lonelycoconut wrote:Thanks for the guide. I have a question about Sinner. I have a summon Necro already with a +Sinner offhand on swap. If I cast him and then swap back to my main weps, he despawns the next time i cast anything and doesnt seem to do much dmg anyway. Am I doing something wrong? Do you use the sinner gear just for farming areas and the +max minions su's for bosses? Or do you summon your barb minions witht the SU's and then swap and summon sinners and stay on those crafted weps? Thanks
I actually have one of my main weapons crafted with Sinner oSkill so they don't despawn whenever I switch between weapons. It's a real pita when they just poof. Relics are an expensive fix for that issue, unless you're really lucky or willing to spend so honestly, I'll stick with the crafts.
As for the stats, aside from the usual minion DMG, you need you fill your on switch weapons with Io runes for more minion atk rating. This translates to pierce for Sinners. Coincidentally, the tainted crafts you'll need grants minion atk rating too. For more dmg, you'll need both switch weapon slots to be high rolled on sinner. 14-15, so 28-30 levels on both slots. Then you'll need a lot of +skill items to further their stats.
The sinners are actually helpful for bosses up to 125.
lonelycoconut wrote:How hard would you say rolling Sinner on the crafted weps is compared to Warcry which is really really rare?
To be honest it's kinda rare. Half the time you're gonna roll frostwalkers so you really need to take your time farming Fauzt before you get them right. Which is fine because that's where you'll level grind the fastest as summon barb anyway.