Anyone tried Original Diablo

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Just had an email from GOG saying the original Diablo is re-released with Blizzard collaborating so you can play either the old version or a new version compatible with Win10, modern high resolutions and has many bug fixes.

Has anyone tried it? I have a nostalgia for the game, but I wonder if the reality is that it would seem a bit rubbish compared to this mod with all the improvements these guys have made. The walk-everywhere would probably annoy me a lot now.

Letting the devs of this game loose on D1 for Win10 would be interesting!!! :D
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If you do decide to get it i recommend you try Belzebud mod, it's much better in every way. But you need the original's diabdat.mpq and google diablo 1 hd for the mod's files.
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I still think Diablo 1 holds up incredibly well.

When a game is made by good people with devotion and care, it survives the the test of time.
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DacianDraco wrote:If you do decide to get it i recommend you try Belzebud mod, it's much better in every way. But you need the original's diabdat.mpq and google diablo 1 hd for the mod's files.

This! I love Beelzebub. If you play regular D1 after Beelzebub you will find that regular D1 is way worse.
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DacianDraco wrote:If you do decide to get it i recommend you try Belzebud mod, it's much better in every way. But you need the original's diabdat.mpq and google diablo 1 hd for the mod's files.

I second this. Belzebub adds some amazing QoL features (including way higher resolution) and is definitely the way to go in my opinion. I had a blast playing it about this time last year, really got my Diablo 1 fix out of it. Then I found Sigma and got an even bigger Diablo II fix.

Still pretty cool receiving that same email OP got, good to see a classic and one of my favorites of all time getting exposed on GOG.
2 | 0
Check Diablo the Hell 2 mod,it is good too;-)
155 | 8
Actually I still have my old D1 and Hellfire discs. Maybe I'll just try Beelzebub some time (plenty to do here atm).

Does Beelzebub allow running - or at least fast walking like this mod does?
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From what i remember the Warrior has a charge type skill that you can use to rush into monsters and Barbarian has a berserker skill that increases all speeds, so as long as you have something to hit they are fast. Others are ranged or casters, and teleport is also a thing that all classes can use.
38 | 4
The gog version is pretty much a quick cash-grab. Reminds me of Heroes of Might and Magic 3 HD Steam edition. In both cases mods seem to be MUCH smoother. Sure, belzebub modifies the gameplay elements too, but it does it in a remarkable way.

Back to the topic: the resolution scaling is making the game look worse than the classic + they didn't even bother filling the screen by providing more vision on the sides for 16:9.

Well, my first thought after launching it full-screen was: "they are preserving integrity, the game is gonna be the same as the original", even though the black fields on both sides feel really bad. Then, I decided to give it a go windowed (I usually play stuff like that in 1600x900 windowed anyway). Just kidding, 4:3 limit is there, but they only provide a set of fixed resolutions like 1600x900, 1440x900, but there is no 1200x900 so the black space is there even in windowed mode.

I mean, I didn't expect them to give us QoL changes like running in town or anything, but at least give us the goddamn Diablo: Hellfire expansion.

2/10 Blizzard, no surprises there.
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PlayerOne wrote:Actually I still have my old D1 and Hellfire discs. Maybe I'll just try Beelzebub some time (plenty to do here atm).

Does Beelzebub allow running - or at least fast walking like this mod does?

Oh yeah they do, the game is sped up a bit. You super fast walk in town too, it's pretty great.