Median XL Trailer

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awb019 wrote:is sigma released? this looks great

Nope. 18.01.19.
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how is xl im thinking of installing it when i get home at least the latest version of median xl. is there alot of people playing:?
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since the trailer a lot of people have started, even thought the season is quite old already. don't forget to join the discord so you can ask questions and get answer quickly if necessary.
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Original ugly-5 font?
I know, someone could say what it is part of the D2 ambiance, but I still hate it as I hated it 15 years ago.

Will it be compatible with the fix-'5'-patch? Or maybe you still have time to integrate the patch?
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I think the font mpqs are compatible, but need to be integrated manually. Not sure how to do that via launcher though.
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447k views. not bad
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So official launch is Jan 18th... I recall mention of a 'pre launch' to give us a test run a week or two b4 official. Still happening? And will there be requirements to join?
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That so goooooooood
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If you guys still have resource / time, please do release trailer when time is near the release
Im so sour because I planned to play season 16 d3 in december, so i bought necro pack.

Guess what? They release new patch on January 18 2019!
Talking about coincidence date to die.
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The countdown has been set , and the waiting will be worth it, because what's coming is going to be awesome .