Phoebe, the Hammerzon

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This was the first character I leveled on Median, but I stopped playing it at around 105-110 because I was finding the damage just attrocious.

I've played a number of builds now up to the 120s and wanted to revisit this and get the character working, but even now when I know more about the mod the damage feels incredibly low. Im hoping someone can tell me something obvious that I'm missing, or perhaps I'm just misunderstanding the character and its designed to stay alive through anything but not kill as fast as others. For the record, I've played most of the meta builds into the 100s somewhere just to atleast get a feel; melee sorc to 121, xbow nec to 120, 2h barb to 115, traprat to around 110, and a few other odds and ends. The damage on this character currently feels by _far_ the lowest, and not by a small margin.

FCR is probably the biggest thing costing me dps at the moment; I'll atleast try to get to the 7frame in short order. Even so, that's about 12% damage over time, and very little to "burst" damage - I doubt it's making so much difference to how noticably lower the damage is.

FHR/FBR - I'll fix this on armor, I have plenty of space for it. I'm not really talking about when I am being stunlocked at this point.

Resists - I know they aren't capped, I'm just messing around with gems to see how much difference amethysts make.

The character is:

Stats when buffed with Qarak's Will Bloodlust (got it as a lucky drop):

Is a damage range of 3-6k with that gear reasonable and is my expectation just too high? Or am I missing something obvious?
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Xunametra wrote:
Is a damage range of 3-6k with that gear reasonable and is my expectation just too high? Or am I missing something obvious?

Get the endgame gear and the build becomes unstoppable. This is close to the max that can be achieved with this build.
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Demonlord wrote:
vychodnarrr wrote:
rip_void wrote:Thank you for the reply.

Since I just played the game for the first time a month ago, I often do not know.
I will try to write after I check it a little more.

I am interested in attitude to answer even beginners. Thank you.

my farm place is FAUZTINVILLE,BremmTown,DUNCRAIG only and full charm completed.
So i'm using Perfect Amethyst and Ix Rune. I need max block so i used legion and MF MO.not need max resist maybe.
maybe If you look at my equipment, I think that there are many places to correct just as the guide creator sees it.

Im using Modified build with lilith temptation 100% mf belt, and Crafted abandoned boots & Honorific gloves & Royal circlet, with hratli craft im at 411 MF, with 27k dmg buffed, for 1p game its plenty of dmg, in p8 however I need to swith to skin of kabraxis

Ive been talking to several Streamers and others who know this game mechanically much more than i.. and the general theory on MF is up to 250-300 or so is about ALL you want UNLESS!!!!... you otherwise push to 600+. Reason for this ive been told is rounding or something to the effect of MF having similar Breakpoints like casting or attacking ect. And once you hit about 250-300 anything beyond that up until 600 or more will have no noticeable difference in drops. However once you break that 600 mark its like the MF goes absolutely retarded. This is also something is apparently heavily debated. and has been for a very long time. At the same time though in order for me to hit that 600 mark.. You will have to gimp the build to the point it could only "Efficiently Clear" Dunc and K3K.. Not worth it imo. Keep in mind one of the big draws to this class is movement speed.. Meaning this build is suppose to be capable of "Fast" Clearing. And gimping that part too much seems counter productive to me anyway.

In my personal opinion this probably isn't the best class/spec anyway. I think you would be better off sticking to the 250-300 mark and keeping all your OP shit that makes the build what it is to start with and just go fast instead. If you want extreme MF build i think there are other specs out there better suited for that stuff where you can realistically stack that much MF and still keep whatever it is that makes that build smash. Especially seeing as how no matter what you wont be swapping your Weapon or Shield to get this massive MF either not on this build not without giving up WAY too much and slowing down the build to the point the MF hurts more than it helps. Other builds can get MF on their weapon/shield and still keep their shit for example. Something we can Never realistically do.

Do keep in mind this is the opinion of a solo player. Ive leveled and did everything ive accomplished on this build completely solo. No twink, no carry, no services.. if i dont have it its simply because ive not completed it yet on my own.. if i do have it its because i completed it completely on my own. You mention 8P games and such so i figured i should throw that out there.. since this could possibly make some difference possibly..

yeah exactly getting higher MF is not really possible, I could get another 60-100% MF from large MF cycles, and thats about it, no other way to get more MF w/o sacrificing everything else
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NurseJared wrote:
Xunametra wrote:
Is a damage range of 3-6k with that gear reasonable and is my expectation just too high? Or am I missing something obvious?

Get the endgame gear and the build becomes unstoppable. This is close to the max that can be achieved with this build.

IDK i have 8K-28K on my Hammers but over 400K Def and just got my Max Block back with Battlemaiden.. granted it required getting 400 sigs. But it happen to be just enough to put me at 75% with % Dex Gems in all slots except shield. Run Slow or MF Gems there. Little less damage but a bit more defense. Im only missing Boots. (Thats probably where the rest of the damage im missing compared to yours is) Still swapping between Rabbits Foots i have for MF farming and the TU4 boots still. Also have some Crafted boots ive tried out till i get Akarat's and also considering going with 4xEa Rune Boots. But i have something else im considering for my Earth Runes first atm as well as Xis Runes im making. Maybe after i finish getting enough Xis Runes.

But yeah The Endgame Gear Crash has listed is pretty much as good as your gonna get. Ive went through the docs several times now that i understand how things work in this game better and for i dont even want to talk about how many hours and other than Possibly a very small handful of very expensive or time consuming (Pick you poison) advanced runeword options with obvious drawbacks what he has here is as good as it gets. You can make some small adjustments for MF or Purify bossing like Uldyssian but otherwise youll get the best results with what he shows endgame.

And same held very true for all the gear in fact.. i used it to level my first build in this game ever and it made it so this game even on a first time play through was pretty fucking smooth. And ive with the exception of Brother Laz, Void, (Stuck on the gold dude) Samael, and That stupid ass spider Astrogha.. ive completed almost all the content in the game.. And all from simply replicating everything written in the guide. Ive spent the past almost 2 weeks up until two nights ago trying to find other ideas and options and they are either giving up too much elsewhere via paragon or losing def, block, damage something too much is giving up. Ive got a small handful of items i can swap in for massive Vit boost for Purify bossing but thats about it.

Excellent Guide Excellent Build for doing damn near everything in the game. Purify Bosses are just something im starting to feel like im just gonna have to improve on with better game play. But i definutly picked the right build to complete most of the endgame and get farming enough to make some of the other builds im interested in now without having to spend thousands of TG to do so. Most expensive and nessisary items are the Weapon and Shield.. once you have those everything is either farmable or not that big of a deal and you can still achieve most everything. I did everything up to 120 still in the TUs.. Had to get better gear for Kabraxis kill of course but yeah. Even without the weapon and shield this build can easily be made to get a start on farming for things to sell at the very least.

200-300TG (Current Prices) will get you in those two main things if you shop around and buy smart. As little as 150 or so you can get just the Shield and Legion if you dont drop it first and still farm everything and kill Kabraxis which is exactly what i did.. then farmed enough to sell enough to buy the Battlemaiden. Everything else was Self Found except Endless Loop which was like 10TG i think. But yeah even getting into the endgame part of the build isn't expensive not like some other builds ive seen *cough* Neutraldin *cough*..
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You can easily go higher than that on the sheet damage, but you run into major damage cap issues. There's an alternate spec I haven't fully compiled that can massively scale your damage. My zon with the normal setup endgame gear (minus rogue foresight, helepolis, and wind runner -- using tu spangen, heavy boots, and dacanas chain gloves atm) reaches 34k. probably can push somewhere near 38k ish on sheet, but its way too excessive because there are issues with how the damage applies. When I get around to it, I'll fully load up the alternate spec and probably easily hit 60k or higher on the sheet, but currently running the build through hardcore (lvl 117 atm and no major issues).

also magic find doesn't have breakpoints. It just has diminishing returns.
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A strong mid game budget armor often overlooked is
Yaerius' Simulacrum
Yaerius' Simulacrum
Breast Plate (Sacred)

Defense: (7484 - 8204) to (8504 - 9329)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Item Level: 1
20% Cast Speed
+30% Damage to Vessel of Justice
+30% Damage to Vessel of Retribution
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+500 Defense
Physical Resist (5 to 10)%
+(50 to 100) Life after each Kill
(51 to 75)% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (6)

Yaerius' Grey Omen
(Paladin Neutral Set)
, it lacks the offensive capabilities of Jitan's, but the stats are top tier for this build, when rolled good. I used mine from 115 when I found it until level 130 when I found a Kabraxis. I got lucky to also find a well rolled
Coronet (Sacred)

Defense: 605 to 684
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 327
Item Level: 105
Discharge: Thunder Frequency Improved by 1 Second
+(2 to 3) to Amazon Skill Levels
(20 to 40)% Cast Speed
+(10 to 15)% to Lightning Spell Damage
-(5 to 15)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
Maximum Lightning Resist +(1 to 2)%
Physical Resist (5 to 10)%
+(20 to 60) Life after each Kill
Socketed (4)
which helped me reach the 6 fcr breakpoint (I ignored the orange text obviously). Also a very good item for the built, imo.
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Yea, it's an okay helm as a temporary. I'd still prefer the TU spangenhelm for the other reasons, but the cast rate breakpoint is pretty crucial for some things. Good find
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Crash wrote:Yea, it's an okay helm as a temporary. I'd still prefer the TU spangenhelm for the other reasons, but the cast rate breakpoint is pretty crucial for some things. Good find

To add it also has some Phys Res.. something that so far restricts a lot of other options that could have potential but when you have to consider losing some phys res for the item thats when it starts to not look so good of an option to me. Ive found quite a few options in gearing that could be great for us but then oh.. no phys res? Nevermind.. that 45-50% Phys Res was huge for me i noticed. It made a world of difference once i realized how important phys res was and went from like 20% to 45%-50%.. Two different games at that point.

As far as damage.. oh absolutely certain im no where close to Damage potential or this cap. I have after all focused quite a bit more on my defense ends first and foremost. I felt like Battlemaiden alone give me more than enough for nice farming. Especially with enabling me to run Thundercrack for even faster clearing. That and ive never felt like my damage has been what fucked me.. like ever.. Not to mention the hardest fights in the game your weapon or damage is worthless. Purify gets nothing from Battlemaiden..

Most of my issues ive started to run into in endgame was simply not having quite enough defense to sustain whatever it is. Thats one of the biggest issues im running into with some of these Purify Bosses with massive life pools, we dont do dick for damage, (So why even care my Damage is irrelevant.. enough to clear and kill non purify content) and some even with lockouts so dying isn't an option either you MUST sustain the 20.. 30+ mins.. over an hour and a half nearly 2 hours widdleing away on Ulldyssian alone... I mean im going so far as to load apples in my notifier so i pick everyone i happen to find. Since it 1% regen.. far better than the +2 flat regen we get from our main charm.. Take an inventory of potions and prey its enough.. dont get hit and if you do get hit try to make it as little as you can is all you can do.

Oh and btw.. HC? In this game? So tell me where do you buy your pants? Special Order? Custom Tailor? Hahahaha
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So ive run into a bit of an issue and im finding it far more problematic than any damage cap shit.. Ruby's %Vit being swapped in place of your Amyth %Dex Gems i noticed was giving me exactly the same life total for some reason... this seems odd.. even more odd my D2 stats show ive lost over 1300 flat vit somehow swapping to Ruby's. and its just Ruby's as well when i swap in gems for +Max Res shit (Quov Tsin) this doesn't happen.

After testing more this morning (I got super frustrated yesterday with it) Im only getting +4 Flat Vit per Gem when i use Ruby's.. Everything else gives me 110 Flat Vit per. Is this an intended thing and if so why? Why is ours so restricted especially when the only way im seeing to do some of these extreme endgame bosses is to scale your life to crazy amounts. Barbs ive seen hitting 40-50K and just seen a Pally with nearly 40K. So i dont think this is suppose to work like this.. We should have that fat Flat Vit total and scale that with the % on the gems. Giving us a ton more life and at the cost of Dex, Block, ect. Instead i still lose all that for litteraly nothing..

And yes ive reequiped everything ripped it all off and put it back on i have to unequip to rip out gems and put the gems back anyway so yeah unless im missing something with that part. But yeah ive got everything ready to try some of this endgame stuff but thats the only thing not working correctly for me for some reason.
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U crazy, u could end up with 150k life or at least over current hp cap.