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No update for finished games since I have like 20 games installed on my pc and havent decided to trash them yet.

1. Clustertruck
Super simple jumping over truck toward ending game. Movement is super slick and this game is have deep mechanic for score attack. Seem like it got high level count, already clear 3 area (10 level each area) each with unique twist. Check any twitch streamer for this game since the developer added a backdoor to change game mechanic via twitch chat. Not sure if i want to finish it, probably got more than 100 levels based from achievements list.

2. Resident Evil 4 HD
Bought immediately from recent capcom humble bundle (because it have DMC 4 SE as well). My pc was kinda old so i couldnt get to run the game properly at 60 fps. Was going semi-blind this time (last time i used full walkthrough) and I surprised i still can remember couple of tricks in that game. Just cleared 3/4 of chapter 2 (total 6 chapters with around 2 hours each i think). Although it is clunky compared to modern games, it is overall still feel like a very good package (aside from stupid QTE). 100% achievement seem quite easy which required me to complete the game twice, and there is special costume with good bonus to made game run in professional difficulty much easier.

Kinda too bad i couldnt run sonic adventure 2 and dead rising for some reason,and Im kinda keeping dmc 4 for later when there is discount on DLC at steam. A bit bored because dying too much in median, but now since there is new patch for median maybe I can back to it.
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Update for 2 games mentioned before

1. Clustertruck.
So there was 90 main campaign levels and several other additional level from halloween and other event. It took one hour for to complete the final level which was HUGE difficulty spike with weird boss fight. It wasnt obvious what I needed to do until I check youtube for some hints. Still, it doesnt prepare me for the challenge since this games required to not hit anything or you need to start from beginning. You cant go slow either since there will some sort thing that kill you if you are too slow. I havent rage in gaming so much for very long time until this final level bullshit.

At the end, I only get a thank you.

2. Resident Evil 4 HD
Earlier I spent about 10 hours straight to try to finish this game. Man, the QTE is brutal with super short time frame (less than 1 second!). At first I thought I wanted to 100% achievement since there is about another 16 hours to clear, but after reading some tips online I think I will rather play another easier game first. Even after more than 10 years, the game is still fun and engaging. To unlock all costume, I think i need to clear mini-game which might take around 2 - 3 hours extra hours.

Gonna uninstall both of them and tag them as completed.
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Another 2 finished games to the list:

1. Sonic Generations
Overall it is an awesome games with both mechanic of old and new Sonic. The ability to go super speed is so fun although in later level, it have a lot of ways to kill you with pitfall. The only I missed would be boss battle after each level, which replaced with boss in every 3 levels. Too bad nothing memorable from the boss fights because it kinda have weird boring mechanic to defeat them. Only the third boss is the fun one, even that I also have problem with repetitive mechanic.

2. Bionic Commando 2009
Game didnt get good rating and I can understand why. Basically the swinging mechanic in this game is something like difficult that you can try to master, but sadly aside from traveling around in certain part of level, the skill you mastered doesnt translated well with combat. Combat and shooting mechanic feel way too arcade-y just like any other entry to the series, it still much easier to spam your bionic arm grab since it is free and instant kill. Boss mechanic is laughable at least compared to the series 2D counterpart. And the ending is terrible...

How funny I couldve finish old games that I recently bought but I havent even touch the game that I bought during steam summer sales. Hmm maybe I should work on even older steambacklog.
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Bought Dauntless early access, since the next MH seems miles away for now. Its ok. Also trying to beat resident evil 7 with VR on Madhouse difficulty with no infinite ammo ofc. Its hard. And pretty immersive.

Thats all.


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Nothing much, just an update for DMC4SE.

I start to install the game after told that DLC for the game is useless and I should only buy Trish / Lady costume while getting other stuff via grinding. Funny thing is, for some reason I started the game with lowest difficulty since I think I saw there is "clear the game with human difficulty". Since I just wanted to go through easily with Nero / Dante so I go ahead with it.

Game was super breeze but I just realized ...that there are couple of part of DMC4SE that hard to get used to.
1. Lock on determined either you able to use specific skill. Gosh too many time I held analog at wrong direction and different skill came out. I prefer 2nd attack button (light / heavy) and atm Nero doesnt use all button on my controller.
2. Holding button fest, at least for Necro. Hmm, maybe I need to change setting or something, but atm I need to hold my Lock-On button. But if i wanted to do advanced stuff, i need hold shoot button and exceed(I still dunno how to use insta-exceed after a hit timing). I will see later if it can toggle lock-on like Dark souls or something.
3. No dedicated dodge button. Gosh I wish I got that, kinda funny that I need to use short jump to dodge enemy. To dodge you need lock-on and correct analogue placement so you can dodge sideway. Cant dodge forward or backward.
4. Fixed camera placement. Gosh, I wonder if people forget about this stuff from the past. Imagine you trying to do platforming, you jump then *NOPE* change camera angle and then you move toward the hole instead. DmC have mostly 3rd person cam from behind, at least it required less precise with the jump.
5. Red Orb scoring. Exploration, fighting monster and beat super hard boss. How about we add requirement that you need to search for hidden red orbs and destroy several object just to get high score? DmC did it way too easy, but DMC4SE is tedious as usual. Maybe once I figure out the hidden orb area and it will be breeze.

Game is hard, at least harder than I anticipated. Credo required you to understand boss pattern while Dante required you to not rush the boss. Well at least other big boss is still easy on lowest difficulty. No wonder people complain about boss difficulty in newer DmC, it is indeed terrible.

I been slowing playing through the game while playing Median at same time. I currently just started the level with Dante and I will able to experience the hard part of the game (the dante skill set) with controller.
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fuck this game.

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Small update since I didnt finished any game recently.

1. MedianXL 2017
So far my melee necro have progressed even further than I ever reached in the past. Im surprised on how easy the build is. Probably one of the reason is I used speedhack (1.5x, then 2.0, then 20x once I have decent gears to farm TA / Torajan Jungle). I still terrible against uber purify boss, so I just use slowdown against Assur and Vizjun boss. My build still cant farm fauzt and toraja comfortably at least i tackled several ubers that i probably give up in the past because high amount of grinding needed for end game loots

2. DMC 4 SE
Going turbo mode all the way. Cleared the game with Nero/Dante and Vergil for the 2 easiest difficulty. So my next playthrough is to be with Lady / Trish. Gosh the playstyle of Lady is so fun (Vergil is easiest to spam buttons with atm) but required a lot thought since her melee kinda slow. I went blind and go for the new difficulty mode which Legendary Dark Knight (I was told from internet that this mode give a lot of proud souls). Boy, remember the changes from cLoD to median? This difficulty is something like that, more monster that come to kill you (like 20 monster in 1 screen!) and Im here playing Lady with super AoE burst damage, easily reach SSS scores with just couple of combos. The boss however, is super hard for me. It required me to play like Dark souls without regen, first boss for example took me about 1 hour just to successfully beat him, 2nd boss need about 40 minutes. And I cant imagine the horror against of the best boss in game later (Credo).

3. Styx
Bought from Nemesis Bundle from bundlestars, it is one the game Im was looking forward to try since 3 years ago. Sadly my pc still have hiccup even playing at lowest setting so I gonna postpone it until i got decent pc (or maybe I install it in my office laptop :P)

4. Slain : Back from hell
Another game I was looking forward from the bundle, gosh the scream metal in every aspect. Hard and brutal, kinda a bit unfair as well. Atm I just beat level 1 boss, which I feel like super draggy and tedious. Probably gonna try with turbo mode (CE) later since I feel like the gameplay is a bit slow.

Maybe I should post more pictures, but usually when I typed this long post Im usually bored In office :(
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The Evil Within 2 comes out on friday the 13th, i might take that for a spin next. Maybe ill try Shadow of Mordor 2 as well , i found 1 very repetitive so didnt enjoy it as much hopefully this one will add variety to missions and maps.

Til then , still playing Nier Automata since true ending does the same as Nier's true ending does and deletes your saved data when its reached. So trying to 100% it on everything now. Its definitely my GOTY , even tho it will probably not get any GOTY awards since its too niche, and some overhyped mainstream garbage will end up getting it instead.