The Tantrumdin

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I had a lot of fun playing arihan and messenger in the Triune yesterday until I got a halt error!! Omg after like 40 minutes I wanted to launch my computer at an innocent child.
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I definitely want those toraja runes for bosses good point , gehenna is cool for crowded areas where the proc will happen a lot and completely rip shit up, but yeah, frw speed reduction and medium armor values are not so ideal. You feel it a lot more after losing the frw MOd onto tu heavy belt too. Another thing is that almost all flat ele damage coming from gear is fire, so fire immunes arent instantly annihilated. But still good because the high CB I guess. Gearing up now to try for some charms I have never gotten! Ureh, uldy, kabraxis, truine...wish me luck!
Stone Warrior
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Thanks for the awesome guide, I have two questions though:

Right now I am annoyed with the proc from hellfire plate, I am considering making a natasha's legacy, it appears to be superior even with it's worst roll, correct?
Also I have been rolling thousands of times now and I've never seen CtC Arrows, is it possible to roll?
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Ctc arrow is rare but does exist. That's a tough roll. I've gone through over 2,000 shrines and have yet to see that and Tantrum.
I don't mean to dwell...but I can't help myself.
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I've seen arrow and tantrum a few times, just not with much of anything else worth keeping. I use one that rolled knives, tantrum, good %ed and max damage.
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archon256 wrote:It's uncertain. I think so, but TTAD used to be bugged and not work with any ranged attacks. It might have been fixed since then. You could test it out. The problem is you'd need to apply the Doom and not have the wolf trigger it with its melee attacks so you can be sure. The easiest way would be to use a respecced sin with no ways to cast Doom on a zombie in D. Blood Moor /p8 and count how many normal throws with a knife it takes to kill the zombie with and without TTAD.

I tested archon's experiment after my barb's stormblast didn't seem to be doing the amount of damage it should be doing, and it turns out correct. TTAD doesn't work on ranged wmd, or if it does, it doesn't re-trigger doom.

The # of hits to kill the same mob was identical with/without TTAD.
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You should post this in the Bugs & Feedback thread. That being said the v1->v5 Ultimative changelog states "'Target Takes Additional Damage of X' works with ranged attacks." (it was disabled by Blaz in Omega).

You might want to run your test more precisely, it is possible you simply did not notice the TTAD effect as, for example, zombies in a1 have ~100k hp on destruction and it could be hard to spot its impact unless you have it massively stacked.
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I tested multiple times on terror p1 with a white throwing knife using normal throw and screen recording, and both with/without took 6 hits. If ttad was triggering doom, it should have been easily visible.
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try using a naked barb using stormblast with smaxed wolf companion, you should do very little damage without ttad and a lot of damage with ttad ( you can roll a blue amulet with ttad in a1 hatred )
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Gekko64 wrote:try using a naked barb using stormblast with smaxed wolf companion, you should do very little damage without ttad and a lot of damage with ttad ( you can roll a blue amulet with ttad in a1 hatred )

I tested with a stormblast of 15-25 damage and wolf damage near 7k, using a blue amu with TTAD 37.

The difference was definitely ~200% instead of 35000%. I think TTAD itself works, but it doesn't trigger doom.

Actually cancel that, because I realized that you possibly trigger TTAD + doom with your initial swing using stormblast, so that could easily account for the difference. All I know is TTAD is NOT triggering doom on projectiles.