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Been in the hospital for far too long, the doctor said that I'm getting better but, in the process, the junction between both intestines has a tiny scab and the food is not going in as it should, so I puke if I eat too much (reason why I got hospitalized). Thing is, they didnt knew what it was, they thought it was a blockage, or worse, a fisure in my intestines (which I would need surgery). After tests, not eating for a couple of weeks (only drinking and IV glucose), they determined that is just that, a scab in my intestine. We're still pending on the test results to come back from my blood analysis, but I'm home, healed, and ready for my next biological injection this monday (remicade/infliximab). Luckily this time wasnt because of the inflammation/intestine pain, just puking.

Quick Q&A: Why are u at home if there's still tests results to come back etc? Cause there's no point on being in the hospital when I'm perfectly fine, eating back to normal (obviously with lower intakes) until we see how the injection works. Last 2 worked wonderful, so well that I healed the intestines, no inflammation, and I'm still perfectly fine (no inflammation/pain, etc). I have my doc appointment this december 19th, so, I should be fine.

Will you stream again? I hope so. I want to. I need to and I have to. But first, I REALLY need to take care of myself, I shat myself when one of the doctors from the ER said the word ''surgery'' and ''hole in the intestine''. I'm gonna take care of some stuff and I'll be back for MXL 1.2

Oh man, what a year. 2017 for me has been a pain in the ass. All I've done this year is being in the hospital and being in pain, such annoyance.
As far as next updates comes, I wont talk about my illness anymore, since it's really annoying to me (and to everyone else) to be talking about the same shit for over a year (not counting parents asking the same 4 questions every five minutes).

Thanks everyone for the support and time.
With love, Somnus.
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Been out for a long time due to my crohn's being a bitch. Now it's time for a tiny update.

Since November (2nd injection) I've been feeling better, no pain or stabbing in my intestines. But I've been puking and feeling ''filled'' after eating tiny amounts or just drinking 2 drops of water. So after hospitalized in November (last time i updated), I got my 3rd injection this 4th of December, which made me ''chemically imbalanced'' (I feel really dizzy, sick and nauseous), but all the inflation/inflammation is gone, puking is gone (can start eating again, which I need cause I'm on 55kg). All I need is for my body to adapt to this new chemical balance and I will be perfectly fine, I hope!

I'm hoping to come back to a normal life, since all I did since February was bed, pain, hospital. At least I want to come back to stream, which i tried a couple of times, but I got rekted.

Sorry, will do my best! Best of luck to all of you, and merry christmas.
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Stream will start 15 minutes before S16 starts :)

Lets do dis or nah? Whoever wants to join up and play together, just mp/whisp me @somnus! <3
Azure Drake
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Somnus wrote:Stream will start 15 minutes before S16 starts :)

Lets do dis or nah? Whoever wants to join up and play together, just mp/whisp me @somnus! <3

For sure 8-) I gonna join, maybe will run stream also if be able to do smth with OBS
Bone Archer
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I should be home from work before it goes live. I'd be down to join up and play some.
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Nice then :D
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Ye i'm able to run stream tho my voice got raped by micro and bronchitis xD
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Holy shit, what a year, what a start, what a month..

Been in the hospital since January cause of crohn's. In the end, I got an operation, got shit cut and tons of bullshit, ''worst case we've ever seen, thanks to the other hospital. You should sue them (but we wont testify against them TOP KEK). Another funny thing they told me ''your nutrition values are too low, it's risky, you could die in the table. NICE. Whatever. I'm gonna sue the other hospital as soon as I can walk out of my house by myself.

In the end, a month in hell (never felt more pain in my entire year with crohn, and thats saying something since i have high pain tolerance..). Post-operation was a pain, 3 days in bed high as fuck, still cant walk, my back is killing me. Good side, can eat as much as i want now, im ''crohn's free''.

Will be back as soon as I can stand in the pc's chair. Sorry I couldnt message anyone, I had no internet and I was in no shape to even talk.
Love for everyone<3

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Awesome news man! Glad to know u r on the road of better health from now on.
Also, i thought it was not possible to heal crohn's completely, what did they do?
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Glad to hear that, wishing you all the best!