The Tantrumdin

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GregMXL wrote:You need to find or gamble higher tiered short war bows

hmm tantrum has nothing to do rly with base dmg. i caked through everything from 30 to 120 using a shit T1 short war bow with cb/ar MO's and jitan/tiara/honorifics.
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Wulf wrote:
GregMXL wrote:You need to find or gamble higher tiered short war bows

hmm tantrum has nothing to do rly with base dmg. i caked through everything from 30 to 120 using a shit T1 short war bow with cb/ar MO's and jitan/tiara/honorifics.

Well he isn't caking through everything and I'm stressing he read the docs and the guide which clearly states to uptier all items including the bow itself as you go along.
I don't mean to dwell...but I can't help myself.
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bow baddddddddddddddddd

upgrade tier splint and tiara with honorifics + shift click vit
insta 120
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Do we have another good midgame/endgame armor for tantrum? I really get frustrated by the teleport but the defense is so nice.
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This is by far the best, not only good defense but also fire damage, DR, LOTS of life, + 1 max skills etc.

If you don't mind second best then the only other viable alternative is a well rolled natasha's legacy. Most important stats being pierce & max res. If you get a good roll on em you can for sure use it but will have to remove all pierce MO from the rest of your gear (should be just the quiver if you followed the guide correctly). Otherwise you can always go back to your jitans - no shame in it. One with top rolls on all the elemental affixes is still pretty cool.

Also take a look at the FAQ for a suggestion of a holy influence, higher dps - less tankyness, variant of the build if you have some incredibly rare SUs.
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Yeah the armor is insane, but honestly the teleport proc is ruining the fun for me. I have been using it for so long now, and the proc has not been helpful yet, it has always been screwing me over and forcing me to restart the dungeon/bossfight etc.

But I guess I have to deal with it since Nastahs' Legacy is way too expensive for now.
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Worse come to worse you can just stick with jitans or albretch, but the 3-4k life is just insane. Even a quiet craft with 400 hp and 40% vit doesnt come close.

but i do agree with you that it is a downside in some ubers, like dunc.
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How much defense should I have for Terror Tran Athula? I'm having a lot of trouble with it.

Edit: I managed to pull it off using Mind Flay to snipe the mobs, and Tantrum when I was killing the bosses.

I pulled Skovos and dragged her to the entrance of the zone and left her there. I then kited Philios to where the "Kill them here" mark is and parked her there. I then went round the whole damn map to approach Lycander's room from the West. I cleared all the mobs that pulled when I hugged the northern wall along her room, and every mob between there and where I parked Philios. It was then a matter of getting Lycander relatively alone and bringing her to Philios, murdering them both then rushing to the zone entrance and killing Skovos.
I recommend not using reanimates or a merc during this, as this method requires delicate body pulling!

Pain. In. The. Ass...But I did it somehow.
60 | 1
Hi suchbalance, these guides are much appreciated ive learned a lot about the game and gotten pretty far following them. Question: ive been using a bow with 18tantrum time strike proc and +320maxdmg 286%ED(Before i added your reccomended Mo's). Today I spent some time trying for knife throw and after about 2k rolls i got this: knife throw +35atkspd 25tantrum 6dex 15vit 122light ed or max/min dmg at all and no flat ele dmg :cry: ...can this still be endgame worthy bow? Or am I better off just trying again another time? The phys dmg comes from the cb mostly I think anyway but the damage is pathetically low on it... what are your thoughts?
24 | 1
mecheye wrote:How much defense should I have for Terror Tran Athula? I'm having a lot of trouble with it.

Edit: I managed to pull it off using Mind Flay to snipe the mobs, and Tantrum when I was killing the bosses.

I pulled Skovos and dragged her to the entrance of the zone and left her there. I then kited Philios to where the "Kill them here" mark is and parked her there. I then went round the whole damn map to approach Lycander's room from the West. I cleared all the mobs that pulled when I hugged the northern wall along her room, and every mob between there and where I parked Philios. It was then a matter of getting Lycander relatively alone and bringing her to Philios, murdering them both then rushing to the zone entrance and killing Skovos.
I recommend not using reanimates or a merc during this, as this method requires delicate body pulling!

Pain. In. The. Ass...But I did it somehow.

Are you talking about the trial of blood for the black road challenge? On XVC you don't have to kill philos. Just the other 2 within 30 seconds of each other.