MXL Sigma: Screenshot Thread

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ryunp wrote:will there be any issues from Blizzard over snagging their assets, like copyright?

Literally 95%+ of MXL assets are made by blizzard :flip:
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You can now press SHIFT while hovering an item to see the stats of the items socketed into it (given it is socketed and has socketed items)
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this is actually nice and really qol related. gj whist!
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:clap: Wow Gui looks so good, amazing work . I can't wait.
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Added notifications for level up, new stat points, and new skill points.
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Amazing work -- keeps looking better and better. :}
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Diablo 4............
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Looks great, but I think the level-up notification already encapsulates the new stat/skills notification.

A nice extension to the notification system would be to blink the buttons releated to it. So, in case of "Level up" notification, the Stats & Skill Tree buttons should start blinking or have some kind of sign of red dot or mark telling the player "hey you should probably check this". The same should happen with quests (I believe you should be able to use D2's standard quest notifier to trigger it already).

I don't think the run/walk button makes any sense in that buttons menu, since it doesn't open a panel unlike the others. I'd suggest to make the stamina orb the toggle instead, and have a running/walking icon on the center. It'll also make it more obvious what that orb does, especially for someone who never played D2. Hell, I don't think the current running / walking makes any sense at all, I'd probably increase run speed by 100% and make it consume all stamina in < 5 seconds, so it would be an actual kite feature. And it would make running non viable as a standard, so players that don't know def is reduced to 0 wouldn't get bamboozled into playing their first week(s) of the game with their 0 def baba. With this, you wouldn't even need to have a run/walk toggle, just press a button to run.

For the future, I'd strongly recommend on splitting the button panel into at least two. The first logical differenciation is character vs player. So, you can have a panel with settings, chat and team screen. On the other panel, you have the skill tree, inventory, character and quests. This is how I invision it:


It's basically just more modern GUI, and you have "the things that matter" (inventory, char, skills) in one central place. This system makes it much less punishing for players who don't use hotkeys for everything (news flash: it's 2018 and hotkeys r hard). And it looks way less cluttered this way. It also lets you add more buttons because there's more space, i.e. chat could have a "disable" button as well as a toggle to show channel (global) and game chat.

inb4 "how high are you" or "stop playing idle heroes"
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This looks like a basic/common ARPG. Some things are good to keep, others to add/change. Like for example, chat could be on the same spot poe chat is, with transparencies (dunno if this can be done), leveling up icons/stuff could be displayed inside the chat with a message that says ''<name> leveled up to level ''x'' kind of thing.
About stammina orb, I think it could be moved a little to the left, put it on top of the right-bottom corner of the life orb. Make it toggable as you said, when its toggled it turns into ''greyish'' like its not being used. Also, add the run walk stick figure on top of it like you did, but without the red part.
Speed of R/walk could be upped too, with new resolution it can feel like you are going slower. Also, teleports should be capped to the old range (since you could be max range blink).
The icons could be a bit bigger instead of the tiny ones we have. The Red dot on it its also good, this would be better, in fact, than the pop up message icon you just implemented. For the quest one (which is in WIP) could be probably added to the button pannel too.
Gui could be a bit more bright, since its so dark it might as well be black lines.
Shortcuts are okay, I would add a shortcut to equip the gear (only when you have a empty slot in the gear, ex: no boots, find boots, shift right click (or w/e) and it equips.

Overall, game has come a looong way, we all gotta congratulate whist for the hard work and time spent in this. We can't really wait to see it finished.

Edit: Something like this
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