[Not recommended as of 2.1] Maelstrom Assassin miniguide

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Istaryu wrote:
tempmail wrote:
Istaryu wrote:The guide is gonna be updated within 1 week. From what a see in the patch notes, the build will be exactly the same as before. Whychwind might be a new addition to the build thanks to the lvl 100 upgrade for it, will have to test that tho.

What do you think now about maelstorm vs storm rows?

Storm crows is entirerly different. It is a weapon damage based build, maelstrom is dex stacking. Also it is absolutely trash for farming, since all the missiles home in on one enemy, and if the target dies, the missiles dont seek a new target, they just disappear.

Is that a change in 2.0? Because I played crows for a while (admittedly a few patches ago) and it mowed down packs in Torajan Jungles and K3KBA. Didn't seem to have any trouble and didn't look like I was killing 1 at a time.
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Captcha wrote:
Istaryu wrote:
tempmail wrote:
Istaryu wrote:The guide is gonna be updated within 1 week. From what a see in the patch notes, the build will be exactly the same as before. Whychwind might be a new addition to the build thanks to the lvl 100 upgrade for it, will have to test that tho.

What do you think now about maelstorm vs storm rows?

Storm crows is entirerly different. It is a weapon damage based build, maelstrom is dex stacking. Also it is absolutely trash for farming, since all the missiles home in on one enemy, and if the target dies, the missiles dont seek a new target, they just disappear.

Is that a change in 2.0? Because I played crows for a while (admittedly a few patches ago) and it mowed down packs in Torajan Jungles and K3KBA. Didn't seem to have any trouble and didn't look like I was killing 1 at a time.

That is how it worked a few patches ago, i guess it was changed at some point then. It is still a different build.

LonelyBloody wrote:
Istaryu wrote:
LonelyBloody wrote:All sockets should be amethysts/io runes by lvl120''

Did they change io rune ? id says attack rating for summon

Im new to Median btw did i miss somethings here ?:P

Runes and runewords were reworked this patch, its fal rune now. Because you cant downgrade runes anymore, i suggest collecting amethysts for everything but the shield, and use fal runes in shield.

Thx man :) do mercenary matter with this build ?

Just use a2 or a5 to help you tank stuff.
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I updated the first half of the guide, and added a bunch of videos. Gonna keep adding more videos as i progress. Have fun guys!
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Istaryu wrote:I updated the first half of the guide, and added a bunch of videos. Gonna keep adding more videos as i progress. Have fun guys!

It's an interesting start in the first video. I like that assa can use Ways to get high damage for low mana cost early on.

Just wondering why not use WoTS instead of the lightning one? (Does poison still prevents bosses healing as in old d2 clod?) But lightning has a lot of rng in its numbers so poison may be better? Dunno, just asking.
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Captcha wrote:
Istaryu wrote:I updated the first half of the guide, and added a bunch of videos. Gonna keep adding more videos as i progress. Have fun guys!

It's an interesting start in the first video. I like that assa can use Ways to get high damage for low mana cost early on.

Just wondering why not use WoTS instead of the lightning one? (Does poison still prevents bosses healing as in old d2 clod?) But lightning has a lot of rng in its numbers so poison may be better? Dunno, just asking.

Maelstrom is a heavily multihitting skill, poison doesnt really benefit it.
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Istaryu wrote:
Captcha wrote:
Istaryu wrote:I updated the first half of the guide, and added a bunch of videos. Gonna keep adding more videos as i progress. Have fun guys!

It's an interesting start in the first video. I like that assa can use Ways to get high damage for low mana cost early on.

Just wondering why not use WoTS instead of the lightning one? (Does poison still prevents bosses healing as in old d2 clod?) But lightning has a lot of rng in its numbers so poison may be better? Dunno, just asking.

Maelstrom is a heavily multihitting skill, poison doesnt really benefit it.

Ah ofc, poison will keep overwriting itself before the duration runs its course. Thanks! :thumb:
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Found a zol rune in torajan jungles :)
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Nice but how will you cope without "mana on striking" from

Runeword Level: 75
Adds 7-13 Damage
+(58 to 72)% Enhanced Damage
Slow Target 20%
Regenerate Mana +15%
Cold Resist +40%
Physical Damage Reduced by (11 to 15)
+(3 to 5) Mana on Striking
2% Reanimate as: Random Monster
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Captcha wrote:Nice but how will you cope without "mana on striking" from

Runeword Level: 75
Adds 7-13 Damage
+(58 to 72)% Enhanced Damage
Slow Target 20%
Regenerate Mana +15%
Cold Resist +40%
Physical Damage Reduced by (11 to 15)
+(3 to 5) Mana on Striking
2% Reanimate as: Random Monster

Malestroms mana cost was reduced greatly, it costs 76 mana at lvl 38. My mana doesnt even move when i spam it.
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Istaryu wrote:
Captcha wrote:Nice but how will you cope without "mana on striking" from

Runeword Level: 75
Adds 7-13 Damage
+(58 to 72)% Enhanced Damage
Slow Target 20%
Regenerate Mana +15%
Cold Resist +40%
Physical Damage Reduced by (11 to 15)
+(3 to 5) Mana on Striking
2% Reanimate as: Random Monster

Malestroms mana cost was reduced greatly, it costs 76 mana at lvl 38. My mana doesnt even move when i spam it.

Would've been good if they'd mentioned that in the patch notes. :|