Sigma 1.1 Bugs & Feedback

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Firebloods often one hit kill characters. This is particularly dangerous for melee characters, since they can't easily target firebloods due to their invisibility. Making them translucent, like Burning souls, removing their invisibility, or reducing their damage, would make them a lot more balanced.
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Shadowgate Totem
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Shyshek wrote:1. When I was fighting Mephisto, I came back to town of Kurast to restock a few times. Once, when I was quickly buying pots of health from Ormus suddenly I could not interact with almost anything. I could mouse over Buy/Sell buttons in vendor screen to see the name tooltip, but nothing I did with LMB nor RMB would do anything. I couldn't exit the shop with ESC either. After a few minutes the game decided to kick me out to Main Menu without any warning. EDIT: The kick-to-main-menu trick may be related to me having Alt+Enter'ed the game into window mode and minimizing it for a few minutes.

one way to recreate the hanging is when you buy items too quickly with left click on SP
37 | 0
Druid treewarden form can't use scepter. Although it is clasified as "mace". Either it should work, or scepter should be change to it's own class. Can I get an opinion on this? because if it will work with scepter, I am planing on doing a build with this...
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Bone Archer
76 | 3
How the actual fuck did the enemy Charge skill (Pally skill from vanilla D2) that has unfortunately been in every other iteration of MXL make it into Sigma?

Instantly close the distance between you and your enemy? Check.
Unblockable? Check.
Unavoidable? Check.
Stun on hit? Check.
Knockback? Check.

No matter what character you are, if you see a pack of monsters that use Charge, you're almost guaranteed to get stunlocked to death. Why is this shit still in Median?
2 | 0
[BUG ]Paladin - Demiurge Skill - full stats do not update by itself until i move anything in my inventory or gear. After moving something in my inventory to put the gear in my slot, i cannot equip it until i close/open [i] inventory so i can equip it.
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Quick bit of feedback fwiw:

A few things are really hard to see (for me, at least), mostly b/c there’s not enough contrast between certain foreground and background elements. For example:
> The red part of the enemy's health bar against that background layer (a pure black bkg layer would make it easier to distinguish).
> The Butcher (dark sprite against a dark tileset with a lot of visual noise, especially when Sacrificial Shrines start firing).
> Lightwell Totems’ Punishers (light element against a light tileset). And speaking of Lightwells, I hate Lightwells. Let me kill them. Please let me kill them.

And a couple of requests:
> Could HUD buff/debuff icons pulsate during the last 5 seconds a buff/debuff is active, just to let the player know the effect is about to end (similar to og NWN)?
> Could the death/respawn timer begin at the time of death, then require the player to press ESC to continue, rather than the other way around?
> Upon player death, could the boss’ Life bar remain on screen?

Aside from that, and the bugs with the belt (which I'm sure you guys are aware of by now), this patch has been pretty impressive so far. Nice work.
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Amazon Warrior
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Really enjoying this new leveling system, before it was just a rush to 120 to farm shrines and beat 80-90% of the ubers. Good work guys!

Assassin Batstrike: Why do they have to disappear after a while? Yes they are pretty quick to resummon thx to multisummon but sometimes it is hard to get that exact two charges when there is a lot of stuff going on. If possible it would also be nice to see some of their stats.
Removal of the ND from Coup de Grace made it a crazy boss killer, too early for me to say if it's OP or not, but Act bosses died like flies with it with medicore gear.

Btw thanks for timerless Hades Gate, having a blast farming with it. :evil:
Tantrum changes fan
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Based on the in-game timer with the map open, all the locking ubers I've tested close before the limits posted when entering them. Just to make sure the timer in game works properly, I compared it to google's stop watch and android's stop watch. The timer definitely keeps accurate time.

Butcher - 5 seconds early (20s timer)
Imperius/Malthael - 5 seconds early (30s timer)
Cathedral of Vanity - 5 seconds early (30s timer)
Belial - 10 seconds early (1m timer)
Legacy of Blood - 5 seconds early (30s timer)


Gold cap in stash should be increased. Or lower the cost of oils and other consumables. It was mentioned previously that the removal of double orb bonus on weapons, dragon rerolling and other crafting stuff was removed so that players would spend less time crafting. Well all that time saved (and more) is now taken up by farming gold. No one wants to farm gold. If you want to improve player retention and elongate ladder duration, add/improve content. Yes it is easy after a certain point to farm gold but the cost of consumables is so expensive that it makes farming gold an extra chore.

Teleporting in Bpr's arena should be enabled. I really don't understand why it was disabled to begin with. He casts a spell that takes up almost half the level and uses a skill that stuns. Why shouldn't players be able to teleport to safety? His bear claw nova also perma-stuns summons, rendering summoner builds nearly useless unless you enter and exit the level repeatedly through the red portal and waiting for the cow rush to dissipate. This is basically cheesing to overcome a bad feature. This can't the desired way for summoners to complete this uber. This isn't to say that with much better gear an summoner couldn't do it in 1 shot, but the level at which the level unlocks makes it seem like it should be possible doing it by normal means.

Death timer should start on its own. I know others have mentioned it before and I agree. Its just annoying.

After killing a boss in an uber that has a lockout, the lockout should be removed. My reasoning is that is that a player should be able to farm charms for other people without dropping their own charm on the ground in town, risking losing it if the game crashes. Then the player can open a portal and the charm buyer can enter and pick their charm. Or at least the charm farmer only briefly needs to leave their charm in town to grab the newly farmed one, in places like Vizjun where some charm buyers might not survive long enough to grab it. Another idea would be to have charms unidentified and they just need to be cubed to id them. KInda like the bags in IotSS, except with just a solo charm. This would allow a charm farmer to grab the unid'd charm and bring it to town without risking losing their own charm.

Sprint. It sucks. It runs out way too quickly and takes too long to replenish. While farming bremm, if I walk past howling spirits that are preoccupied or stunlocked, the game lags and I have to either walk back to them or teleport sync the game back up. This is similar to the zombies in Ureh from earlier patches. Removing run did nothing for this issue. Sprint should be removed and base movement speed should be increased to compensate.
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Onyx Knight
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Vikan wrote:I can no longer assign skills to my mouse side buttons M4 and M5

Mousewheel up/down as well. At least technically.

Yesterday I realized that even though I can't assign those buttons in the settings menu, they can still be used. In unmodded Diablo II(which I used for clod single player before installing Sigma), I had skill7/8/9/10 assigned to mousewheel up/mousewheel down/m4/m5 respectively. Now in Sigma i was unable to assign anything to mousewheel/side buttons in the options menu, but the settings still kinda work. So for example, if my Skill 9 hotkey is F9 and I assign Wolf Companion to it, hitting either m4 or F9 switches to Wolf Companion. It's as if both the old settings from clod and new from Sigma are being used. Inb4 compatibility mode: it is set to WinXP SP3.

@above post: good idea, I also miss being able to see max hp
Acid Prince
48 | 3
This only happened to me once but my cube locked me out of it with all items in it, couldn't open it, couldn't do anything with it. Had to throw cube on ground, leave the game and rejoin before it let me use it again.