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It's the best UMO project item in the game. Stacking all the UMOs that fit your build on it will basically create an item that is very hard or impossible to outdo. Of course the item is rare and obtaining UMOs legit is difficult, so it's an endgame item for those who want to perfect their build.

Or if you don't want to bother with finding/trading for UMOs you could always give it to your low level alt character, and that way they have an armour that scales with them as they level through normal MOs and makes the progression faster & easier.
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Median XL: Sigma will be out soon. I should start prepping for it.
Rather than burn myself out trying to keep learning the current game.
Wouldn't that be wiser for me? Since Sigma will be an entirely new experience?
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DreamTeam wrote:Median XL: Sigma will be out soon. I should start prepping for it.
Rather than burn myself out trying to keep learning the current game.
Wouldn't that be wiser for me? Since Sigma will be an entirely new experience?

The only way you can prepare for Sigma is playing this new version since right now is the closer thing to what Sigma will be
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Don't make your plans with Sigma.

Its like half life 3. You cant know when it will be out.
21 | 4
DreamTeam wrote:Median XL: Sigma will be out soon. I should start prepping for it.
Rather than burn myself out trying to keep learning the current game.
Wouldn't that be wiser for me? Since Sigma will be an entirely new experience?

The real issue here is not to burn out on Sigma.

Do not worry about overplaying the current game.
Worry about fantasizing too much about future releases.
This is a hobby for the staff, god bless them; it takes time.
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Alright guys. Thanks for the advise. I was just worried that I'll be having too much fun with this current game, and then once I finally become good Sigma will be released and it will be like starting over.

Also if I make a single player character, and not on the Multiplayer Gateway: The Sin War, will my single player characters be available to play even after Sigma comes out or will those need to be remade as well?

I may want to check out single player because I enjoy the solo grind very much.
On my current level 120 Rat Druid, I was mostly advancing in my own password game.

What are the pros and cons to playing single player?
There is no lag (excellent ping) and it plays off-line like the original game?
21 | 4
Your single player account is safe.

In your situation, I'd play single player.
You'll learn more through failure, without temptation for a rush, items, etc.

In my experience, you'll want to wait it out for multiplayer.
If you've played vanilla D2, you'll know that a ladder has a lifespan.
That is to say, a finite time window during which trading is active.
Median XL had a very short ladder lifespan last time around.

This content patch is far improved, but I'd say you would arrive to the party a bit late.
Unless you are OK with a lack of trading, but ... then why not SP?

Ladder PROs: Meeting friends >>> Trading > Rushes (once you're experienced)
Ladder CONs: Lag Issues >>>>>>>>>>> Depressing when ladder life over

I'd learn the game in SP, then join The Sin War when next ladder drops
Also, do not assume next ladder = Sigma
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Singleplayer Pro:
- more drops
- /players X command (for a better challenge and even better drops)
- unlimited stash size thanks to plugy
- no lagg

Singplayer Con:
- people can't help you out if you're stuck
- in general no partyplay, which is something I really enjoy especially in Diablo 2
- No easy rushes (though SP offline tools can unlock all WP's so it's basically the same)
- no trading (well, there is, but there's only a tiny bit, since you have to know who plays SP and ask them if they have Item X)
- Easy cheating/Duping and thus a less attractive gameplay. If you're duping exp signets/Arcane Crystals like crazy the game will get boring really fast.
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I appreciate the posts, MedianUV and HechtHeftig. It's given me a lot of insight.

One more thing: Do I need to download D2Stats?
I was playing just fine without it so far on the ladder.
But would it help me on single player? I'm just worried I won't understand it.

I am not good at messing with files or installing things to be honest. Initially downloading Median XL confused me. I couldn't figure it out. And then I went to the Discord channel and somebody gave me a simple link. One click and all of a sudden it was super easy and it installed automatically with its own icon (app) on desktop.

If D2Stats is easy to download and use I'll definitely check it out. Otherwise I'm not interested.