additional stats Point. After saving now i cant open my char with program, got error, cheater detected, stop cheating.
Is there any way to revert this? :(

send me your char, I'll remove extra points

Wow thank you, will sent tommorrow, thanks!!