The Wolf's Return: Phys Werewolf Druid

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Physical Werewolf

Last Updated for Median XL Sigma 2.4.2

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Stats & Skills | Earlygame Gear | Midgame Gear | Lategame Gear


It's finally time. Strength wolf is back with a vengeance.

2.4 gave the build two very nice buffs. The first, which is directly in the wolf tree, is that you get a little bit of cold pierce from life leech. It's not much, but the build's farming skill is 75% (or more) converted to cold, so it helps get damage up to at least equal to the tooltip. The second, and more important change, is the addition of the Primal Bond passive to the Hunter skill tree, which is a huge EWD buff we can spend our skill points on instead of scaling the flat cold damage of Harbinger and Twisted Claw.

To get Primal Bond to maximum value, you need 4 prerequisites, 25 points in Bear Companion, 12 points in Primal Bond, and 150% summoned minion resistance. That might sound a little intimidating, but it's really not.

► Sources of Minion Resist

There are several alternative ways to build the wolf which won't be covered here:
- Hybrid wolf (similar to this build but maxing Harbinger and Twisted Claw for flat cold damage instead of going for Primal Bond)
- Cold wolf / dex wolf (crystal sword build)
- Mana wolf (
Azgar's Crystal
Azgar's Crystal
Giant Sword (Sacred)

One-Hand Damage: 42 to 45
Two-Hand Damage: 65 to 67
(Druid Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 480
Item Level: 130
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
While in Werewolf Form:
Adds 50% of Current Mana as Cold Damage
100% Attack Speed
150% Bonus to Attack Rating
-100% to Enemy Cold Resistance
Maximum Cold Resist +(2 to 5)%
Cannot Be Frozen
Socketed (4)


  • Blazing fast farming, especially when geared up.
  • Good sustain from life leech (even with harbinger cold conversion).
  • Harbinger converts to cold, so unlike many physical builds you benefit from pierce for farming and can pretty easily kill Necrobots.
  • Pretty good bossing. Not the best, but decent.


  • On the squishy side for a melee build, particularly lacking physical resist without gear.
  • Normal is a little bit of a struggle but can be gotten through with a flat damage weapon.
  • Skill point intensive, doesn't leave much room for creativity there.
  • Potential issues for photosensitive epilepsy (teleports 5 times per second).


Use the Speed Calculator for up-to-date information. Be sure to look at the speeds for Werewolf, not Druid.

Werewolf Breakpoints

Hit Recovery: (4 fpa) 42 / 86 / 280 (2 fpa)
Cast Speed: (12 fpa) 40 / 60 / 95 / 157 (9 fpa)
You have faster casting outside of wolf form, but it's never worth it to switch forms back and forth while in combat.

Attack Speed [-20] (3 socket 1H Swords): 102 (5 fpa)
Attack Speed [-15] (Crystal Sword): 120 (5 fpa)
Attack Speed [-10] (Broad Sword, Long Sword): 142 (5 fpa)
Attack Speed [5] (4 socket 2H Swords): (6 fpa) 102 / 240 (5 fpa)
Attack Speed [15] (Flamberge, Greatsword): (6 fpa) 142 / 360 (5 fpa)

Build Overview


Strength: Everything else
Dexterity: 100-150 for attack rating and shield requirements
Vitality: None
Energy: None


Put 1 point in either Melee Devotion (disables bear) or Heart of the Pack (requires bear), not both.

For high labs (7+), you can drop Symbiosis to 1 and increase Harvesters to 20. The avoid penalty after being hit drops you down to 10% anyway.

1 Harvest (prereq)
Max Barkskin
1 Harvesters (prereq) - 20 in labs 7+ for the synergy with Symbiosis
7 Growth

20 Werewolf Form
1 Mana Pulse
6 Ceaseless Fury
1 Harbinger
1 Feed the Pack
1 Twisted Claw
7 Feral Escalation

1 Steady Shot, Cascade, Erupting Strike, Heartseeker (prereqs)
25 Bear Companion
12 Primal Bond
1 Heart of the Pack (optional, do not take with Melee Devotion)

15 Vine Companion
15 Symbiosis - 1 in labs 7+, put the points into Harvesters

5 Tenacity
1 Melee Devotion (optional, do not take with Heart of the Pack - I prefer to not take this before Scosglen if at all)

► Skillplan

Leveling and Early Game Gear

Snapshot: Tran Athulua speedfarming to level 122

  • 1-50: Prioritize getting some flat damage. Tier 1 Crystal Sword at level 15-19 → Tier 2
    Finis Terra
    Finis Terra
    Falchion (4)

    One-Hand Damage: (7 - 8) to (8 - 9)
    Required Level: 5
    Required Strength: 49
    Item Level: 10
    Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
    2% Chance to cast level 2 Shower of Rocks on Melee Attack
    Adds 5-8 Fire Damage
    Adds 5-8 Lightning Damage
    Adds 5-8 Cold Damage
    +(24 to 40)% Enhanced Damage
    Fire Resist +(11 to 15)%
    Poison Resist +(11 to 15)%
    Socketed (1)
    One-Hand Damage: (22 - 24) to (25 - 28)
    Required Level: 24
    Required Strength: 79
    Item Level: 31
    Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
    4% Chance to cast level 6 Shower of Rocks on Melee Attack
    Adds 15-25 Fire Damage
    Adds 15-25 Lightning Damage
    Adds 15-25 Cold Damage
    +(58 to 75)% Enhanced Damage
    Fire Resist +(21 to 25)%
    Poison Resist +(21 to 25)%
    Socketed (2)
    One-Hand Damage: (42 - 45) to (49 - 54)
    Required Level: 42
    Required Strength: 160
    Item Level: 51
    Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
    6% Chance to cast level 10 Shower of Rocks on Melee Attack
    Adds 45-75 Fire Damage
    Adds 45-75 Lightning Damage
    Adds 45-75 Cold Damage
    +(92 to 109)% Enhanced Damage
    Fire Resist +(31 to 35)%
    Poison Resist +(31 to 35)%
    Socketed (3)
    One-Hand Damage: (54 - 58) to (64 - 70)
    Required Level: 52
    Required Strength: 319
    Item Level: 77
    Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
    8% Chance to cast level 12 Shower of Rocks on Melee Attack
    Adds 140-220 Fire Damage
    Adds 140-220 Lightning Damage
    Adds 140-220 Cold Damage
    +(109 to 126)% Enhanced Damage
    Fire Resist +(36 to 40)%
    Poison Resist +(36 to 40)%
    Socketed (3)
    Crystal Sword (4)

    Required Level: 11
    Required Dexterity: 73
    Item Level: 19
    Innate Cold Damage:
    (10.0% of Dexterity)
    +1 to Paladin Skill Levels
    +1 to Druid Skill Levels
    15% Attack Speed
    Adds 5-6 Cold Damage
    -(3 to 5)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
    (3 to 5)% to Dexterity
    Physical Damage Reduced by (5 to 10)
    Socketed (2)
    Required Level: 30
    Required Dexterity: 110
    Item Level: 36
    Innate Cold Damage:
    (15.0% of Dexterity)
    +2 to Paladin Skill Levels
    +2 to Druid Skill Levels
    30% Attack Speed
    Adds 14-20 Cold Damage
    -(6 to 10)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
    (9 to 11)% to Dexterity
    Physical Damage Reduced by (15 to 25)
    Socketed (4)
    Required Level: 48
    Required Dexterity: 216
    Item Level: 59
    Innate Cold Damage:
    (20.0% of Dexterity)
    +3 to Paladin Skill Levels
    +3 to Druid Skill Levels
    45% Attack Speed
    Adds 40-60 Cold Damage
    -(11 to 15)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
    (15 to 17)% to Dexterity
    Physical Damage Reduced by (31 to 40)
    Socketed (5)
    Required Level: 57
    Required Dexterity: 427
    Item Level: 85
    Innate Cold Damage:
    (25.0% of Dexterity)
    +4 to Paladin Skill Levels
    +4 to Druid Skill Levels
    60% Attack Speed
    Adds 120-160 Cold Damage
    -(16 to 20)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
    (18 to 20)% to Dexterity
    Physical Damage Reduced by (41 to 50)
    Socketed (6)
    if you find one or need some more help through leveling
  • Once you start getting a fair amount of %damage from Primal Bond at 50-60ish, start using
    Raptor Beak
    Raptor Beak
    Broad Sword (4)

    One-Hand Damage: (9 - 11) to (22 - 24)
    Required Level: 6
    Required Strength: 61
    Item Level: 19
    Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
    20% Attack Speed
    +10 to Maximum Damage
    +(41 to 60)% Enhanced Damage
    +(11 to 15) to Vitality
    +1 Mana on Striking
    +(11 to 15) Life when Struck by an Enemy
    (4 to 7)% Gold Find
    Socketed (2)
    One-Hand Damage: (25 - 28) to (49 - 52)
    Required Level: 25
    Required Strength: 95
    Item Level: 36
    Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
    30% Attack Speed
    +20 to Maximum Damage
    +(71 to 90)% Enhanced Damage
    +(21 to 25) to Vitality
    +1 Mana on Striking
    +(21 to 40) Life when Struck by an Enemy
    (9 to 12)% Gold Find
    Socketed (4)
    One-Hand Damage: (50 - 55) to (88 - 93)
    Required Level: 44
    Required Strength: 188
    Item Level: 51
    Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
    40% Attack Speed
    +30 to Maximum Damage
    +(101 to 120)% Enhanced Damage
    +(31 to 35) to Vitality
    +1 Mana on Striking
    +(51 to 70) Life when Struck by an Enemy
    (14 to 17)% Gold Find
    Socketed (5)
    One-Hand Damage: (66 - 72) to (120 - 127)
    Required Level: 53
    Required Strength: 373
    Item Level: 85
    Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
    50% Attack Speed
    +40 to Maximum Damage
    +(131 to 150)% Enhanced Damage
    +(36 to 40) to Vitality
    +1 Mana on Striking
    +(81 to 100) Life when Struck by an Enemy
    (17 to 19)% Gold Find
    Socketed (6)
    The Dao of Xiansai
    The Dao of Xiansai
    Great Sword (4)

    One-Hand Damage: (10 - 12) to (27 - 39)
    Two-Hand Damage: (17 - 20) to (33 - 46)
    Required Level: 11
    Required Strength: 105
    Item Level: 29
    Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
    +1 to All Skills
    15% Attack Speed
    15% Hit Recovery
    +(15 to 25) to Maximum Damage
    (51 to 75)% Bonus to Attack Rating
    +(18 to 35)% Enhanced Damage
    +(101 to 150) Defense
    +1% to Experience Gained
    Socketed (2)
    One-Hand Damage: (28 - 32) to (65 - 78)
    Two-Hand Damage: (50 - 55) to (84 - 99)
    Required Level: 29
    Required Strength: 151
    Item Level: 40
    Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
    +2 to All Skills
    25% Attack Speed
    25% Hit Recovery
    +(31 to 40) to Maximum Damage
    (101 to 125)% Bonus to Attack Rating
    +(52 to 69)% Enhanced Damage
    +(201 to 250) Defense
    +2% to Experience Gained
    Socketed (4)
    One-Hand Damage: (59 - 64) to (123 - 149)
    Two-Hand Damage: (114 - 123) to (172 - 201)
    Required Level: 49
    Required Strength: 291
    Item Level: 67
    Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
    +3 to All Skills
    35% Attack Speed
    35% Hit Recovery
    +(51 to 70) to Maximum Damage
    (151 to 175)% Bonus to Attack Rating
    +(87 to 103)% Enhanced Damage
    +(301 to 350) Defense
    +2% to Experience Gained
    Socketed (5)
    One-Hand Damage: (77 - 83) to (166 - 193)
    Two-Hand Damage: (148 - 160) to (228 - 259)
    Required Level: 57
    Required Strength: 570
    Item Level: 85
    Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
    +4 to All Skills
    40% Attack Speed
    40% Hit Recovery
    +(71 to 90) to Maximum Damage
    (176 to 200)% Bonus to Attack Rating
    +(104 to 120)% Enhanced Damage
    +(351 to 400) Defense
    +3% to Experience Gained
    Socketed (6)
    (your preference, either is fine)
  • Goal for Hell is
    Crescent Moon

    Crescent Moon
    One-Handed Swords

    Runeword Level: 80
    2% Chance to cast level 1 Devastation on Kill
    75% Attack Speed
    Adds (40 to 50)-(75 to 85) Damage
    +(155 to 175)% Enhanced Damage
    (1 to 5)% Chance of Crushing Blow
    +(30 to 40) to all Attributes
    Elemental Resists +(11 to 15)%
    +1 Life on Striking
    (15 to 20)% Weapon Damage Taken Restores Mana
    Sacred Long Sword (pre-MO with Enhanced Damage)
Buckler (4)

Defense: (29 - 31) to (47 - 50)
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 1
Required Strength: 10
Required Dexterity: 17
Item Level: 1
+0.3125 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
+(21 to 30)% Enhanced Defense
+(11 to 15) to Strength
+(11 to 15) to Dexterity
Socketed (1)
Defense: (149 - 169) to (188 - 214)
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 17
Required Strength: 50
Required Dexterity: 25
Item Level: 31
+0.375 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
+(41 to 60)% Enhanced Defense
+(16 to 20) to Strength
+(16 to 20) to Dexterity
Socketed (3)
Defense: (386 - 432) to (481 - 538)
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 35
Required Strength: 175
Required Dexterity: 53
Item Level: 51
+0.4375 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
+(61 to 80)% Enhanced Defense
+(21 to 25) to Strength
+(21 to 25) to Dexterity
Socketed (4)
Defense: (600 - 664) to (747 - 826)
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 43
Required Strength: 350
Required Dexterity: 109
Item Level: 77
+0.5 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
+(81 to 100)% Enhanced Defense
+(26 to 30) to Strength
+(26 to 30) to Dexterity
Socketed (4)
(damage) or
Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune
Large Shield (4)

Defense: 85 to 162
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 4
Required Strength: 27
Required Dexterity: 45
Item Level: 10
+(21 to 30) to Vitality
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(6 to 10)%
Fire Absorb 1%
Lightning Absorb 1%
Cold Absorb 1%
(4 to 7)% Gold Find
(5 to 10)% Magic Find
Socketed (1)
Defense: 240 to 405
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 21
Required Strength: 53
Required Dexterity: 67
Item Level: 31
+(31 to 40) to Vitality
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(11 to 20)%
Fire Absorb 2%
Lightning Absorb 2%
Cold Absorb 2%
(9 to 12)% Gold Find
(11 to 20)% Magic Find
Socketed (3)
Defense: 501 to 817
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 39
Required Strength: 184
Required Dexterity: 139
Item Level: 51
+(41 to 50) to Vitality
Maximum Elemental Resists +2%
Elemental Resists +(21 to 30)%
Fire Absorb 2%
Lightning Absorb 2%
Cold Absorb 2%
(14 to 17)% Gold Find
(21 to 30)% Magic Find
Socketed (4)
Defense: 684 to 1113
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 48
Required Strength: 368
Required Dexterity: 288
Item Level: 77
+(51 to 60) to Vitality
Maximum Elemental Resists +2%
Elemental Resists +(31 to 40)%
Fire Absorb 3%
Lightning Absorb 3%
Cold Absorb 3%
(17 to 19)% Gold Find
(31 to 40)% Magic Find
Socketed (4)
Spirit Mask (4)

Defense: (115 - 130) to (173 - 196)
(Druid Only)
Required Level: 10
Required Strength: 33
Item Level: 19
+1 to Druid Skill Levels
+10% to Cold Spell Damage
+10% to Summoned Minion Resistances
+(24 to 40)% Enhanced Defense
2% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (2)
Defense: (390 - 432) to (546 - 605)
(Druid Only)
Required Level: 28
Required Strength: 65
Item Level: 36
+(1 to 2) to Druid Skill Levels
+16% to Cold Spell Damage
+20% to Summoned Minion Resistances
+(58 to 75)% Enhanced Defense
4% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (2)
Defense: (971 - 1057) to (1340 - 1458)
(Druid Only)
Required Level: 46
Required Strength: 228
Item Level: 59
+2 to Druid Skill Levels
+23% to Cold Spell Damage
+30% to Summoned Minion Resistances
+(92 to 109)% Enhanced Defense
6% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (3)
Defense: (1446 - 1563) to (1977 - 2137)
(Druid Only)
Required Level: 54
Required Strength: 455
Item Level: 85
+(2 to 3) to Druid Skill Levels
+30% to Cold Spell Damage
+40% to Summoned Minion Resistances
+(109 to 126)% Enhanced Defense
8% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (4)

Breast Plate (4)

Defense: (203 - 224) to (379 - 422)
Required Level: 5
Required Strength: 30
Item Level: 10
5% Chance to cast level 1 Claw Tornado on Melee Attack
15% Attack Speed
4% Life stolen per Hit
+(24 to 40)% Enhanced Defense
+(41 to 50) Defense
+(11 to 20) to all Attributes
Physical Resist 3%
Socketed (2)
Defense: (622 - 681) to (1100 - 1207)
Required Level: 23
Required Strength: 60
Item Level: 36
6% Chance to cast level 7 Claw Tornado on Melee Attack
30% Attack Speed
6% Life stolen per Hit
+(58 to 75)% Enhanced Defense
+(81 to 100) Defense
+(21 to 30) to all Attributes
Physical Resist 4%
Socketed (4)
Defense: (1471 - 1589) to (2563 - 2777)
Required Level: 40
Required Strength: 210
Item Level: 51
7% Chance to cast level 13 Claw Tornado on Melee Attack
45% Attack Speed
8% Life stolen per Hit
+(92 to 109)% Enhanced Defense
+(131 to 150) Defense
+(31 to 40) to all Attributes
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (5)
Defense: (2168 - 2330) to (3757 - 4046)
Required Level: 50
Required Strength: 420
Item Level: 85
8% Chance to cast level 16 Claw Tornado on Melee Attack
60% Attack Speed
10% Life stolen per Hit
+(109 to 126)% Enhanced Defense
+(181 to 200) Defense
+(41 to 50) to all Attributes
Physical Resist 6%
Socketed (6)

Body Armors

Runeword Level: 70
+2 to All Skills
30% Attack Speed
30% Cast Speed
30% Block Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+1.625% Enhanced Defense (Based on Character Level)
5% to Dexterity
+(550 to 650) to Life
Cold Resist +25%
Sacred Light Plate (pre-MO with Enhanced Defense)
Gloves: Honorific: Summoned Minion Resistances, Elemental Resists, Maximum Damage
Light Belt (4)

Defense: (53 - 58) to (71 - 78)
Required Level: 3
Required Strength: 26
Item Level: 1
(31 to 50)% Bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 5-13 Poison Damage over 2 seconds
(2 to 4)% Life stolen per Hit
+(18 to 29)% Enhanced Defense
+(11 to 15) to Dexterity
Socketed (1)
Defense: (214 - 231) to (259 - 279)
Required Level: 21
Required Strength: 55
Item Level: 31
(71 to 90)% Bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 19-50 Poison Damage over 2 seconds
(8 to 10)% Life stolen per Hit
+(41 to 52)% Enhanced Defense
+(21 to 25) to Dexterity
Socketed (2)
Defense: (544 - 581) to (649 - 693)
Required Level: 38
Required Strength: 192
Item Level: 51
(111 to 130)% Bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 75-150 Poison Damage over 2 seconds
(14 to 16)% Life stolen per Hit
+(64 to 75)% Enhanced Defense
+(31 to 35) to Dexterity
Socketed (2)
Defense: (801 - 851) to (946 - 1006)
Required Level: 46
Required Strength: 384
Item Level: 77
(131 to 150)% Bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 100-250 Poison Damage over 2 seconds
(17 to 19)% Life stolen per Hit
+(75 to 86)% Enhanced Defense
+(36 to 40) to Dexterity
Socketed (2)

Zealot Rush
Zealot Rush
Light Plated Boots (4)

Defense: (67 - 78) to (102 - 119)
Required Level: 6
Required Strength: 31
Item Level: 10
5% Attack Speed
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
(11 to 25)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(21 to 40)% Enhanced Defense
(3 to 5)% to Dexterity
1% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (1)
Defense: (248 - 281) to (338 - 384)
Required Level: 24
Required Strength: 62
Item Level: 36
10% Attack Speed
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
(41 to 55)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(41 to 60)% Enhanced Defense
(9 to 11)% to Dexterity
2% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (2)
Defense: (613 - 685) to (817 - 914)
Required Level: 41
Required Strength: 218
Item Level: 51
20% Attack Speed
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
(71 to 85)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(61 to 80)% Enhanced Defense
(15 to 17)% to Dexterity
3% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (3)
Defense: (944 - 1044) to (1247 - 1378)
Required Level: 50
Required Strength: 436
Item Level: 85
30% Attack Speed
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
(86 to 100)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(81 to 100)% Enhanced Defense
(18 to 20)% to Dexterity
4% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (4)

Amulet: Rare Amulet with whatever on it. Life, strength, dexterity, +skills, flat damage, resists.
Ring of Regha
Ring of Regha

Item Level: 1
Adds 3-5 Damage
+5% to Spell Damage
+(5 to 15) to Strength
+(5 to 15) to Dexterity
Elemental Resists +10%
/ Rare Rings with flat damage, strength, dexterity, life, resists, etc.

Mystic Orb priority for rings and amulet: Summoned Minion Resistances, Life, Magic Find, Defense.

I also considered
Flamberge (4)

One-Hand Damage: (10 - 12) to (19 - 26)
Two-Hand Damage: (15 - 17) to (25 - 33)
Required Level: 7
Required Strength: 89
Item Level: 19
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
25% Chance to cast level 5 Ice Lance on Melee Attack
+1 to All Skills
+(8 to 13) to Maximum Damage
+(18 to 35)% Enhanced Damage
Weapon Physical Damage +(11 to 20)%
Cold Resist +(21 to 25)%
Socketed (2)
One-Hand Damage: (25 - 28) to (48 - 56)
Two-Hand Damage: (45 - 50) to (66 - 77)
Required Level: 26
Required Strength: 130
Item Level: 40
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
35% Chance to cast level 15 Ice Lance on Melee Attack
+2 to All Skills
+(18 to 23) to Maximum Damage
+(52 to 69)% Enhanced Damage
Weapon Physical Damage +(21 to 30)%
Cold Resist +(31 to 35)%
Socketed (4)
One-Hand Damage: (56 - 60) to (95 - 106)
Two-Hand Damage: (102 - 111) to (136 - 150)
Required Level: 45
Required Strength: 253
Item Level: 67
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
45% Chance to cast level 25 Ice Lance on Melee Attack
+(2 to 3) to All Skills
+(28 to 33) to Maximum Damage
+(87 to 103)% Enhanced Damage
Weapon Physical Damage +(31 to 40)%
Cold Resist +(41 to 45)%
Socketed (5)
One-Hand Damage: (71 - 77) to (118 - 130)
Two-Hand Damage: (132 - 143) to (173 - 189)
Required Level: 54
Required Strength: 499
Item Level: 85
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
50% Chance to cast level 30 Ice Lance on Melee Attack
+3 to All Skills
+(33 to 38) to Maximum Damage
+(104 to 120)% Enhanced Damage
Weapon Physical Damage +(41 to 50)%
Cold Resist +(46 to 50)%
Socketed (6)
since you scale Ice Lance incredibly well, but I didn't end up trying it.

Mid Game Gear

I consider the build to be "mid game" when you're ready to farm Duncraig. The biggest thing holding you back is not having enough damage - putting the mobs into hit recovery is your best defensive tool. Luckily enough, Harbinger is around 90% converted to cold damage at this point in the game, so we have a pretty easy route to getting more damage: cold pierce. I was able to farm Duncraig effectively with 70 pierce.

Snapshot: Ready for Teganze/Duncraig (as before, plus Coldhunger and Truce)
Snapshot: Duncraig speedfarming / Geared up for 125s (as before, plus Lunar Fury, RIpstars, and a lucky find of Dementia)

Crescent Moon

Crescent Moon
One-Handed Swords

Runeword Level: 80
2% Chance to cast level 1 Devastation on Kill
75% Attack Speed
Adds (40 to 50)-(75 to 85) Damage
+(155 to 175)% Enhanced Damage
(1 to 5)% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(30 to 40) to all Attributes
Elemental Resists +(11 to 15)%
+1 Life on Striking
(15 to 20)% Weapon Damage Taken Restores Mana
Kraken's Cutlass
Kraken's Cutlass
Scimitar (Sacred)

One-Hand Damage: (93 - 105) to (196 - 308)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 421
Item Level: 105
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
Mana Pulse: +50% Duration
75% Attack Speed
+(100 to 200) to Maximum Damage
Adds 200-300 Cold Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Damage
-(20 to 25)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
Slow Target 10%
Maximum Cold Resist +1%
Socketed (3)
Lunar Fury

Lunar Fury
One-Handed Swords
Except Tyrannical Blades

Runeword Level: 100
(Druid Only)
+200% Enhanced Weapon Damage
-3% Weapon Physical Damage per 1% Lost Mana
+(3 to 4) to Druid Skill Levels
55% Attack Speed
Adds 5-10 Damage
Adds 95-(150 to 170) Damage
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
5% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(20 to 40) to all Attributes
+80 to Mana
Regenerate Mana +(15 to 25)%
Physical Resist 5%
+15 Life after each Kill

The Intrepid
The Intrepid
Buckler (Sacred)

Defense: 1061 to 1101
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 500
Required Dexterity: 469
Item Level: 105
7% Chance to cast level 36 Bloodlust when Blocking
20% Movement Speed
(15 to 35)% Block Speed
Adds (10 to 30)-(40 to 80) Damage
-500 Defense
Maximum Life +(2 to 8)%
Socketed (4)
Shield of Hakan II
Shield of Hakan II
Gothic Shield (Sacred)

Defense: (6995 - 7994) to (9190 - 10428)
Chance to Block: 1% + Class%
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Required Dexterity: 619
Item Level: 105
1% Base Block Chance
-25% Cast Speed
-50% to Spell Damage
Slows Attacker by 25%
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(2000 to 3000) Defense
Maximum Life +(3 to 5)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +(0 to 2)%
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (4)
with 2 max res, or
Kite Shield (Sacred)

Defense: (4144 - 5055) to (5252 - 6315)
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 550
Required Dexterity: 559
Item Level: 105
(Bonus for each Socketed Great/Elemental Rune)
+5% Physical Resist
-5% Elemental Resists
+25% Bonus to Defense
1% Chance to cast level 10 Thunder Hammer on Striking
-10% Movement Speed
+(100 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
+(500 to 1000) Defense
+(1000 to 2000) Defense vs. Missile
+(30 to 50) to all Attributes
+(30 to 50) Life after each Demon Kill
Socketed (4)
(4x Elq, Stone, or Ice rune)
Helm: Sacred Craft Spirit Mask (looking for cold pierce) →
Wolf Head (Sacred)

Defense: (1842 - 2082) to (1915 - 2165)
(Druid Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 105
4% Chance to cast level 40 Ice Lance on Striking
+(1 to 2) to Druid Skill Levels
Adds 13-38 Damage
Adds 30-35 Cold Damage
(14 to 17)% Life stolen per Hit
-(29 to 35)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(115 to 143)% Enhanced Defense
+(41 to 50) to Dexterity
+(41 to 50) to Vitality
Cold Resist +(30 to 50)%
Socketed (4)


Body Armors

Runeword Level: 70
+2 to All Skills
30% Attack Speed
30% Cast Speed
30% Block Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+1.625% Enhanced Defense (Based on Character Level)
5% to Dexterity
+(550 to 650) to Life
Cold Resist +25%
Splint Mail (Sacred)

Defense: (8032 - 9339) to (11077 - 12593)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Item Level: 105
-2% Base Block Chance
Additional Strength Damage Bonus: 0.0390625%
-(11 to 15)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(1500 to 3500) Defense
(10 to 25)% to Strength
(50 to 100)% Bonus to Defense
Cannot Be Frozen
(1/2 chance to appear)
Socketed (6)

Body Armors

Runeword Level: 100
15% Combat Speeds
Adds 6-10 Damage
Weapon Physical Damage +(80 to 100)%
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(151 to 200) to Strength
+(151 to 200) to Dexterity
-75 to Vitality
-75 to Energy
+60 to Mana
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(40 to 50)%

Gloves: Sacred Craft Gauntlets (looking for cold pierce),
Gauntlets (Sacred)

Defense: (1227 - 1450) to (1436 - 1697)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 105
Adds (1 to 15)-(20 to 30) Damage
5% Life stolen per Hit
+(15 to 25) to Spiral Dance
5% Chance of Crushing Blow
Weapon Physical Damage +(30 to 60)%
+(120 to 160)% Enhanced Defense
Elemental Resists +15%
Socketed (4)
, or
Cinadide's Bender
Cinadide's Bender
Gauntlets (Sacred)

Defense: (1339 - 1506) to (1567 - 1763)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 1
20% Attack Speed
40% Hit Recovery
Adds 35-70 Magic Damage
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+(31 to 50) to Strength
(16 to 25)% Magic Find
Socketed (4)

Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)


Runeword Level: 80
5% Combat Speeds
Stun Attack
Slows Attacker by 5%
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Physical Resist 10%
Marchosias' Hatred
Marchosias' Hatred
Heavy Belt (Sacred)

Defense: (3111 - 3455) to (3359 - 3731)
Required Level: 90
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 1
5% Chance to cast level 3 Bladestorm on Melee Attack
3% Chance of Crushing Blow
Weapon Physical Damage +(55 to 60)%
+(144 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
(6 to 10)% to Strength
Socketed (2)

Marchosias' Essence
(Druid Werewolf Set)
Sash of the Frozen Seas
Sash of the Frozen Seas
Sash (Sacred)

Defense: (2036 - 2329) to (2064 - 2362)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 105
-75% Mana Drain in Werewolf Form
30% Attack Speed
Winter Avatar Cooldown Reduced by 0.4 seconds
+(501 to 1000) to Attack Rating
-(6 to 15)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(101 to 130)% Enhanced Defense
+(51 to 250) to Mana
+100 Life on Melee Attack
Socketed (2)
, or
Cinadide's Anvil
Cinadide's Anvil
Plated Belt (Sacred)

Defense: (3271 - 3680) to (3583 - 4031)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength:
Item Level: 1
+1 to Paladin Skill Levels
Adds 13-25 Damage
Adds 50-100 Fire Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
(21 to 25)% to Strength
Requirements -50%
Socketed (2)

Cinadide's Craft
(Paladin Honor Set)

Wind Runner

Wind Runner

Runeword Level: 100
+(0 to 1) to All Skills
50% Attack Speed
10% Movement Speed
Adds 25-68 Damage
250% Bonus to Attack Rating
(12 to 15)% Life stolen per Hit
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense

Athulua's Oracle
Athulua's Oracle

Required Level: 60
Item Level: 60
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
40% Attack Speed
(150 to 250)% Bonus to Attack Rating
Cannot Be Frozen

Rings: 2x

Required Level: 60
Item Level: 60
+0.5625 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
+20 Life on Melee Attack

Qarak's Will
Qarak's Will
Giant Sword (Sacred)

One-Hand Damage: (150 - 163) to (233 - 246)
Two-Hand Damage: (206 - 225) to (285 - 305)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 480
Item Level: 105
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
15% Chance to cast level 34 Spike Nova on Melee Attack
6% Chance to cast level 40 Pentagram on Melee Attack
10% Chance to cast level 36 Bloodlust on Kill
+(30 to 60)% Bonus Damage to Bloodlust
Adds 50-125 Damage
Adds 84-167 Fire Damage
+(26 to 38)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Damage
+(100 to 250) Life after each Kill
5% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (4)
Long Staff (Sacred)

Two-Hand Damage: 56 to 58
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 203
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
+(3 to 6) to Sorceress Skill Levels
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
+50% Damage to Undead
+(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage
+(6 to 16) to Bloodlust
Maximum Life +(10 to 13)%
Fire Resist +(50 to 70)%
Lightning Resist +(50 to 70)%
Socketed (4)

Mystic Orb priority for rings and amulet: Summoned Minion Resistances, Life, Magic Find.
Mystic Orbs for armor: Magic Find, Maximum Damage.
Mystic Orbs for weapon: Enhanced Damage (pre-MO'd), [TODO: break out damage calculator and see which of EWD, Max, and DS is best]

The Veiled Prophet Trophy
The Veiled Prophet Trophy
Cube with the Idol of Vanity to Add Bonus
+20% to Summoned Minion Life
+10% to Summoned Minion Resistances
- Blighted Grace -
for help keeping minion resist capped.

Start rolling life/mana leech crafted jewels, looking for attack rating, life, and min or max damage. You can also roll a couple of summoned minion resist crafted jewels if you need them to stay at 150%.

  • Marchosias' Essence
    Marchosias' Essence
    (Druid Werewolf Set)

    Marchosias' Anger
    Marchosias' Evil Grin
    Marchosias' Hatred
    Marchosias' Might

    Set Bonus with 2 or more set items:
    +1 to Druid Skill Levels
    Maximum Life +6%

    Set Bonus with 3 or more set items:
    30% to Strength
    Physical Resist 10%

    Set Bonus with complete set:
    50% Attack Speed
    +125 to Maximum Damage
    20% Life stolen per Hit
    +8 to Bladestorm
    +300 to Strength
    Maximum Elemental Resists +2%

    full set is very good at this stage in the game as well. I didn't like it as much as my Lunar Fury setup, but it can clear Scosglen.
  • I didn't try a two-handed build, but
    Crescent Moon

    Crescent Moon
    One-Handed Swords

    Runeword Level: 80
    2% Chance to cast level 1 Devastation on Kill
    75% Attack Speed
    Adds (40 to 50)-(75 to 85) Damage
    +(155 to 175)% Enhanced Damage
    (1 to 5)% Chance of Crushing Blow
    +(30 to 40) to all Attributes
    Elemental Resists +(11 to 15)%
    +1 Life on Striking
    (15 to 20)% Weapon Damage Taken Restores Mana
    Lunar Fury

    Lunar Fury
    One-Handed Swords
    Except Tyrannical Blades

    Runeword Level: 100
    (Druid Only)
    +200% Enhanced Weapon Damage
    -3% Weapon Physical Damage per 1% Lost Mana
    +(3 to 4) to Druid Skill Levels
    55% Attack Speed
    Adds 5-10 Damage
    Adds 95-(150 to 170) Damage
    +(171 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
    5% Chance of Crushing Blow
    +(20 to 40) to all Attributes
    +80 to Mana
    Regenerate Mana +(15 to 25)%
    Physical Resist 5%
    +15 Life after each Kill
    can be created in a Great Sword - the docs are misleading on this point, but all the "One-Handed Sword" and "One-Handed Axe" runewords can be made in two-handed ones as well unless they specifically exclude them.
    Durandal the Blazing Sword
    Durandal the Blazing Sword
    Claymore (Sacred)

    One-Hand Damage: (208 - 220) to (361 - 373)
    Two-Hand Damage: (263 - 280) to (415 - 433)
    Required Level: 100
    Required Strength: 450
    Item Level: 105
    Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
    15% Chance to cast level 13 Shockwave on Melee Attack
    +(2 to 3) to Barbarian Skill Levels
    25% Attack Speed
    Adds 100-250 Damage
    (100 to 150)% Bonus to Attack Rating
    +(172 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
    +100 to Strength
    (50 to 100)% Bonus to Defense
    1% Reanimate as: Random Monster
    Socketed (4)
    looks like an OK pickup early on. Crafted Great Swords have potential too - anything with at least 300 added damage (counting both min and max) and 125% ED (to get 200 with MOs) is solid.

Late Game Gear (WIP)

I am still progressing to this point. For now, just some ideas.

One-Handed Sword
Lunar Fury

Lunar Fury
One-Handed Swords
Except Tyrannical Blades

Runeword Level: 100
(Druid Only)
+200% Enhanced Weapon Damage
-3% Weapon Physical Damage per 1% Lost Mana
+(3 to 4) to Druid Skill Levels
55% Attack Speed
Adds 5-10 Damage
Adds 95-(150 to 170) Damage
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
5% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(20 to 40) to all Attributes
+80 to Mana
Regenerate Mana +(15 to 25)%
Physical Resist 5%
+15 Life after each Kill
Long Sword
Shield of Hakan II
Shield of Hakan II
Gothic Shield (Sacred)

Defense: (6995 - 7994) to (9190 - 10428)
Chance to Block: 1% + Class%
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Required Dexterity: 619
Item Level: 105
1% Base Block Chance
-25% Cast Speed
-50% to Spell Damage
Slows Attacker by 25%
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(2000 to 3000) Defense
Maximum Life +(3 to 5)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +(0 to 2)%
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (4)


Runeword Level: 110
10% Chance to cast level 18 Punishers on Melee Attack
10% Combat Speeds
+(59 to 69) to Maximum Damage
+26 Defense
+(151 to 200) to Strength
(15 to 20)% to Vitality

Two-Handed Sword
Weapon (2H):
Lunar Fury

Lunar Fury
One-Handed Swords
Except Tyrannical Blades

Runeword Level: 100
(Druid Only)
+200% Enhanced Weapon Damage
-3% Weapon Physical Damage per 1% Lost Mana
+(3 to 4) to Druid Skill Levels
55% Attack Speed
Adds 5-10 Damage
Adds 95-(150 to 170) Damage
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
5% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(20 to 40) to all Attributes
+80 to Mana
Regenerate Mana +(15 to 25)%
Physical Resist 5%
+15 Life after each Kill
Great Sword,
Flamberge (Sacred)

One-Hand Damage: (244 - 263) to (330 - 350)
Two-Hand Damage: (320 - 350) to (400 - 431)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Item Level: 120
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
5% Chance to cast level 13 Shower of Rocks on Kill
50% Attack Speed
Adds 125-200 Damage
100% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(160 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
+(40 to 50) to Strength
+(40 to 50) to Vitality
Physical Resist 10%
+250 Life after each Kill
1% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (6)
, or Intimidating Craft Great Sword (200% enhanced damage, 100+ minimum damage, 300+ maximum damage)
Chain Gloves (Sacred)

Defense: (1784 - 1939) to (2299 - 2469)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 575
Item Level: 120
+1% Attack Speed per 20 Strength
Stun Attack
+(130 to 160)% Enhanced Defense
+(600 to 1000) Defense
-15% to Dexterity
Physical Resist 5%
+2 Life on Striking
Socketed (4)


Runeword Level: 110
+1% Weapon Physical Damage per 50 Strength or Dexterity
(Whichever is Higher)
75% Attack Speed
+10 Damage
+200% Enhanced Defense
+(10 to 40) to all Attributes
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Maximum Cold Resist +1%
Cold Resist +25%
10% Magic Find

Wolf Head (Sacred)

Defense: (1842 - 2082) to (1915 - 2165)
(Druid Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 105
4% Chance to cast level 40 Ice Lance on Striking
+(1 to 2) to Druid Skill Levels
Adds 13-38 Damage
Adds 30-35 Cold Damage
(14 to 17)% Life stolen per Hit
-(29 to 35)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(115 to 143)% Enhanced Defense
+(41 to 50) to Dexterity
+(41 to 50) to Vitality
Cold Resist +(30 to 50)%
Socketed (4)


Body Armors

Runeword Level: 100
15% Combat Speeds
Adds 6-10 Damage
Weapon Physical Damage +(80 to 100)%
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(151 to 200) to Strength
+(151 to 200) to Dexterity
-75 to Vitality
-75 to Energy
+60 to Mana
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Elemental Resists +(40 to 50)%
Wolverine Skin
Wolverine Skin
Plate Mail (Sacred)

Defense: (6374 - 7171) to (7485 - 8421)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength:
Item Level: 120
15% Chance to cast level 20 Crucify on Melee Attack
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
50% Hit Recovery
+40 to Maximum Damage
(10 to 15)% Life stolen per Hit
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+(50 to 100) to Strength
+(50 to 100) to Dexterity
+50 Life Regenerated per Second
50% Magic Find
Requirements -50%
Socketed (6)
Auriel's Robe
Auriel's Robe
Light Plate (Sacred)

Defense: (7583 - 9229) to (8905 - 10882)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 650
Item Level: 120
50% Movement Speed
Weapon Physical Damage +100%
+(140 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+1000 Defense
+3000 Defense vs. Missile
Physical Resist 10%
Socketed (6)
Strength Beyond Strength
Strength Beyond Strength
Gothic Plate (Sacred)

Defense: (8339 - 9198) to (10115 - 11157)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 120
1% Chance to cast level 36 Pyroblast on Striking
Adds 25-38 Damage
150% Bonus to Attack Rating
+50% Damage to Demons
25% Life stolen per Hit
10% Deadly Strike
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
1% Reanimate as: Random Monster
-5 to Light Radius
Socketed (6)
, or
Khazra Plate
Khazra Plate
Ancient Armor (Sacred)

Defense: (8603 - 9489) to (10651 - 11748)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength:
Item Level: 120
Demon Blood Aura
You and Undead Minions: Maximum Life +6%
26.6 Yard Radius
+60% Damage to Demons
5% Chance of Crushing Blow
10% Deadly Strike
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
(20 to 25)% to Strength
(20 to 25)% to Vitality
Physical Resist 10%
Requirements +200%
Socketed (6)
Gothic Plate (Sacred)

Defense: (8308 - 9198) to (10078 - 11157)
Required Level: 120
Required Strength:
Item Level: 130
(Based on Restore Percentage)
+50% Combat Speeds
Physical Resist +15%
Maximum Life +7%
Cube with Trophy Fragment: Restore +4%
25% Movement Speed
Adds 15-25 Damage
+(18 to 32) to Stormlord
5% Deadly Strike
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(40 to 50) to all Attributes
Requirements +100%
Socketed (6)

Sash of the Frozen Seas
Sash of the Frozen Seas
Sash (Sacred)

Defense: (2036 - 2329) to (2064 - 2362)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 105
-75% Mana Drain in Werewolf Form
30% Attack Speed
Winter Avatar Cooldown Reduced by 0.4 seconds
+(501 to 1000) to Attack Rating
-(6 to 15)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(101 to 130)% Enhanced Defense
+(51 to 250) to Mana
+100 Life on Melee Attack
Socketed (2)
Belt (Sacred)

Defense: (3111 - 3348) to (3272 - 3524)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength:
Item Level: 120
-(15 to 20)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(15 to 25) to Fowl Fight
Slow Target 5%
+(120 to 140)% Enhanced Defense
+500 Defense
Maximum Life +2%
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
Physical Resist 5%
Requirements +20%
Socketed (2)
Angelic Touch
Angelic Touch

Runeword Level: 120
+1000 Life Regenerated per Second While Under 7000 Life
(3 to 5)% Life stolen per Hit
(3 to 5)% Deadly Strike
+(200 to 220)% Enhanced Defense
+5000 Defense
(25 to 30)% to Strength
Maximum Life and Mana +(7 to 9)%

Wind Runner

Wind Runner

Runeword Level: 100
+(0 to 1) to All Skills
50% Attack Speed
10% Movement Speed
Adds 25-68 Damage
250% Bonus to Attack Rating
(12 to 15)% Life stolen per Hit
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Knight's Grace
Knight's Grace
Greaves (Sacred)

Defense: (2232 - 2481) to (2519 - 2799)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength:
Item Level: 120
2% Chance to cast level 35 Knife Throw on Striking
+1 to All Skills
25% Attack Speed
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
Adds 10-25 Damage
+(170 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(15 to 25) to all Attributes
Physical Resist 5%
Requirements +20%
Socketed (4)

Dyers Eve
Dyers Eve

Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
5% Chance to cast level 5 Time Strike on Striking
+2 to All Skills
Adds 15-20 Damage
5% Life stolen per Hit
Elemental Resists +10%
Physical Resist (1 to 10)%
Beads of the Snake Queen
Beads of the Snake Queen

Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
4% Chance to cast level 33 Scorpion Blade on Kill
Adds 5-10 Damage
Stun Attack
+(200 to 500) Defense
(20 to 25)% to Strength
(20 to 25)% to Dexterity
+100 Life after each Kill

Rings: 2x
Giant's Knuckle
Giant's Knuckle

Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
20% Attack Speed
Adds 10-15 Damage
(5 to 10)% Life stolen per Hit
5% Deadly Strike
+25 Life Regenerated per Second
Physical Resist 5%

Other Notes

I have yet to experiment with mercenaries. They're not really needed for most of the game (a welcome change from previous patches, where an act 1 mercenary was the majority of your actual damage) and most still do not survive Scosglen, though the act 5 barbarian with
Bronze Sword (Sacred)

One-Hand Damage: 52 to 55
(Barbarian Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 576
Item Level: 105
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.14 per Strength)%
Salvation Aura
5% Fire, Cold, and Lightning Absorb
20 Yard Radius
+(3 to 5) to Barbarian Skill Levels
(-50 to 100) to all Attributes
Elemental Resists +(10 to 25)%
Poison Length Reduced by (20 to 50)%
(25 to 75)% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (6)
at least makes an effort.

Tyrannical Blade
One-Hand Damage: 399 to 450
Required Level: 125
Item Level: 110
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.13 per Dexterity)%
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.14 per Strength)%
1% Chance to cast level 20 Orb of Annihilation on Striking
+200% Enhanced Damage
+50 to Harbinger
Lightning Resist -100%
(1 to 5)% Chance to Avoid Damage
+3% to Experience Gained
does not count as a sword for wolf skills, you'll need
Relic (Divine Judgment)
Required Level: 75
+(9 to 16) to Divine Judgment
+(21 to 25) to Strength
(2 to 4)% to Strength
or something to make good use of it. Probably better to just be a paladin in the first place.


Thanks to Lynderika, Crash, and some third person (conveee?) for voting for wolf when I was indecisive on what build to play this patch.
vote for wolf.png
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Jungle Hunter
27 | 0
Deym... I'm gearing my wolf wrongly. :cry: Thanks sio! Great guide!
This is actually a decent build. Thank you!
Dark Huntress
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Showcase videos of farming?
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TiltedPrimate wrote:Showcase videos of farming?

Once I make my magic find wormhole, sure. I forgot to make a RIP jewel until yesterday, so trying to get Lucion over to Malic was pretty much impossible.
6 | 0
has anyone from the team made a comment on primal bond being available to non-bow druids? it seems like a bit of an oversight/unintended interaction, not that i'm complaining. any buff to wolf is welcome :)
Cow Ninja
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Carby wrote:has anyone from the team made a comment on primal bond being available to non-bow druids? it seems like a bit of an oversight/unintended interaction, not that i'm complaining. any buff to wolf is welcome :)

We had a discussion about it and the short story is: it's intended that other specs have access to it since it costs 64 skill points and locks you into one uberskill to really get going, but I think it's a little too strong for basically no gear investment so it might see the benefit per minion res reduced but have the cap increased so you can still reach 750 ish EWD, it would just require more to get there.

I am a little worried about what bear will be able to do this patch, but I suppose we'll see when the showcases start showing up.
6 | 0
Siosilvar wrote:
Carby wrote:has anyone from the team made a comment on primal bond being available to non-bow druids? it seems like a bit of an oversight/unintended interaction, not that i'm complaining. any buff to wolf is welcome :)

We had a discussion about it and the short story is: it's intended that other specs have access to it since it costs 64 skill points and locks you into one uberskill to really get going, but I think it's a little too strong for basically no gear investment so it might see the benefit per minion res reduced but have the cap increased so you can still reach 750 ish EWD, it would just require more to get there.

I am a little worried about what bear will be able to do this patch, but I suppose we'll see when the showcases start showing up.

good to know there's some acknowledgement that wolf and bear could use some more "modern" spec design to keep up with the power creep of other more recently redesigned kits like java, storm, totem, etc. while this may not be the ideal way and may be more indicative of earlier versions of MXL, at least it opens up phys wolf and bear to being a bit more viable, for now. hopefully in later patches these kinds of buffs to the spec can be made within the tree, i.e., all wolf abilities having no physical > cold conversion baseline but having an upgrade for each ability or a tree capstone to add this conversion back in, effectively having physical and cold playstyles within the same tree, similar to how different playstyles exist for melee sorc for example.

i wasn't going to play wolf this season, but im actually so hyped to play around with this now! i might even try bear now that you mention it. never really played bear
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Now "primal bond" owl pls :)
PS: Actually somehow missed part that it adds EWD to char, thought it's kind of bear upgrade so only he benefit EWD.
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I need to pay more attention to the guides section (-:
Good read. Happy to see phys builds returning