EksZonDe - Magic Missiles Amazon

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demonshalo wrote:
mooncrawl wrote:Hey guys,

Just started using this build (and haven't played Median in years) and I absolutely love it. A few quick questions:

1. I was using perfect gems for the Paragon build but I switched a while back to SoV. What should I be socketing all of my equipment with now? Crafted gems?

2. I'm level 122.5, give or take. Have been farming Kurast super easily for set items (for signets) and trying to complete my gear. Don't think I'm quite strong enough for Teganze yet (about 12k buffed with SoV). Are there any better spots to farm?

3. Have not found a sacred rare War Scepter or Einherjar Helm anywhere. Literally not one. Is this just bad luck or do they drop in higher level places?

4. What's the difference between using a shrine and a blessing from a shrine? I've found a bunch of enchanted shrines but I never seem to get good rolls (for sacred rare quilted armor, for ex). Is this just a luck thing or does it have to do with the base level of the item?


1. crafted jewels. You can do Zod crafts for more dmg or some other craft for like MF or whatever you feel is needed.

2. dunc, k3k or teganze are the 3 primary farming spots before 125

3. bad luck. keep on looking and use d2stats notifier to tell you when one drops

4. all RNG luck and you have to know what you are looking for. A bless is a secondary application (read an extra one) of the shrine´s primary bonus. So you can on the first roll get +X% magic spell dmg and on the second roll get another +X%. All luck/RNG though!


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I am playing this build, since I find Bloodlust change amazing. I don't follow the guide much, as it's not very good and doesn't help much in problematic areas (still no idea how to kill Baal and Kabraxis at 122 while roflstomping everything else (except Athulua, who unlike Kabra doesn't heal on kill). Here's a couple of notes:
1. Eerie crafted gloves >>> Enchanted, plus helps you save the shrines for body armor and helm. I don't remember if shields roll p/md on their own, and too lazy to check.
2. Hypersurface Asn armor is a super good defensive midgame option, much better than red vex in everything but exp bonus (once I changed to an extremely good craft (2 all skills, and some stupid high p/md roll for both craft and bless), I notice the drop in defenses, energy and LoK a lot).
3. No idea where to get +max resists, as p/md + life - req jewels are an absolute must. Maybe respec for paragon? Will probably drop my damage by at least 50%.

Rn clv 122 sitting on 11100 life or so, 11-13k fully buffed (innate BL plus Qarak's A5 merc) MM, 1700 or so Enr and about 250 sigs eaten. All 120 charms done except Kabra, KoS, and Baal still not killed. Cool build overall. Will hope to get to Fauzt before wipe.
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Wouldn't Path xis scepter be the best weapon choice for late game?
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Uubie wrote:Wouldn't Path xis scepter be the best weapon choice for late game?

No because its Phys dmg is rather low and you get far more from Energy Factor and Spell dmg than from Skills, basicaly put Perfectly rolled Path was slightly better than a +4 Skill and 50 % Spell dmg Crafted Sceptre(with 5 Spell DMG MOs), yes its a viable weapon but the range of its rolls is so huge so in the end its not realy worth the investment, cause if you get bellow 7 Skills on it... well you can get something better if with bad RNG with a single Enchanted Shrine (you can check page 19 of this thread for more info on that)
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Very nice and in my opinion detailed guide i've been playin this build with about the same equip for a week (about the time i have played mxl in general) and everythin up till now (lvl 119) dies in a hush.
My equip is not as optimized as the guide says and i got 7k dmg with every mm below 66%

Thanks very much :bounce: :flip: :bounce:
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Doomnoel wrote:Very nice and in my opinion detailed guide i've been playin this build with about the same equip for a week (about the time i have played mxl in general) and everythin up till now (lvl 119) dies in a hush.
My equip is not as optimized as the guide says and i got 7k dmg with every mm below 66%

Thanks very much :bounce: :flip: :bounce:

glad you enjoy it and your avatar is my favorite spell in vanilla so cheers :D
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Azure Drake
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hello sir

why my damage so low?? i cant live in hell . plz give me some help

and how many Speed breakpoints??

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a321333 wrote:hello sir

why my damage so low?? i cant live in hell . plz give me some help

and how many Speed breakpoints??


hey there,

breakpoints are listed in the guide.

As for your dmg, mo things with more phys/magic spell dmg, get more exp and upgrade your items. You have the basics, but you need to get more exp and keep pushing until you can equip higher tier items.
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Azure Drake
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demonshalo wrote:
a321333 wrote:hello sir

why my damage so low?? i cant live in hell . plz give me some help

and how many Speed breakpoints??


hey there,

breakpoints are listed in the guide.

As for your dmg, mo things with more phys/magic spell dmg, get more exp and upgrade your items. You have the basics, but you need to get more exp and keep pushing until you can equip higher tier items.

my amazon so weak in hell . dead so fast :cry: :cry: why....

i use First Variation or Second Variation??
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why does he say that the unicorn runeword gives you 33% damage at lvl 135 when the runeword is lvl 100 ?