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Hi, I wondered, why dont we have a topic with our favourite foods/recipes and how to make/replicate them?

I'll start adding my newest discovery...THE ROASTED POTATOEEEEEE!

Some of you know that I have Crohn's disease, so my food choices are limited (for now) between ULTRA SUPER Healthy and/or Starving to death unhealthy.
So today I wanted french fries, but guess what, I cant eat them since I just got out of the hospital, so Investigating I discovered something called ''roasted potatoe'', and guess what, my stomach tolerates it 100% and tastest/looks like french fries, but 10000000% healthier.

What do I need shitychef somnus??
  • Potatoes
  • Salt
  • Garlic
  • Some ''Provencal herbs''
  • Olive oil ultra virgin extra (if it plays world of warcraft in his mom's basement, better)
  • Pan
  • Boiling Water
  • 250ºC preheated oven.
How to cook this shit delicious food?
  • Pre heat oven 250ºCelcius (482 farenheit)
  • Remove potato skin, cut in big chunks like this, or whatever you like, i just cut them like that, more or less.
  • Boil potatoes until you can stab them with a knife effortless without breaking apart.
  • Fry olive oil virgin extra with the garlic (use the garlic press before adding them to the oil) and the herbs. Do not burn it, we just want some flavour to the potatoes, the more you cook/add them, the more it will taste as garlic/herbs. Add/remove to your stomach's content.
  • Remove the garlic and the herbs from the oil with a strainer, and pour the oil into the oven trail.
  • Put your potatoes in the oven trail and mix it with the oil, add salt and a bit of pepper (dont exceed this). Add some more provenzal herbs (non cooked) over the potatoes, and put the tray in the oven.
  • Cook the potatoes until they have that amazing ''fried potatoe'' color. Around 30-40 minutes, depending on the oven.

For dipping I use ketchup with low vinegar/acid stuff quantity, cause of my belly. It's just amazing.

If you dont want the taste of the garlick and/or want to cut time, remove the step for cooking the oil with the garlic and herbs. It would be something like this:

Oven to 375f/250C
Peel potatoe, put it on boiling water with salt until they are ready (dont let them be torn apart when u poke them with a knife)
Coat potatoes evenly with olive virgin extra, spark the herbs on top.
Put the potatoes on the tray and inside the oven.

¡Que aproveche!
Edited by Somnus 6 years.
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You can cut out a lot of those steps if you want to save time/effort.

1.) Scrub potatoes to clean them and preheat oven to ~375 Fahrenheit.
2.) Slice long ways into thick french fry shape wedges
3.) Put in big ziploc bag with a bit of oil, smoked paprika, salt, and parsley
4.) Shake bag around for a bit to make sure all things are evenly coated
5.) Place on roasting pan, roast in oven for ~30 minutes til golden and cooked through.
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Poutine or nothing, ehh :hammer:
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I paid 10$ for this.
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L H wrote:You can cut out a lot of those steps if you want to save time/effort.

1.) Scrub potatoes to clean them and preheat oven to ~375 Fahrenheit.
2.) Slice long ways into thick french fry shape wedges
3.) Put in big ziploc bag with a bit of oil, smoked paprika, salt, and parsley
4.) Shake bag around for a bit to make sure all things are evenly coated
5.) Place on roasting pan, roast in oven for ~30 minutes til golden and cooked through.

Will test this ASAP, but I like the big chunk potatoes, kinda gives some texture on the inside.
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I'm just waiting for someone to post a French onion soup recipe using RandomOnions :twisted:
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I'll try to update tomorrow with my cream/puré with carrots, chicken, potatoes and onions :D
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Hello there!

Today I bring my newest specialties, somnus's carrot/chicken cream and ''puchero'' (spanish soup), which complement each other since you need the añejo to make both anyways, so why not.

What do I need?
  • Carrots (desired amount, i used 2-3 10c)
  • Chicken (i used a whole chicken, 3€ for 2kg of chicken)
  • Potatoes (i used 2 potatoes, 20c)
  • Boiling Water (free (?)
  • 2 pots (stolen from blyat neighbour)
  • salt (stolen from babushka)
  • ''Salted pig bones for soup'' (thats the translation, cant find it in english, in spain we call it ''añejo'') you can find what it looks like in here.

1) Boil the chicken and añejo in a pot, together, in 2-3L of water (or desired amount for the soup, remember that water evaporates, so add a bit more), and do the same with the peeled potatoes/carrots in another pot with the amount of desired water for your cream (keep in mind that will evaporate and the density of the carrots/potatoes/chicken will raise your volume). Add salt.
2) Once the chicken&añejo are cooked, removed the añejo and add it to the potatoes/carrot pot, let it give flavour to the water from the carrot pot.
3) Remove the bones from the chicken and throw them in the bin, useless bones. Add the meat to the carrot/potatoe pot, remove añejo and use your blender in it until it becomes a cream. Add salt.
4) You will have a tasty soup (from the chicken and añejo, which you can add ''fideos'' (noodles), rice, chicken, jamon serrano, boiled egg and ''garbanzos'' (chickpeas) , which I always do since its so yummy. Up to you.
5) And lastly, you will have a tasty cream, both are really good, specially when you are sick or with tummy problems (its specially good for me, since crohn's :D)

I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do, this 2 recipes are my dinner today and my food for tomorrow (which btw, it last A LOT) and the soup, you can keep adding water so you dont run out!!

Thanks! :D
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I'll try to make this weekend a good bread, hopefully I can get a good wheat that doesnt kill me (crohn's)
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L H wrote:You can cut out a lot of those steps if you want to save time/effort.

1.) Scrub potatoes to clean them and preheat oven to ~375 Fahrenheit.
2.) Slice long ways into thick french fry shape wedges
3.) Put in big ziploc bag with a bit of oil, smoked paprika, salt, and parsley
4.) Shake bag around for a bit to make sure all things are evenly coated
5.) Place on roasting pan, roast in oven for ~30 minutes til golden and cooked through.

I tried this, yummy.
I tried cutting time too, so I removed the step for cooking the oil with the garlic and herbs. It would be something like this:

  • Oven to 375f/250C
  • Peel potatoe, put it on boiling water with salt until they are ready (dont let them be torn apart when u poke them with a knife)
  • Coat potatoes evenly with olive virgin extra, spark the herbs on top.
  • Put the potatoes on the tray and inside the oven.
  • TADA!
