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Didnt play abyss, so cant comment on that. Got several essence but afraid to use them ... yet.

I forgot to mention about improvement on the map system with blue tint to represent area you already explored, icon that appear when you reached certain distance from important target (door, shrine, abyss, special beast etc). Simple but good QoL improvement.


How I could forget about improvement for frame lock. Im probably one of the person that doesnt mind about quality of graphic as long as it is smooth. Sometimes despite lowering graphic setting, POE tend to lag allow with weather effect (in act 1 town or act 3 garden). Finally manage to experience another game with this feature (the first one i experienced was in The Witness)

Another feature I forgot to mentioned was the ability to see stat ranges when you press alt on any item. Although Tier stuff is still confusion at least I know that now if I find a lot of Tier 1 stuff that fit my build, it is definitely good stuff. I always have that problem in many arpg game.


Skimmed through Kaom then until Malachai for act 4 clearance. Reached act 5, overall my impression is the map is feel kinda big for some reason, remind of 2nd level on the way to piety. Again, as my usual reckless gameplay I though I could just survive with 50% resist in act 5, turn out it wasnt enough for the big boss (forgot the name). Boss fight is nice with tons of bullet-hellish projeciles, really remind me of boss fight in Furi. But turn out, even with my powerful recently found 4-link multstrike techno..i forgot the skill name is still slow against big boss like this.Died couple of times because of the projectile. (1.4k hp, around 50~% lightning resist, assuming that the boss element).

Another extra QoL stuff that was added that I didnt noticed is now your master will teleport to you whenever you done your task (Vorici + Tora) which save some little time instead of walking back to them.
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1 week after PoE craze began.

Just when I thought I finished the games once I beat kitava, I was surprised on how big / deep is current PoE are. You got tons of new feature since I played the game in Prophecy league.
1. Atlas of world : Sextant to further tweak the maps, shaped maps, and complete atlas system
2. Breach in maps : This is one of the coolest stuff happened in the game and it look even cooler than that wormy abyss thingy.
3. Leaguestones : I havent found this one, but I saw guide on youtube that showed couple of this thing. You tell you can add more stats than just map tweak on the map machine with chaos?

To be honest, Im quite happy with my current high-block cleaver gladiator as I found several key unique while farming SSF. At least I learnt that labyrinth layout is static and Im able to farm several merciless lab easily with 4 treasure keys each.

There are just simply too much stuff added to the game with variety of tweak and customizeable that give reward to the bold with little spices of RNG. This probably the 2nd time I feel like the game is damn good (1st one was prophecy addition) that I felt I really wanted to create second dedicated character just for pure powerful build, IF i dont get bored playing the game 2nd time.

At the current, Im gonna away from games for 2 weeks so I dunno if I played poe again but definitely last 50 hours I spent with the games are among the best. Im kinda understand why people keep playing it and hate d3 because of lack of depth.
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desu and stuff.

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Edited by Unda 5 years.
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L O L game:

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Kraken Guard
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A bit of a sloppy fight at first but in my defense im underleveled for this fight by 8 levels.

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Jungle Hunter
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Dead in Vinland in 2 days hype! Other than that, Shadowrun Returns and Witcher 3.
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Tried playing some SNEJ today through D2SE, but I for the love of god can't get it to work in fullscreen with glide. D3D is just too dark. SNEJ is fun though as a change of game for a while, still has that D2 feeling I crave, but only getting it to work in windowed mode and having it look MINISCULE makes it virtually unplayable.