Lemures Ritualist (UHM)

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Honorific crafted/blessed gloves and boots /Mo-ed are better than most of listed items, except for BiS items of course. You can even MO your honorific up to level 130 but then you can use only
Storm Shard
Storm Shard

Required Level: 20
Item Level: 20
Can be Inserted into Socketed Items
+(5 to 10) Spell Focus
+(1 to 2)% to Spell Damage
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Ruubel wrote:Honorific crafted/blessed gloves and boots /Mo-ed are better than most of listed items, except for BiS items of course. You can even MO your honorific up to level 130 but then you can use only
Storm Shard
Storm Shard

Required Level: 20
Item Level: 20
Can be Inserted into Socketed Items
+(5 to 10) Spell Focus
+(1 to 2)% to Spell Damage

maybe in terms of pure damage. But the perfectly honorific crafted boot will not give my a +25% vitality (which comes out to be over 1000 HP). A drop in 1000 health isn't worth an extra 100 tooltop damage IMO.
Cow Ninja
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PitStains wrote:
Ruubel wrote:Honorific crafted/blessed gloves and boots /Mo-ed are better than most of listed items, except for BiS items of course. You can even MO your honorific up to level 130 but then you can use only
Storm Shard
Storm Shard

Required Level: 20
Item Level: 20
Can be Inserted into Socketed Items
+(5 to 10) Spell Focus
+(1 to 2)% to Spell Damage

maybe in terms of pure damage. But the perfectly honorific crafted boot will not give my a +25% vitality (which comes out to be over 1000 HP). A drop in 1000 health isn't worth an extra 100 tooltop damage IMO.

Sure they will. 5x
Periapt of Life
Periapt of Life
Mystic Orb

Right-Click to Apply
4% to Vitality
+40 Life Regenerated per Second
+10 Required Level
is 40% vitality, even.

But if you're making UMO projects you probably have better endgame builds to play than UHM.
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First of all, great guide. I came here to make a Lemures guide but saw yours so I think i'll just give my thoughts and you can chopose to incorporate some or not. I may make an end game only miniguide later.

I just played UHM for the second time on ladder through to end game. ( I did everything but Labs 6-10, deimoss and Sam)

All things below are considering mediocre access to UMO's because its possible that hono's +umos may be BIS in some cases but I haven't considered it or tried it.

General things that people don't always know that I didn't see in the guide (apologies if I missed them):
- Vitality works for damage identically as energy on other spell casters. So extra vit stacking beyond around 2100 isn't really worth it. 16k life is plenty for max pierce (160% for free from sanguine covenant) given your life ball really is your sustain per second rather than your max life. I still put every single stat into vitality, but it means that skill/gear choices that buff vita are more complicated (eg, I use only 1 skill in stormlord end game after maxing it early)
- I targeted 50k AR end game and, anecdotally, I thought I noticed a difference between 40k and 50k AR in scolsglen speed but I didn't test it properly tbh. I hit this with something like 4-5 4%/SF/%ar jewels, 1 skill in stormlord and a 100%ar base for skylord.
- If it's the start of season and/or someone cares about speed; Neutraldin is a faster leveler. I was leveling with a mate playing neutral and I was surprised just how easy he had it. When I play it again i'll be neutral until I get skylord.

Item choices:
- Sacred Base is better for Skylord Holy Lance than T4 as of current version because you can corrupt runewords in sacred bases but NOT runewords in T4 bases.
- Skylord is BIS even in end game; the damage increase is absurd even on clearing; it ~tripled my clear speed compared to any other option.
- + skills is so important for this build because lemures scales off soft points.
- Crafted jewels: AR% is better than raw attack rating; I think due to the AR boost from possession.
- I do not rate the celestial crown at all. Even a basic craft/Set helm will do more damage. This season I used +4 skills, Ignus Fattus + spellbind proc craft (unreal I know). Ignus is so powerful that I think it's correct to just craft every extra shrine and bless with sacred. +4 and Ignus is massive.
- While on hats, Indigo is trash imo; I used Endless pride for Labbing (I didn't even need the +max res for scolsglen but it's great for labs), until I crafted my hat. Them I looked at getting +max elsewhere.
- Nats is probably BIS if you can roll +4/+3 with some Phy res to save points from Black road passive. Icetomb is way better than the other options listed and arkaine's valor is surprisingly good due to synergy with possession. I used it in labs for 10% extra Phys res stacking because I didn't have a Nats and it gave 1.5kish life with a loss of 1k damage from char screen. It's sad that you just can't craft an armor that is good for this build due to Spell damage % not rolling and flat life being mediocre.
- Winter avatar relic is really good: +1max cold with cold spell damage. Frozen Heart is best relic and fire dance is super good (probs second best) because it lets you use lamha on bosses without a damage drop.
- Lamha is best gloves as you say mainly due to QOL but, Lorekeeper are higher damage for stationary bosses when you don't have fire dance relic.
- Lotteried Seal of NK ring (accessible now due to boxes) is a really good end game ring. I was using adrenaline rush and a random trash ring but it'd be interesting to see if +3skill neph does more damage than a +1skill +15%cold spell dmg rare.
- I'm not in love with your amulet options. Black dwarf is worse than any +4 skill +cold spell% rare. Lamen with +5 should be decent. And death ward is a an underrated amulet for this build (can be +4 skills with +1max res). BIS is probs mythal proc on a +4 with cold sd% but amulet is one of our weakest slots so I quite like death ward. I figure getting +max on your shit slots saves your good slots for DPS.
- Binding treads are much better than spirit walker imo due to ease of corruption due to price (+ SF isn;t hard to come by end game). Binding treads are super cheap due to being unusable on any other build so you can buy plenty of +2/50ms ones to corrupt.
- At high levels Dunc trophy is clearly best on sleep; the MOMA is super useful once your mana costs and damage go up in zones with bosses/mobs with decent avoid.

- I was able to get 60% move speed with only 8 skills in spark of hope in end game.
- Specialisation is a must have end game for this build imo: At level 135+ I put 1 point in storm lord (Extra points in this aren't really that helpful once all your charms get your gear on and your AR to ~50k). After pushing lemures and Covenant to 30 I dumped all remaining points in blood thorns because superbeast gains +1.25% spell damage for each point in blood thorns. It cost me less than 1k life to do this. I ended up with 16k life, 13k lemures with no relics on (missing only Sam and deimoss charms, I also had the wrong sleep (SF from early on when I didn't have capped jewels).

For uber's This was my experiences: :
I'll leave out once where I don't have any relevant thoughts. I found almost everything (Fuck astro) up to 135 pretty easy. Exceptions + differences to your experience I will list below:
- I found tran athula really easy with Max Phys res passive, skylord and hitting my speed cap. The possession passive should hold you in good stead vs arrow procs.
- Kabraxis is one star easy. Took about 1 minute when I hit 120 with mediocre gear and when I came back to farm a +1max all later he took about 15 seconds a run with 0 deaths ever.
- Jday is a piece of cake and I trophy farmed it right away; just don't be greedy so you don't risk dying when your sustain drops after you kill a fella and do the bosses in the right order (right portal, then left)
- This char is very good at legion. I always did it on max difficulty and only ever died once. Your life sustain + avoid is too good if you move around correctly so that you're not in the middle but always have something to attack.
- I found dunc very hard also; so much so that I leveled 120-125 in Teganze and triune; both of which I found super easy and fast clear speed.
- Kingdom of shadow is fine; just make sure you have decent movement speed and some potions + your innate life regen buff spell. If someone struggles, they can respec UHC or neutral, but I wouldn't bother. I ran around for like 10 mins struggling to find the new witch location at 125 and had no dramas without gear changes.
- Baal is cruisy as; your single target is just too good. I didn't even bother moving away when he spawned immunity bosses (unless more than 2) due to life sustain +skylord letting me just blast through.
- Lord of lies: I think this build is very good for it because you don't even need to find the rat, just blast any clone and lemures explosion nails him if he's nearby. I agree with your assessment of mobs; just clear everything around him first.
- Astro is nigh impossible. I respec'd into UHC and used thunder stone from Basiliks Hide to do astro; fuck that guy; buy the charm. The trophy is useless to us, fortunately as we overcap pierce for free.
- Xazax was odd: I struggled the first time; but once I came back with a bit higher damage output he was cruisy. Even though I struggled at 125 missing heaps of gear, it was still able to be done first try within the time frame.
- Ghost of old bremm: For some reason I had no issues with this uber; doing the trophy early on which requires <30 seconds. It 'should' be hard due to our shit def but the freeze off divine apparition is nuts and it allowed me to be super greedy. Again, no gear changes and no worries but this perplexes me as on paper, this should be a hard uber for us.
- Yshari boss: Paladin is amazing for it, especially off a passive, neutral respec. It's just a skill fight, but I think any player with some direction and practice will get the hang of it fast.
- Vizjun: I initially farmed trophy in spec for chaotic spark but when I tried it again later it was pretty easy for UHM. Max Blessed life passive again as the DR really counts vs these fuckers. Can use arkaines valor for extra def or gear switch for bear stance for more def, but I found I was fine with whatever my def was: ~75kish from memory.
-The sleep: UHM smashes this uber with the new change, just drag her away from packs of witches and Left click her namelocked and it's over quickly. I had 0 deaths farming my +1max.
- Spirit world: Another skill uber but UHM is quite well suited due to our sensational sustain. DPS is important but you will never die in here if you just be careful of getting caught by 30 light balls. Can drag boss away to isolate him or to clean up areas if it gets congested.
- Invasion 3: UHM is really good at it because you can ignore the holy fire due to life sustain. Again a skill uber and the gimmick is challenging but we have all the tools to be able to do it.
- Void: I just bought the charm because they're so cheap early and I thought lemures would be bad for it due to lilith positioning as you mentioned. Probs easy to trophy farm with a UHC/Neutr respec or if you're especially skilled at the uber (I am not). All the stages should be fine due to our sustain.
- Uldysian: Easy fucken peasy. Just attack him and he dies haha. Dodge death strike if you want to; you can survive a decent chunk of them with 30 points in Sanguine+ decent life.

Laz: I don't like UHM in here because while doing cleanup on mobs you can accidentally die. This is my short laz guide for anyone on UHM Paladin:
- Enchanted Craft a crystal sword with slow target 20+. Put a Ber rune in it if it is below 25% until you have 25% slow.
- Enchanted Craft a Paladin shield with Bear stance.
- Enchated craft body armor with good Magic res.
- Lems/Rubies in everything. Enchanted bless everything.
- Respec into: Max spark of hope, max blessed life, max ward of fate + speed passive, max mind flay (for cleanup), max tainted blood, Max life passive, rest wherever you want. All stats in Vit. 1 skill in apparition but WITHOUT damage (totem risk is bad).
- Watch a video on general Laz approach, how to walk, when to dash then teleport to escape him so you can come back and clean up.
- Be conservative until you're good at it: It's a skill uber but Paladin is one of the best, maybe best, class for it so it's very farmable. Great trophy too.

Scolsglen: Very fast due to amazing sustain allowing you to be reckless and sensational single target damage: I just ignore trash mobs and hunt etherborns/trees/druids/11th eye. Everything but seer is cruisy (Seer requires you to hit and run repetitively and not stand still for long); werewolf can kill you so make a portal but he/she has low life.
New Boss in scolsglen: Sescheron's destroyer;
- Very easy. Don't bother trying to stack max res for him. He has tons of life, so just go DPS and expect to die when winter storm happens. He will rarely kill you with anything else and his soulstealer doesn't seem to activate off winter storm. Your sustain holds everything else.

Labs 1-5: Cake walk, don't even really need max res stuff. Just make sure you have 60% phys res.

Labs 6 onward. This season I stopped playing before going through all of labs as I was getting bored and didn't wanna farm a nats armor. But i'll test it with a nats on single player and report back at some stage (ping me if I don't). I expect Labs may possibly be doable all the way through with proper gear, 90% res and stacked res. Phoboss should be easy due to us being melee. Not sure about Deimoss; probs need to respec into some oskill UMO scam build for it but we might be decent if we can get our damage high enough.

I have completed labs on a few other characters in the past but not enough that i'm certain UHM can do it.

Samael should be doable for an appropriately skilled player in the right gear. I haven't done it on UHM.
Cow Ninja
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Enigma wrote:-long post-

Lots of good thoughts here.

I agree on vita partially. Going down to 1 stormlord is a reasonable choice once you have charms to cover stats, and I don't think I believe everyone telling me that %vita is their best damage stat. Nephilim and a bit of % vita elsewhere to hit 15k life before you assemble a wormhole is solid and is mostly what I've focused on; I might end up removing quiet shrine from craft recommendations though.

50k AR sounds about right for Scos.

Made some gear changes based on your suggestions, but I think you overestimate +skills. It's good, but every +1 skills is just 1.4% of the slvl 28 damage. Specialization is probably worth it, though, and has been on the list of things I wanted to try out if/when I continue the build.
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Awesome advice. Bunch of this stuff I've never heard of. This really only my first time into late-endgame content. Can you help me understand?

Enigma wrote:Helm Crafting - FIgnus Fattus and Spellbind

Assuming you mean Ignis Fatuus, based on a quick search. But, I'm not even sure what what this is. I think I see it boosts spell focus and fire damage? Is this a passive skill, or active buff, or what? Does it need to be cast ever XX seconds like our other buffs?

And same with Spellbind. I think I see this is a Curse the is applied to enemies that weaken them. Is the correct?

Enigma wrote:Nats is probably BIS

Not sure what item you're referring to here.

Enigma wrote:corrupt

What corrupt rolls were you looking for on Scared Holy Lance Base?

What corrupt rolls were you looking for on Binding Treads?

Enigma wrote:superbeast gains +1.25% spell damage for each point in blood thorns.

Mind blown. I don't know how I missed that. Going to respec now.

Enigma wrote:Icetomb

I feel like Robe of Steel is much better because of the % spell focus. Is the "cannot be frozen" on Icetomb worth that much?

Enigma wrote:Lorekeeper

What does Firedance skill do? Curse/spell/buff/etc? Something you have to actively cast?

Enigma wrote:Frozen Heart

What does Frozen Heart skill do? Curse/spell/buff/etc? Something you have to actively cast? I see it on some relics as "+10 to Frozen Heart while Carrying Periodic Relics" - I don't even know what that means either.
Edited by PitStains 2 years.
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Siosilvar wrote:Made some gear changes based on your suggestions, but I think you overestimate +skills. It's good, but every +1 skills is just 1.4% of the slvl 28 damage. Specialization is probably worth it, though, and has been on the list of things I wanted to try out if/when I continue the build.

I agree. I've played around with some rare amulets. I found just a little bit of Spell Focus and/or Spell Damage easily outweighs +1 skill when comparing tooltip damage.
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Siosilvar wrote:
Enigma wrote:-long post-

Lots of good thoughts here.

I agree on vita partially. Going down to 1 stormlord is a reasonable choice once you have charms to cover stats, and I don't think I believe everyone telling me that %vita is their best damage stat. Nephilim and a bit of % vita elsewhere to hit 15k life before you assemble a wormhole is solid and is mostly what I've focused on; I might end up removing quiet shrine from craft recommendations though.

50k AR sounds about right for Scos.

Made some gear changes based on your suggestions, but I think you overestimate +skills. It's good, but every +1 skills is just 1.4% of the slvl 28 damage. Specialization is probably worth it, though, and has been on the list of things I wanted to try out if/when I continue the build.

I may toss it together on single player and test some stuff to look at comparable value of + skills to cold spell damage in typical situations. I may very well over estimate + skills: I used +2pala+golden cycle wormhole this season too.

PitStains wrote:
Siosilvar wrote:Made some gear changes based on your suggestions, but I think you overestimate +skills. It's good, but every +1 skills is just 1.4% of the slvl 28 damage. Specialization is probably worth it, though, and has been on the list of things I wanted to try out if/when I continue the build.

I agree. I've played around with some rare amulets. I found just a little bit of Spell Focus and/or Spell Damage easily outweighs +1 skill when comparing tooltip damage.

Spell focus does tons until you hit the cap though. I found I easily hit SF cap in end game and jewels seem like the most economical spot t to get it from.

PitStains wrote:Awesome advice. Bunch of this stuff I've never heard of. This really only my first time into late-endgame content. Can you help me understand?

Enigma wrote:Helm Crafting - FIgnus Fattus and Spellbind

Assuming you mean Ignis Fatuus, based on a quick search. But, I'm not even sure what what this is. I think I see it boosts spell focus and fire damage? Is this a passive skill, or active buff, or what? Does it need to be cast ever XX seconds like our other buffs?

And same with Spellbind. I think I see this is a Curse the is applied to enemies that weaken them. Is the correct?

Enigma wrote:Nats is probably BIS

Not sure what item you're referring to here.

Enigma wrote:corrupt

What corrupt rolls were you looking for on Scared Holy Lance Base?

What corrupt rolls were you looking for on Binding Treads?

Enigma wrote:superbeast gains +1.25% spell damage for each point in blood thorns.

Mind blown. I don't know how I missed that. Going to respec now.

Enigma wrote:Icetomb

I feel like Robe of Steel is much better because of the % spell focus. Is the "cannot be frozen" on Icetomb worth that much?

Enigma wrote:Lorekeeper

What does Firedance skill do? Curse/spell/buff/etc? Something you have to actively cast?

Enigma wrote:Frozen Heart

What does Frozen Heart skill do? Curse/spell/buff/etc? Something you have to actively cast? I see it on some relics as "+10 to Frozen Heart while Carrying Periodic Relics" - I don't even know what that means either.

- Ignis Fatuus (sorry for typo before), is a buff that does ~200SF at the cost of 60 odd negative fire resist for a lemures paladin; Any fire damage buff isn't helpful. It lasts a few minutes so you can prebuff it, but I don't enjoy fooling around with gear switches except weapons which I can hotkey. It still lasts longer than my spark of hope though.
- Spell bind is indeed a powerful curse that weakens and slows enemies. It's one of the Amazon reward skills so you can check it out in game on an Amazon.
- Natasha's legacy is a unique crafted item (like the sky siege bow), it requires 6 of each ele rune + 6 more runestones and a design. It rolls: 0-4 skills, 0-3+max res, 1-25 pierce all, 1-(something, I think 20) Physical resists; it has no sockets though and is level 120.
- As far as I know, all corrupt rolls roll on all items that are corruptible (this could be wrong though). I was looking for anything useful: +max res is best, + spell damage is very good +vit/life is good. I rolled a 20% movement speed corruption on one of my skylords, which is decent.
- Yep, Superbeast spell damage went unnoticed by me for awhile too. It's almost hidden haha because I just know Superbeast is a 1 pointer so I assumed there was no synergy.
- Icetomb is better than Robe of steel if hitting your SF cap isn't an issue because it has the highest %cold damage buff in the game and +2 skills. The nature of UHM means that we get to ignore pierce as a damage multiplier, so once your SF hit's the cap of 1k and vita hits 2.1k the only damage multipliers left are + skills and Cold spell damage%; Icetomb seems to be the best for that.
- Cannot be frozen is a very good mod and necessary in Labs. Icetomb having it is a nice bonus but it can be gotten elsewhere.
-Fire dance is a spell that puts a ring of fire around you. You get a ton of %spell damage while standing in the ring (something bonkers like 60% IIRC). It's one of the reasons Lorekeeper is a serious contender glove for bossing to Lamha. That said, getting so much SF in a gloves slot from Lamha is too good to ignore, + fire dance slows you down while clearing so Lamha is better while clearing generally.
- Sorry, I got my wires crossed on frozen heart. I think it's Raven Heart. The one I'm thinking of does +60% cold spell damage at the cost of substantial negative life regen (which we than make inert due to our 1.5kish Life on Melee attack). Yea, the periodic relics are buffs that give frozen heart if you have them all; I'm not sure what frozen heart does but the 3 buffs from those relics are mediocre (Nova charge is good for dex based chars, other 2 are trash)
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Malus Domestica
Malus Domestica
Club (Sacred)

One-Hand Damage: 41 to 42
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 376
Item Level: 105
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
Increased Healing Rate from Apples by 100%
Apple Healing Effect While Equipped
+(0 to 2) to All Skills
+50% Damage to Undead
(11 to 20)% to Vitality
+(1 to 1000) to Life
Maximum Life +3%
Physical Resist (6 to 10)%
10% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (3)
+ a good shield for heavy vit scaling as an early/budget option? Skylord feels strangely cheap to make for how powerful it is, but I was wondering if you could get close with a 1h+shield setup using malus.
Thoughts on
Hammer of Jholm
Hammer of Jholm
Great Maul (Sacred)

Two-Hand Damage: 76 to 89
Required Level: 100
Required Strength:
Item Level: 120
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
While Using Windform:
Adds 3 - 5 Fire Damage per 20 Attributes
Adds 3 - 5 Lightning Damage per 20 Attributes
+200% to Fire and Lightning Spell Damage
-1% to Enemy Fire and Lightning Resists per 60 Attributes
15% Chance to cast level 60 Nova on Melee Attack
15% Chance to cast level 63 Apocalypse on Melee Attack
120% Attack Speed
+50% Damage to Undead
+20 to Windform
Requirements +100%
Socketed (6)
? Seems like it could have potential with superbeast frames and UHM melee benefits.
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magz_ wrote: Thoughts on
Hammer of Jholm
Hammer of Jholm
Great Maul (Sacred)

Two-Hand Damage: 76 to 89
Required Level: 100
Required Strength:
Item Level: 120
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
While Using Windform:
Adds 3 - 5 Fire Damage per 20 Attributes
Adds 3 - 5 Lightning Damage per 20 Attributes
+200% to Fire and Lightning Spell Damage
-1% to Enemy Fire and Lightning Resists per 60 Attributes
15% Chance to cast level 60 Nova on Melee Attack
15% Chance to cast level 63 Apocalypse on Melee Attack
120% Attack Speed
+50% Damage to Undead
+20 to Windform
Requirements +100%
Socketed (6)
? Seems like it could have potential with superbeast frames and UHM melee benefits.

I suspect that grim presence and windform do not go along with eachother. Somebody might test it.