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Sorry for maybe not precisely topic to post: the bottom links for previous patch notes here results in 404 error.
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Pure summoner more viable in ultimative than 2017? Please, go ahead. Load up that patch and try to level with a pure summoner compared to how it is now. Then watch how your 349 minion army struggles to kill even crappy bosses like Jitan, who have 90% physical resistance, or any heroic boss.

Shoehorning players into RC? That skill was added a long time after all minions got their health & damage massively buffed and all minion support totems received buffs. It just adds insanely more damage to your entire party, to the point where DFT is giving the same damage as a barb uber skill btw, but you can still use your Jinn or your Death's Ward if you wish. It's not like minions were nerfed to accommodate for RC.

Veil king dying fast? It's literally the tankiest minion in the game. Has by far the most health out of any minion and the highest resistances. You just have to resummon him once in a while and not use it in areas with magic damage 1hko like dunc, that's it. The guy is ultra beef otherwise.

Regarding max minions: It's really simple, in 1.0 we buffed all of the class summons. And then to improve game performance and quality of life we reduced max minion sizes. This also included +max minions on barb items, but we forgot about the Necro. It has been mentioned many times in the past that we would eventually rectify this omission. People like to whine that the nerf was too great (for example the broken Santa Compana), but let me tell you any barb summoner would sell their soul for a +4 max minion item so QQ here is completely unjustified.

The only reason pure summoner necro isn't the most busted build in the game right now is because the minions don't have any special attacks. If we would give Rampagors retaliate and make lamia a ranged unit with Stampede then Barb summoner, who many are praising as "op", would look like a joke in comparison, because the necro minions are so much more durable and have massively superior damage.
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About Veil King, i assume that he does not dying fast. But what happen when he become hostiles and attack you ?
He is tanky, immune to poison and can literally one shot all your army (no jokes he really one shot all my rampagor and lamia,flayers also).
So when you summon him, you have to take a risk am i right ? As a summoner build and my style is to play safe, i would not summon him.
I'm afraid to summon him in Fautzinville, Tran Athulua, Teganze, or should i use him to help me kill Baal in Destruction ?
Even if you are playing totemancer or caster playstyle you would not summon him either, or people still want to use him to tank some uber boss because they like to take that big risk ?
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suchbalance wrote:Pure summoner more viable in ultimative than 2017? Please, go ahead. Load up that patch and try to level with a pure summoner compared to how it is now. Then watch how your 349 minion army struggles to kill even crappy bosses like Jitan, who have 90% physical resistance, or any heroic boss.

Shoehorning players into RC? That skill was added a long time after all minions got their health & damage massively buffed and all minion support totems received buffs. It just adds insanely more damage to your entire party, to the point where DFT is giving the same damage as a barb uber skill btw, but you can still use your Jinn or your Death's Ward if you wish. It's not like minions were nerfed to accommodate for RC.

Veil king dying fast? It's literally the tankiest minion in the game. Has by far the most health out of any minion and the highest resistances. You just have to resummon him once in a while and not use it in areas with magic damage 1hko like dunc, that's it. The guy is ultra beef otherwise.

Regarding max minions: It's really simple, in 1.0 we buffed all of the class summons. And then to improve game performance and quality of life we reduced max minion sizes. This also included +max minions on barb items, but we forgot about the Necro. It has been mentioned many times in the past that we would eventually rectify this omission. People like to whine that the nerf was too great (for example the broken Santa Compana), but let me tell you any barb summoner would sell their soul for a +4 max minion item so QQ here is completely unjustified.

The only reason pure summoner necro isn't the most busted build in the game right now is because the minions don't have any special attacks. If we would give Rampagors retaliate and make lamia a ranged unit with Stampede then Barb summoner, who many are praising as "op", would look like a joke in comparison, because the necro minions are so much more durable and have massively superior damage.

All good points, and most I was unaware of. However... when comparing Barb summoner to Necro summoner, you seem to disregard too easily the passive bonuses Barbs rely on for survival that are unavailable to Necros. I guess the real test would be to see which sub-class can clear more ubers without dying. If you are correct SB, it'll be the Necro. If I am correct, it'll be the Barb and perhaps if I was right, then there are issues that were overlooked when focusing only on damage output of this particular sub-class.
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Posted in the wrong thread whoops :oops:
Dark Huntress
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I'm pretty new here, still learning about the game and wanted to give feedback on my first time playing Necro summoner.

My character is a 121 Necro with 3 rows of charms, few great runes and a bunch of XiS, near max gear and about 10 respecs of experimenting.

I wanted to play a summoner necro archetype and was excited when a friends told me Median had a strong version of summoner. After playing it a ton, I felt like I was totally jebaited. The way the skills have synergy with each other in this game doesn't feel right. All the power minions have are from DFT and HT. Putting points into the necro summons themselves is near worthless. As a new player to Median that was pretty disappointing.

With of the help of my team I was able to get Santa, 3 piece Laz, rolled jeweled and what not. Man was I freaking frustrated when all the necro summons were nerfed 70%+? without proper documentation. Santa on paper seemed BUSTED, totally understand that but holy hell i was so damn pissed when I found out everything was nerfed by values OVER 50% without proper mention. (As a designer you should never do this, easily the most annoying thing I've yet to experience in gaming.)

I felt pretty weak in comparison to the other people in my group but especially THE SUMMON BARB. Holy hell it's basically my class but better! Summoner barb is literally a better Necro summoner. I didn't give up, tried to salvage the spec, started experimenting and swapping things around. I have a few notes.

DFT and HT shouldn't exist. Not only do they break the game in party play by just placing two stupid totems (x5-10 damage to each of my attack based party members, hello?) they take priority in the "summoner" build.

Veil King is REALLY REALLY bad, in any hard content he just instantly dies and wipes your party/kills you. When farming he's okay but there's only one of him (you can't scale him with the best scaling stats) and he has the same HP as my other minions 9 Lamia at 43k HP or 1 VK at 40k HP :THINKING FACE:. Putting points into him in a joke and there's no way to scale him, easily the worst skill in the tree. Want to ruin someone's game? Summon a bunch of Veil King in a semi difficult uber.

Rathma's Chosen is utter garbage in most situations. To make the most of your minions you have to directly teleport on top of your target. Sometimes you just instantly die because of poor teleports/minion spacing and random projectiles. Even if I had 100 minions, the way the AI works they don't properly attack enemies unless you TP. Double PHYSICAL damage is not worth it when DFT is bringing in half our damage anyway.

DEATH WARD IS GODLY, THIS SHIT IS BUSTED in comparison to RC. You can TP where you want to get the most of your minions, you don't die and have to waste a shit ton of time re summoning your minions properly and my damage fall of was whatever.

So onto scaling, apart from minion HP/minion damage the only way to really get your damage up is +minion teleport bombing onto an enemy. +Skill scaling has mediocre impact to overall damage. +Minions doesn't really do much aside from creating a meat shield in non bombing situations.

That's all minions are, meat shields. it sucks that the best way to scale this build is to drop everything related to being a summoner into -res, get focus on totems and basically don't play a summoner.

Which brings me back full circle to my first time playing Median about 3-5 patches ago (can't remember exactly.)

I tried to play a holy paladin and was getting absolutely destroyed by everything. Multiple people on Discord told me holy is absolute garbage and to respec and play X. I quit shortly after and am pretty close to doing the exact same thing.

I haven't played Median as much as all of you, I had a lot of fun doing all the content but I have a huge level of frustration when it comes to Median's general balance and skill tree design. I'm sure there's a lot of builds that work cohesively and classes that feel right but I'm 2/2 for poor experiences along with the patch note thing, my want to support Median is minimal.

I see a lot of potential and still hopeful things improve!
Dark Huntress
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Thanks man, I appreciate the depth you provided to my education and to the discussion.
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About the docs: they haven't been updated due to a technical issue, that is unfortunately still not resolved. I get that not having 100% accurate info there sucks, but it was either that or not release the patch on time. And of those two, the former is definitely the lesser evil.
Dark Huntress
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I wouldn't mind the docs being updated if we had the items listed in the patch notes but I've said my peace on the subject I don't want to beat a dead horse. Thanks for the reply!
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The Big Ouchy
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To me, the summoner necro was always kind of garbage without sinwar which is probably the biggest design issue with the build. You can get by (albeit slowly) with prebuffing DFT with huonfor and a +skill weapon switch, spamming burning veil, and having an act 5 merc with TU scale mail, clawfeet, and Qarak's Will, but Sinwar was always a make or break item for the build.

Another issue with the summoner (in regards to this patch) is that reducing the number of summons is synonymous to reducing the number of missiles of an AOE attack. It is not just an issue of survivability, but also an issue of killspeed that a health increase will not compensate for. Supplementing a summoner with spells also reduces the killspeed and viability of your summons because their killspeed is largely influenced by black mass since getting to a target quicker means damaging it quicker, not to mention the ITD.

In all honesty, the totemancer has been superior since at least before Laz left, and making a summoner work has always been a bit of a novelty more than anything since summons are such a liability in most of the ubers. I find that odd since necromancers as an archetype tend to summon things.