Most broken skills: Overpowered or Useless?

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I was just wondering what are some skills that absolutely dominate, and what other skills are virtually a joke?
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Rust Claw
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nxt patch necs get sharpened spoons instead of widow. Barbs get widow.

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Ravenous Flames - useless imo
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Churel @@
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tranvanhieu wrote:Churel @@

I second this. Such a shame considering it is my favorite looking skill in the game :(

The only class I know inside out is assassin... From my experience, these are the bottom four skills for her:
Cluster Bomb - Like burning your enemy with a cigarette butt... they won't die.
Fireball Sentry - Inaccurate and pathetic damage piece of trash.
Backstab - Nobody wants to play piano every time they play a naginata sin.
Hades Gate - Cooldown that's inferior to blink, and damage that is inferior to almost every other naginata skill... What's the point?
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Hades Gate is extremely strong now.
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so just to infer.. churel is garbage. and it seems like a handful of assassin skills are terrible. thats a bummer.. kind of like og diablo
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Blood Golem
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Golden calf too op! Nerf pls.
PS: Not a skill but still "ctc Fortress on melee atk" in
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(Druid Werebear Set)

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Scosglen's Legends
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Set Bonus with 2 or more set items:
Weapon Physical Damage +45%
+75 to Strength

Set Bonus with 3 or more set items:
50% Attack Speed
Weapon Physical Damage +90%

Set Bonus with complete set:
10% Chance to cast level 12 Fortress on Melee Attack
Adds 100-150 Damage
+40% to Fire Spell Damage
-20% to Enemy Fire Resistance
30% Chance of Crushing Blow
+5000 Defense
Elemental Resists +50%

is stupid and useless since Pummel got changed to Thorn strike.... and it still exists :) I'm not counting alooooooooooot of needed affix improvements like "ctc lvl 4 pain spirit on striking" spawning on ilvl99 wepens and "ED/Max dmg/Flat ele dmg/other WDMs" spawning on basically pure caster wepens like staves, sorc orbs (even with keeping in mind that they are usable for melee sorc.... cmon, who the f*** will use them to craft over warp blade?.. Maybe need to add some exclusive affixes for them to be valuable then?. But still that would be more like joke)
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Lava Lord
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*Underpowered - Visually a joke:
-Purify: somewhat a cool boss killing gimmick but the visual and travel speed is awful. Why it has to be a slow moving nasal mucus?? (I figured it probably originate from LoD Overseer's healing snot, they just put a negative to the healing and bam, here's an epic boss killer skill for ya). Considering the name, it could use Holy Bolt visual or basically anything cooler than that with better travel speed and lightningfx.
-Sorc' Bladestorm : Coolest skill in Median but it sucks: Poor WDM of 35%. Doesn't hit anything, even worse vs mobile enemies. It cost way too much mana for a 1 point skill and get worse exponentially after getting each charm with +skill .You know what's sad, it's a level 24 skill but consider the overall performance it just feels inferior compare to WraithSword which theoretically is a weaker version. I get the idea for these skill goes - Wraithsword for bosses/single target and Bladestorm for farming/large number mobs but no, even the Wraithsword tooltip says it "Deal more damage in crowded area" so whats the point of Bladestorm? Improve the %WDM, change the dmg conversion from Magic to Cold, reduce mana cost.
-Some of OS skills in crafted items: they did buff some but I still find it hard to play around or make it effective (OSkill in Uniques in fine tho)

-Stormblast,Ancienthand: while other characters strugling to find a reliable multihiting skill, there are barbs with these op skill plowing through bosses like cookie cutter, WHY it deals so much damage, put a ND on it or sth.
-Culling of the herd curse: man, it's sigma already, why thiss still a thing?
+on Astrogha: it's a lil annoying. Should be change into Bugmorph instead of +instakill debuff. Heal on destroyed statue could stay. Reduce player defense to 0 (so the spiderling could start hurting you).
+on Lucion: it's a joke, basicly a green light disco for characters with healing abilities. Shoulda kept the Slow or instakill :kappa:
+on Laz: too harsh, for the mechanism of the fight (bs totem placement, unavoidable tremor and massive slow as the cherry on top). Should only slow, and/or heal laz, the instakill debuff could go fuck its face. "Too easy if nerfed"? Well my proporsal on the totem is this: Keep the Heal laz part, Tremor is fine, and proc blastwave nova when destroyed. the knockback from blastwave has the potential to fuck u up if not careful enough while not being to harsh combining with all the other bs there is.