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Stuie10786 wrote:... and you can use it with 2 other relics. You just can't use multiple of this relic.


you do realize that this is unintended and considered a bug with major abuse potential as you have shown, ty

wrong thread.
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Edited by Stuie10786 1 year.
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Stuie10786 wrote:Update the guide, needs it badly.

Which part? I was supposed to add a Hellrain-variant, not sure what else needs to be updated
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Edited by Stuie10786 1 year.
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Edited by Stuie10786 1 year.
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Stuie10786 wrote:There's a gear set that allows for pure Javazon skill, and allows gt setup by only changing your main hand.

Either way. The small gear changes boosts the performance of pure jav and allows gt spec without changing gear/sockets.

Addresses the main weaknesses of javazon being 100% deadly/high boss dmg/ridiculous aoe dmg

Sbs/wolverine/knuckles/conqueror 2p piece/black void are just poor equipment choices given the available choices.

Titans does more dmg than thrillseeker if you're getting melted, otherwise thrillseeker has a higher base/boss dmg/multi-player performance.

There's a lot more... but don't wanna overwhelm. Those changes should be adequate for showing the performance increase

It's drastic.

Ripstars only beat Knuckles with UMOs, which I purposefully leave out of all my guides. Same with GT setup, you need a relic which I almost always leave out of the guides, so there's not a huge price increase on them.

I could consider adding Arrogance, but the trophies required are a huge investment. Not sure a guide meant for new players is the best place for such a recommendation.

Angelic Touch
Angelic Touch

Runeword Level: 120
+1000 Life Regenerated per Second While Under 7000 Life
(3 to 5)% Life stolen per Hit
(3 to 5)% Deadly Strike
+(200 to 220)% Enhanced Defense
+5000 Defense
(25 to 30)% to Strength
Maximum Life and Mana +(7 to 9)%
should maybe be added, although the runes required are steep..
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fuppy wrote:
Stuie10786 wrote:There's a gear set that allows for pure Javazon skill, and allows gt setup by only changing your main hand.

Either way. The small gear changes boosts the performance of pure jav and allows gt spec without changing gear/sockets.

Addresses the main weaknesses of javazon being 100% deadly/high boss dmg/ridiculous aoe dmg

Sbs/wolverine/knuckles/conqueror 2p piece/black void are just poor equipment choices given the available choices.

Titans does more dmg than thrillseeker if you're getting melted, otherwise thrillseeker has a higher base/boss dmg/multi-player performance.

There's a lot more... but don't wanna overwhelm. Those changes should be adequate for showing the performance increase

It's drastic.

Ripstars only beat Knuckles with UMOs, which I purposefully leave out of all my guides. Same with GT setup, you need a relic which I almost always leave out of the guides, so there's not a huge price increase on them.

I could consider adding Arrogance, but the trophies required are a huge investment. Not sure a guide meant for new players is the best place for such a recommendation.

Angelic Touch
Angelic Touch

Runeword Level: 120
+1000 Life Regenerated per Second While Under 7000 Life
(3 to 5)% Life stolen per Hit
(3 to 5)% Deadly Strike
+(200 to 220)% Enhanced Defense
+5000 Defense
(25 to 30)% to Strength
Maximum Life and Mana +(7 to 9)%
should maybe be added, although the runes required are steep..

GT/Javazon is not that great, if u compare it to GT nec/GT barb/GT Azure pally, not to mention scorpion sin/mana wolf/physical bear/poison dru/wyrd sorc this season. Ofc, it is surely a good bd. I played GT zon last season with full UMO gear. And I would say, it is just normally good.

Expose weakness being a curse from last patch hurts her boss damage a lot, and even more in labs. And the nerf for Tantrum also kills the Valkyrie's Prime bowzon going java passives and other Tantrum builds. Not to mention the nerf for Crystal of Tears...

Last season only Crescent Moon crystal sword GT zon/Ice Breaker Stag Bow zon which are abusing IED base bug can be called great. And this season, maybe only with the new relic bug. If no bug abusing, I dont think Java/GT zon in 2.3/2.4 version is still that great like in 2.2.
Edited by cnlnjzfjb 1 year.
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About slow attacker and slow target.

If I have 50% slow thanks to defensive harmony and 25% slow from items, what happens if I hit an slowed mob (by DH)? He is slowed by 50? 25%? 75%?

Next question about DH (50%) and spellbind. Spell bind slow mobs by 30%. A spellbinded Baal is slowed by 50%? Or only 30%?

Final question: If I have 25% slow target and I apply spellbind (30%), then I hit again Baal.... he is slowed by 30% (by the duration of spelllbind) , or 25%? Or 55%?
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I don't think slow stacks, I'm guessing the most powerful one will overwrite and can't be overwritten by a smaller slow. siosilvar should correct me if I'm wrong on this, any second now.