Median XL Trailer

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HechtHeftig wrote:Sorry @ the person who made the 2017 trailer. But the Sigma trailer is just soooo much better.

I'll take that as a compliment, I'm no video editing expert but certainly put a lot of effort on newest one. Considered involving 3rd parties (hiring professional vid editors) but I saw no convenient way to version control and coordinating the whole thing to get what we wanted just looked like it would take more time. I also want to say thanks to @notforkeeps, who picked the music track and who i've discussed certain aspects of the trailer with.

I always enjoy revisiting the old trailers. They do a fairly good job of reflecting how the quality and presentation of the content has evolved over the years. And the shift in the targetted audience is nicely reflected on the view/comment count of each trailer.

These trailers are no longer public on the channel but they still can be accessed with a private link. Here they are, in case anyone is interested. Warning: it starts really bad.

apr 2012 - Median XL Ultimative v1 -
jun 2012 - Median XL Ultimative v5 -
dec 2013 - Median XL Ultimative XII -
oct 2014 - Median XL Ultimative XV -
may 2017 - Median XL 2017 -
nov 2018 - Median XL Sigma -

@plts88: appreciate your feedback and it was definetly not taken the wrong way. Just wanted to point out that the trailer is intended for the d2 audience. The text is as generic as I could think of, just count the amount of times the phrase "New X" appears. Don't think adding more text on top of that would necessarily make the trailer *less* confusing.
Jungle Hunter
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That first trailer had me literally lmao'ing, holy shit
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300k views hype!

Btw at 0:24 i see an UHC in Triune with no superbeast morph. I hope its not removed from the game :think:
Dark Huntress
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Thanks for all the amazing work u guyz are doing!

Even after all these years, it probably is still my favorite game!

Cant wait to try this out
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Rhykker mentions Sigma's trailer at 11:32 so gg.

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If Curtis had an ugly twin brother - that would be this guy... with also an ugly chair.
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@Prime_Evil: Very cool video. Thanks for sharing
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passed 400k, lets see if we can make it past 500k and double the views of the previous trailer
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Anonymous: wrote:If Curtis had an ugly twin brother - that would be this guy... with also an ugly chair.

I will return :twisted:
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is sigma released? this looks great