Limpet Laser Sin

Dark Huntress
12 | 0
I am currently running your limpet build. But I am putting a spin on it and using fireball sentry instead of psionic storm for the alternate damage. I like the idea of fire and ice. I have an act 3 merc right now, just haven't begun really gearing myself out yet. I don't know really how to do all of the shrines, and crafting as well as you all. I am hoping to slowly work up to it. I am glad the build can work in TA, I remember I played years ago and had a hard time in there so I figured with my tiefling form I would get destroyed haha.
Dark Huntress
14 | 0
olly613 wrote:Thanks for your guide. I am working on building this myself. I am level 31, just doing hatred right now. I'm on Act3, any tips on the level 1 challenge? I am afraid of getting torn up in Tran Athula

If you are playing nagi sin remember about unptiering your armor as much as your are able, otherwise they will eat you alive. Also kite some away blink in and out and fear on cooldown. I waited some more levels and eventually respecced to LL and just killed them from far away like a pussy. Teaming up with a summoner or sth tanky helps too as they tend to lock on you sometimes with a whole barrage and you have to quickly change position or youre dead.
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fafik88 wrote:If somebody was wondering how to do Akarat on the causeway summoning easy.

Buff yourself, stick tons of limpets on the wall at that temple, summon him and run away - all die instantly. Do this until you have the trophy and a good roll.
Dark Huntress
14 | 0
If somebody was wondering how to do Khalimgrad.

Its nice to reroll the map a few times until the portal is close to the WP in case you have to use is to enter after death.

Otherwise if you lack damage or kiting skill minions help with the first wave. of them (from the shield). Afterwards they are useless (as well as your sidekick mercenary who walks straight into the shooting towers) since the floating souls kill them too fast and you have to move around a lot.

Basically provoke some of them to come and eliminate with bomb plus LL and fear on CD while avoiding the floating balls.

There are two easy spots to kill the Avatars. Right up from the portal. Basically when you see one forgotten lackey there blink in spam LL all over the place like a crazy person, he comes in since hes stupid and dies and splatters all over the angel when you add more LLs. If situation too hot blink in spam bomb plus LL and blink out before they kill you until the unfortunate winged thing dies.

Second spot is to the right along the wall. Most of the guys you fight in the first waves are from those two close areas so few are there later. Also blink in spam stuff blink out. Blinking skill is pretty strained in this map and invaluable especially to avoid the freaking orbs. ( can kite them and blink over a wall so they leave you alone for a while. )

It doesn't really pay to do rooms further out since there are multiple places from which they stream in and you have to kill them while avoiding orbs and the shooting towers. Easier to makes mistakes, takes a lot of time to get to those further out.

If you die just reenter from the main portal. If they are close to the portal spam minions from shield, fear right on entering blink/spam bomb LL like a pussy when they are busy squashing the poor bugs.

The Eulenspiegel runeword is your friend.. most of the time... when you get hit by the freaking ball.

All in all -> fk those angels - I did the run at least 20 times x2 that is 40 avatars dead and still nothing. 1/12 chance RNG is not your friend. They DO tend to drop sacred uniques and sets though. ~200mf.
Dark Huntress
14 | 0
Nitz wrote:
fafik88 wrote:If somebody was wondering how to do Akarat on the causeway summoning easy.

Buff yourself, stick tons of limpets on the wall at that temple, summon him and run away - all die instantly. Do this until you have the trophy and a good roll.

You see you are blinded by your greatness because if youre a N O O B (!) they do NOT die instantly : ] as much as I'm trying to buff the gear it still around 1500dmg and if you kill all minions and hes still alive afterwards you don't have minions left to lower his shield unless I'm missing something. Resummoning might work but theres two of them to kite around then. Unless they .. fight with each other for some unknown reason.. ( they do )

I died to the freaking cow pimp 20 times with a full 2 walls of limpets in his face and 10 bombs back then And smb was helping me to guide him right to it. So strategies have to be modified if they don't die instantly. : (
Thunder Beetle
53 | 2
Hey Nitz I was just wondering if you have any more tips for Astro and Xazax?

I seriously struggle with Astro, to the point where I just give up. I tried respecing into melee, electrosentry as well as hailstorm and other stuff. Electrofield was the most succesful one, but even so after over an hour of trying I dropped his hp to around 6/7, and I barely destroyed his statues. Is this normal?

I found
to be extremely helpful there with elvensong, so there may be other things I should consider as well?

And for Xazax... I found him so much easier last patch, it makes me kinda depressing you mentioned it's even easier now. I got him to around 40% HP but then I get overwhelmed with the massive amount of mobs he spawns. Am I missing something?

Are there certain "damage breakpoints", as in how much dmg should I have, that I should look for before attempting these?

Thank you in advance. :bounce:
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Nova bomb makes short work out of Astro. Abandon craft a sin shield with it and it should go much smoother.
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TTraw1 wrote:And for Xazax... I found him so much easier last patch, it makes me kinda depressing you mentioned it's even easier now. I got him to around 40% HP but then I get overwhelmed with the massive amount of mobs he spawns. Am I missing something?

Xazax was easier with good gear, now people can do him with 1k limpet dmg which is equilavent to like 5k back then.

There are 2 methods - one is have tons of summons there and around him - then he won't blink and summon mobs. Or lure the enemies to one side. Die//Put gear in cube then phase them and lure them all in one corner, die there. Now they won't bother you any more.

For astro - psionic storm+Doom. If you have 500 sigs eaten it's pretty fast, should take like 70 stats to carry gear, 100 in dex for 50% block rest in energy. Which gear? Laz gear obviously. Why didn't hailstorm work? Weird.
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Hi there!
As for clawsin, what are the breakpoints for IAS, FHR and FBR?
Thanks for your guide!
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Thank you Nitz for cheap to build and strong char.I' m wondering which shield should i use for Khalim's Protector ? Also, is there anything to look for on shield (fbr etc) before i put poison stones into the shield ?