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Get both , but play Hellblade first. Witcher is incredible for its non linearity alone, Hellblade is very linear, and for Witcher it means hundreds of hours of gameplay , so you might as well get Hellblade out of the way first.
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Sweet, finished couple of games this week.

1. DmC
Done 100% everything. SSS on all nephilim is super tricky because I need to properly dodge all attack while maintaining varied attack type to increase combo multiplier. Couple of the score is barely above threshold (i refer to an achievement website with all score requirement). U cant even push enemies of the ledge because it will give less score than fully combo kill them.

2. Homefront
Played on hardest difficulty I believe (guerrilla) and you have no idea how hard I cursed at the game unbalanced design. Enemy have aimbot, AI ally dumb stupid, enemy walk through your allies and kill you, weird collision for cover (sometimes hit see through hole, but it is a wall), enemy look you from behind grass no problem, enemy hitting you even without you ever able to see them, random enemy spawn, unlimited enemies spawn on certain chokepoint, weird progress save point.

All those bullshit made me unable to care about the story nor emotional impact that story carried (same problem as spec ops the line). Game is short and i heard it is unforgiving hard even on easy.

3. Waking Mars
Hmm, hard to explain this one. Basically imagine like metroid vania but instead of power up, you need to carefully balance the ecosystem in each specific area until you reached certain level for you the progress. Kinda like puzzle / science project while you try to discover more area & get back to home base. I cleared like 90% of all the stuff when I reached the ending then I decided to 100% while referring to some guide for certain info (you experiment and result will saved into database, i need to 100% the database).

4. Monster Monpiece
Japanese card game with some twist. I believe I already shared the mechanic. Basically game is kinda like repetitive grinds of same-y card battle. It is have potential but gameplay is just too boring for me. Worst case was the chapter 9 which basically is to do chapter 1-8 all over again in alternative route which kinda padding the game length. I decided it is just not worthy to delayed to full clear all map so I just streamline to the final. Final chapter is just a boss fight with absurd unobtainable cards (at least I think) so I need to retry couple of times unless got the perfect start. Game also have post-end content but I just tagged the game as complete and uninstalled it.

Im on the edge of running out games that I wanted to play (meaning a game I can play more than 20 minute without feeling bored or doing something else) to a point I just watching anime + playing games at same time. I know the game is good but I dunno why I cant just push to start the game (atm there many installed game that need 20 hours to complete it, low budget boring game or some short VN but required focus to playthrough).
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iwansquall wrote:Im on the edge of running out games that I wanted to play (meaning a game I can play more than 20 minute without feeling bored or doing something else) to a point I just watching anime + playing games at same time. I know the game is good but I dunno why I cant just push to start the game (atm there many installed game that need 20 hours to complete it, low budget boring game or some short VN but required focus to playthrough).

What kind of VNs do you usually jump at to read based on premise/vndb rating alone? My top 5 are Muv Luv Alternative, Ever17, Umineko, Higurashi and Baldr Sky (not in any particular order , all of them are amazing equally)

Reading https://vndb.org/v629 right now to train my kanjispeak. Its nothing to write home about but at least the MC isnt a cuck beta male on this one so its fresh from 80% of all VNs.
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Nah, Im not into VN much. It is just there was cheap Sekai Project humble bundle games.
List of games : http://www.ricedigital.co.uk/humble-sek ... al-novels/ (I admit nekopara + Fault vol 2 was the main reason)
I only barely touch about 30% of them and there are still couple good one to play through.

It just I dislike VN that 100% about reading + going through all route (Neptunia series on other hand is 50% VN 50% gameplay) because if I read, i would read quickly before voice at even half way through. So then I will just make them on auto-mode (for the one with japanese voice) and play median at same time.
Hence thats why I need "focus" to read VN that dont have voice over, it is because I cant put them at 2nd monitor while doing something else.

*It would be neat definitely to able to read kanji, but I never learnt them properly so I doubt I able to in short period of time.
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I recommend Sengoku Rance (no voices tho) , Kamidori (this one is voiced) , Eien no Aselia and its sequel Seinarukana . All of those are rpg-VNs. There's a few more out there which are translated (even tho the translation can be a bit off the true meaning since its fantranslations) , but these are the ones i can think off the top of my head right now. I dont mind slogging through 100% read VNs as long as the story interests me and isnt a nukige through and through where theres little to no plot and lots of h-scenes, but i get where youre coming from. I've dropped quite a few of them because the plot dragged on needlessly and it felt like a chore to read the rest. I can only take so much of slice of life arcs , they tend to be even worse than 100% moeblob VNs for me.
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Bump. Sorry about the watermark , need to re-register bandicam.

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Good news, humble bundle now have sakura games VN bundle.
I might get the 2nd tier to add more sakura games to my list.


I might giveaway couple of duplicate away somehow, maybe to median member (I dont involved much in other online community)
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What game was that? Looks like mix of Amnesia and Condemned.
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Kraken Guard
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Its one of the DLCs of The Evil Within, where you play as one of the bosses in first person.

Self-Destruct (more like clothes destruct) :

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Been playing Bayonetta Remastered, i remember dismissing it as just a DMC clone years ago (kinda still is in all honesty) but im surprised on how well it was executed, its winning brownie points so far.