Good Manga

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Just finished entire Claymore series. Pretty decent. Beginning much better before 7-year gap, then it turned into constant Godzilla type battles, but at least the story was decent. Felt like it should have kept going though, that they had only touched the tip of the iceberg in terms of being on a small island with two other continents in a great war.

Starting to read Gunslinger Girl because I heard it was good, but seems like it might be a bit perverted. Time will tell.

List any mangas you are currently reading or want to make honorable mention of. Ofc, I have to mention Berserk.
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Taem wrote:Berserk

So cruel to release a new chapter this year and raise the hope for ongoing releases, obviously best manga of ALL time

idk ive read the fairy tail manga and i really liked in the beginning chapters but as most of the time they run out of creativity and now its meh

also been reading the inuyasha manga though not finished yet and idk if i will lack of motivation and kinda repetetive content in my opinion

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im still checking out one piece, that means i skip through the pictures without really reading just the ones that seem intresting
if its intresting right now plz someone tell me
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i kinda lost interest in one piece bcz the battle right now is stretching on for soooo long, and is currently reading Battle Royale, its kinda like Hunger Games but its nice with lots of blood and gore and titties .. hehe..
Other then mainstream mangas such as Bleach, naruto etc..
Try Detective Conan if u r into Mind games type of manga, this one have an awesome storyline too which is still on-going and gets updates every now and then.
or try Code Breakers if u r into superpowers kinda stuff, its awesome and i read it to a finishing point but then lost track on it.
I m also reading Flame of Recca and so far its going nice, only read half of it so far tho.

i have read loads more manga, some better than others but i kinda cant remember it atm so i will maybe post later :P
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Gantz It's a nice reading, it starts great but (imho) kind of goes downhill half way through 'till the end. (I warn you, it's extremely perverted in several instances)
If you're found of nonsense humor, for comic relief and cool drawings try Onepunch-Man (Murata Yuusuke version)
In the end, even with all its cons, I still find Bleach a must-read, together with Planetes
Offcourse I too suggest to read both Berserk and Claymore. Berserk in particular is in my opinion one of the best, if not the absolute best, manga one could hope to find.
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I'm very biased when it comes to Claymore. Imo, it's really good! The ending had me wiping some man tears away. A continuation of the story and also a new season 2 or remake (plus season 2) of the anime would be great these days..
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Slain Soul
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Alkaiser wrote:I'm very biased when it comes to Claymore. Imo, it's really good! The ending had me wiping some man tears away. A continuation of the story and also a new season 2 or remake (plus season 2) of the anime would be great these days..

Well, ofc they've have to remake the ending,

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Edited by Taem 8 years.
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Taem wrote:
Well, ofc they've have to remake the ending, considering Priscilla was killed in the anime after their care-bear stare... honestly one of the stupidest endings of a great anime I've ever watched, even hokier than the sappiest Sailor Moon... I was left dead inside. They should have stopped the anime shortly after the death of the silver-eyed lion.

As for a continuation of the manga, sign me up!!! I want to see them join the war and fight dragons goddamnit!

not for me but ehm spoiler?
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Taem wrote:As for a continuation of the manga, sign me up!!! I want to see them join the war and fight dragons goddamnit!

I meant to mention the continuation of the manga as well. I keep throwing money at my screen, but nothing is happening :cry:
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If manga writers listened to me, Berserk would be finished already, but I keep tossing money at the screen too.