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Finished 2 more anime:

1. Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai
Infamously heard about this anime because of the terrible animation quality. I thought at least with the premise like other imouto type of anime, it could go at least go for fun rides. It didnt, and Im questioning myself more and more about picking this up. Because if the quality done right, i know I will able to enjoy it. Aside from terrible plot, there character arent that interesting either. Basically the brother is covering her sister who somehow managed to write super famous light novel without ppl knowing who the writer are. Im a bit skeptical about premise, and it didnt pay off.

It tried to add more variety with tons of wacky characters throughout the series, but nothing memorable and most of them arent feel realistic. But biggest issue will be our MC and his sister. She tried to show her affection toward her brother, but ...not really.

At the end, the anime ended super quickly, with only 10 episodes in. I really cant recommend this at all. Avoid at all cost. I have been wondering why they adapt this story at all.

Other recommendation : Similar story closest probably Oreimo (my fav) and Eromanga Sensei. A bit more serious would be Imouto sae Ireba Ii which have question about novel writer personal issue (just be wary of misleading 1st episode)

2. Tsugumomo
Powerful female protector came to saved our precious MC, who is child like and still in school. Sound old cliche anime I see. Ok, I admit, the reason I watched this is because of ecchi tag. I just add variety of filter so I can get variety quality of show with different genre each times.

If i wanted to describe the plot more details, our MC have random encounter with occult stuff happen in school. So the female character came in to help our MC and solved the occult mysteries. Most of episodes are pretty much self contained episode with random enemy but when there is some arc, we learnt the female character have been with our MC's mother from years ago. Our MC inherit a Obi (kimono Obi) where the female character reside in.

As for the other part of anime, this is what I called expected standard quality for current anime with more intense animation during battle scene. There are a lot of comedy and nudity, which expected as this anime is tagged as seinen. But there is nothing game breaking stuff as plot, story, character, animation, setting, all feel... cliche & standard.

My recommendation is, watch if u can standard the nudity stuff as well as industry standard (some ppl said this is mediocre) but at least it was entertaining for a single cour anime.

Other recommendation : Mahoromatic is one of my nostalgia old anime with similar feeling, although I dont recall combat as main point of the series. Other similar type anime Omamori Himari and Inukami is similar "mediocre" feeling. A more serious tons of similar anime is probably Kamisama Dolls.
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Saitama's new season.
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New stuff od this season:

Kimetsu no Yaiba
If you want to give an anime this season thats new a try id say its prolly this one, so far its only 2 episodes but the it seems very promising

Gunjou no Magmel
If you like toriko this might be somethi g for you, fwels like toriko with a rescue service instead of hunting food

Kenja no Mago
This is the one appeqling to the mainstream the most, guy living in world full of magic is the most broken/skilled/op char ever

As i said, id recommend taking a peek into the first series an d if you like toriko into the 2nd
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Fairy Gone and Kimetsu no Yaiba are my fav in this season, opening songs and stories are very good. Also new One Punch Man and Kenja no Mago for op char lovers. Waiting 4 Attack on Titan, Overlord and Goblin Slayer to continue. Don't know what will happen to SAO tho... Is it finished? And are there any news for Gate series?
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Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman (Manga)

-ridiculous premise
-predictable right off the bat
-rom-com with no com and forced rom

It's bad. Dropped it after chapter 2.
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i curious hechtheftig, could you take a guess at ur drop rate?

One Punch Man manga finally making progress again
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Jaedong wrote:i curious hechtheftig, could you take a guess at ur drop rate?

One Punch Man manga finally making progress again

Maybe about 20-30% I assume? Plus there are many mangas I read, but are not noteworthy, so I‘m not talking about them here. I just want to either talk about good ones or warn everyone about bad ones.
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Finished Ao no Exorcist : Kyoto Saga

This anime is perfect example how anime adaptation shouldnt be done. The first season was long time ago, it have different ending than the manga (think like original full metal alchemist). But instead giving up people a proper introduction, it went full speed ahead with its story line. I can say that I already forgot most of the original storyline, aside from MC being a son of satan, it tried to give u some fill in with small flash back, but it wasnt enough.

Thankfully, the story pick up well afterward with something mystery happening every episodes. In case of the small scale battle, this was a build up to some sort of world ending final boss. So it is the job of MC and friends to prevent from that happening. Sound cliche, but the animation quality made up for it (again, nothing great but industry standard animation)

If u already watched the first season and the movie, i suggest u pick this up. Or else ignore it. It only have small proper character introduction and this is kinda like 2nd season of the said anime.

Other recommendation : Old classic D Gray Man is similar exorcist comparison, as well as Soul Eater. Brother relationship are pretty quite similar to Elric brothers in Full Metal Alchemist. Lastly, Kekkaishi is roughly similar with shrine priest / maiden battling evils.
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Finished :

1. Time Travel Girl
A edutainment anime (adaptation from 1983 manga) where you learn about history and science. Basic premise is basically about a girl searching for his father which turn out have been using a time machine to go specific time frame. Turn out it the time when during famous inventor figure out new discovery in science. She met faraday, hertz, graham bell, thomas edison (and several other) which specific focused on electric, communication and wireless.

The concept was neat, and she did find her father but the mystery was discovering what was her father goal. Another sub plot of the series is there is a big corporation which trying to get the time machine, which the weak part of the series. Too bad the quality is quite low, which kinda expected for anime designed for kids.

At end, the negative part made this anime forgetable. I think it would be nicer if it focused more on education with diagram / information in the series (it only shown as extra after ED). At least it wasnt a terrible anime.

Other recommendation : Hard to find similar anime, but there are similar for action side (drifter, fate series, oda nobunaga). For another similar old school girl anime i watched long time ago, Nagaserete Araintou and Telepathy Shoujo Ran (gosh, i spent 10 minute went through my list for this)

2. Centaur no Nayami
From artstyle alone, this is like recent monster girl anime that plaguing the industry in last 3 or 4 years. I choose this specifically for seinen tag, do Im expecting relaxing CGDCT (cute girl doing cute thing) stuff, which are covered about majority of the anime. The anime also tried to play around with species different between each species have own strength / weakness / problems.

But as whole series? This anime is really weird. Im not sure if it tried to go for slice of life route, a wacky anime, a serious anime about racial discrimination. It have nicer world building and a brief history on how different species can co exist in the school, but anime feel very weak because lack of direction. Artstyle is nice industry standard, but i feel boring on various part of the series and questioning if this particular section was needed or not.

This anime show that even if you have decent artstyle and character design, you need to put a proper story on each episode, at least try to be consistent with the theme. This anime maybe shouldve been better with more comedic / over-the-top gag i think. If you have question about a horse wearing a cloth, you can watch this.

Other recommendation : For more politic / serious stuff, you can watch Demi-chan wa Kataritai. For more comedic, you got Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon. If you want super over the top ecchi harem comedy, you can watch Monster Musume,
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UQ Holder!: Mahou Sensei Negima
If ur into shit like Highschool DxD you might like this....
