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1. Black lagoon have 5 ep side story, quite fun (roberta trail or something)
2. Non-non biyori also have 2nd season
3. I dont always suggest old stuff, but i recommend infinite ryvius for similar tones. Else, there is space brothers
4. Claymore kinda disappointed me at the end, i was told that strong point of the series was the original artwork (similar to berserk). I guess it was ok-ish madhouse studio series.

I wonder where should i get anime stream now without anti adblock or crtypo-jacking website.
Maybe I should get back to batch torrenting, have been gaming too much without watching new anime since april (after end of my mmo-ing and poe-ing while watching anime..
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Kraken Guard
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Rewatched Death Parade , this really oughto have a second season if it didnt perform so poorly in Japan.

Now going back to old school stuff with Armitage The Third
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HechtHeftig wrote:the lizard arc was great. The way those lizards were drawn, with such a human emotion... it simply shows how even lizards are more human than humans.

HechtHeftig wrote:And this is the last one and imo the worst, since there is just too much talking. And the MC isn‘t shown anywhere. I want to see the MC in action, and not wait for months for something to happen (which is so obvious and bound to happen anyway).

two opposing statements --> atleast in the anime (lizard arc = season 2)
what you describe for the latest arc is exactly what happens in the lizard arc in the anime, MC does barely appear, every episode is about the daily life and love story of the lizards

terrible, atleast in my opinion, if its getting worse i have no hope to continue
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Jaedong wrote:
HechtHeftig wrote:the lizard arc was great. The way those lizards were drawn, with such a human emotion... it simply shows how even lizards are more human than humans.

HechtHeftig wrote:And this is the last one and imo the worst, since there is just too much talking. And the MC isn‘t shown anywhere. I want to see the MC in action, and not wait for months for something to happen (which is so obvious and bound to happen anyway).

two opposing statements --> atleast in the anime (lizard arc = season 2)
what you describe for the latest arc is exactly what happens in the lizard arc in the anime, MC does barely appear, every episode is about the daily life and love story of the lizards

terrible, atleast in my opinion, if its getting worse i have no hope to continue

Well, I really enjoyed the lizard arc. And the MC still appears regularly (sending out the message, putting his subordinate back into place, demonstrating his might by changing the weather and so on) and it all made sense since the MC wanted to teach his subordinate to think for himself. But I can’t see anything like that in the latest arc at all. The Mc doesn’t appear and it‘s focused on humans, which are lame in a fantasy genre to begin with. It‘s not something I care about in a genre that can focus on so many different Things like lizards, undead, orcs and so on, you know? Plus the talking in the latest arc is on a whole different level. It‘s high-class nobility like and I never enjoy something like that because it‘s just a way of the author to brag about his eloquence.
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Can you recommend any other "cute girls" shows to try? But nothing so cute it gives me diabetes. If it helps, Non Non Biyori was just about the right level, but Lucky Star was too much. I kinda like watching these types of shows between more action/drama-heavy shows. It's like a palate cleanser, or something.

Death Parade is on my to-watch list for this weekend. Sounds like it's a very character-driven drama. Looking forward to it.
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On popular contrary, most of the "Cute girl doing cute stuff" anime are aim for adult lol. Specifically if it focus on Seinen tag. So let me try to find couple of them:

Based on alphabetical order (I search for seinen + slice of life specifically):
1. Amaama to Inazuma : well not exactly cute girl thingy, but show about taking care of children and cooking.
2. Kiniro Mosaic : this is a bit.. cutish, give it a try first first. (desu~ for 10 hours)
3. Hidamari Skectch : probably one of the best that fit the criteria
4. Ikoku Meiro no Croisee : similar to kiniro mosaic, this setup in ... europe
5. Konohana Kitan : ok, this is more like working in inn, with some magical element to it
6. Yuyushiki : hmm this was a bit hit / miss for me, kinda like less cartoonish lucky star

A bit of list probably:
1. Saki : Serious mahjong anime competition with tons of girls
2. D-Frag : Hilarious comedy, probably have similar girl like Renge
3. Demi-chan wa Kataritai : Heavy anime focus on racism, quite serious
4. Acchi Kocchi : Cute romantic series ... not sure if fit
5. Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken : from creator of maid dragon, slice of life about married life

Based from recommendation from non non biyori anime pages:
1. Barakamon : about writer who went to country side to get idea for his writing works, until cute devil come
2. Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka? : probably too cute for you
3. Nichijou : less cute but more HYYYYYYYPPPPPPEEEEE of lucky star
4. Yama no Susume : This one probably fit,more serious but quite short sadly
5. Yuru yuri : hmm, maybe
6. Minami-ke : probably less cute design, but hell more fun / slice of life
7. Maid Dragon : obvious recommendation is obvious
8. Nourin : Probably the best fit for living in countryside, but i dont recall any cuteness
9. Hanasaku Iroha : Serious anime about cute girl in working inn
10. Gakkougurashi : i cant say anything or it will spoil the fun

There are probably couple that didnt fit the criteria. Just give their PV or 1st episode a try and decide from there. If you can make use of recommendation pages or advanced search on myanimelist, you can come out with anime more toward what you needed (i just giving out list that i know i already watched)
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Kraken Guard
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Solfege wrote:@Prime
Death Parade is on my to-watch list for this weekend. Sounds like it's a very character-driven drama. Looking forward to it.

Yea i remember at first being bored and expecting it to be complete shit, then 1st ep flew by and it got me intrigued, and by the end of the 9th or 10th ep i was already sure this was my choice for best anime of 2015 and one of the best ones i had watched that far. Alas it didnt fare so well in Japan with poor audience times so they (Madhouse) didnt greenlit for a second season even tho the end of the anime hints at a continuation as most do.
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Seen Baki 2018 3 episodes that exist so far. Hyped for plot. The way that characters are drawn .... hm i would prefer the old school style.
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Prime_Evil wrote:it didnt fare so well in Japan with poor audience

not shure if difference in culture, but i feel like alot animes have this problem
famous in the west, not popular enough in japan

finished 2nd season of spice and wolf:
- less love story
- entertaining business tactics and plots throughout the series
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Phantom - Requiem for the Phantom

Japanese nice guy tourist becomes world's top 2 assassin in 3 months and has emotional problems about making little girls happy. Doesn't help the plot is completely flat and predictable. Contains about 2-3 good scenes and two good songs, that's about it. Oh and the last episode was really poor, don't expect a satisfying ending. Overall not worth watching.