Melee Sorceress

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I feel like we are missing Faster Hit Recovery in the mid game gear section?
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Uubie wrote:I feel like we are missing Faster Hit Recovery in the mid game gear section?

During which parts of Mid-Game do you feel you need more? Just curious so I can look at those parts of the guide and make improvements, if needed.

For most things in Mid-Game, you'll generally have decent enough ACD, CtB, Avoid, and Movement Speed to compensate for low HR (especially if using the Set). For the few times you do want more (e.g. Athulua), use Ber-crafted Jewels with HR.
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Solfege wrote:
Uubie wrote:I feel like we are missing Faster Hit Recovery in the mid game gear section?

During which parts of Mid-Game do you feel you need more? Just curious so I can look at those parts of the guide and make improvements, if needed.

For most things in Mid-Game, you'll generally have decent enough ACD, CtB, Avoid, and Movement Speed to compensate for low HR (especially if using the Set). For the few times you do want more (e.g. Athulua), use Ber-crafted Jewels with HR.

Especially sunless sea and cowland I got stun locked a lot, and therefore died.
I added some fhr jewels to hit 109 fhr - and than it went all fine.

Just feel that in your socket section, you could add fhr / ias jewels in that section, to hit fpas, as the set doesn't provide much of that.
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Uubie wrote:Especially sunless sea and cowland I got stun locked a lot, and therefore died.
I added some fhr jewels to hit 109 fhr - and than it went all fine.

Just feel that in your socket section, you could add fhr / ias jewels in that section, to hit fpas, as the set doesn't provide much of that.

Fair enough. Added HR/IAS Jewels to the list of socket fillers in the Set gear section.
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@solfege, what do you suggest putting in wormhole? MF, Dex, Combat Speed, or Life/Mana?
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All of those are fine.

Early on, I recommend DEX and some Life/Mana. Once you get all your End-Game gear, add Combat Speeds if you still need to hit BPs. If you're happy with your build, but still have room, fill it with MF.
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Hi im atm lvl 105 having all endgame gear but cant wear because i havent enough strengh need around 250 more. So shall i farm signets of learning to wear my str req- 500 pieces? After that im atm at 34% lief leech and 20 mana with 160 moa and 30 loa so how i will be that immortal later also? Just with high blockchance and life regen? I dont understans it that well cause in sunless im kinda squishy and getting nearly Rekt by the Angel Bosses pls help thx

Also im a physical meele -
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You can't wear it yet because you're not supposed to have all End-Game gear at clvl 105. You'll need more +Attributes Charms and Signets of Learning.

You're not a Barb, so you'll never be "immortal." But you can be good. No single defensive mod will save you. But all your defensive mods layered together will make you tough (block+regen+leech+Avoid+defense).

Most Ubers such as Island of the Sunless Sea will be tough the first time you do them because you're still building your character. When you gain more levels+Charms, they'll become easier. The easiest way to deal with Sunless Angels is to summon Blade Spirits on top of them. They'll stop casting and go into "melee mode." Then, you can Firedance+Fusillade them. And don't bother with the 6th Angel across the teleport gap. Just make a new game to get a 6th Bag from some other Angel. Also, use your merc to help.
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Hey guys.... old school D2 player here with a few questions. I just started playing MXL since the ladder update, so I started somewhat fresh. This guide was very helpful, but there's so much to learn! Anyways...

1. For end-game, you mention (physical) or (elemental) WIP. What is WIP referring to? Bladestorm/Fus is mostly physical with some elemental damage - correct? Why would elemental be a path to take here? What am I missing? Can you explain these two options a little more?

2. For the physical build you use all runes/gems in sockets and then dex/HR orbs. Without leech/LoA, etc how is this build surviving?

Any response is appreciated!

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1. WIP (work-in-progress) just means I haven't yet tested every piece b/c I haven't yet found every piece. So some of the listed items are based on feedback from players who have. It's also why there's an Alt setup. I've done everything except the 5 Ubers listed at the end of the End-Game section with that setup (minus Royal Circlet, Emp Glory, and BotSQ).

Bladestorm/Moonstrike = Phys/Magic. Fusillade/Wraithsword = Phys. And all your buffs are made for boosting Phys damage. But there are a lot of items now that add flat Elemental damage. And with the removal of (most) monster immunities, an Elemental setup became a viable option. You'll need decent amounts of Elemental pierce to make it effective, though.

2. More DEX = more damage, AR, block, and defense.

It's all laid out in the "How to Play" section. But to reiterate: regarding general survivability, Sorcs can't stack enough of the primary defensive mods (Life+Defense+Phys Res), so they have to layer a wider variety of defensive mods in smaller amounts. Think of it like medieval European armor. Knights didn't encase themselves in 1/2" steel. They wore thin plate over a mail hauberk over a padded gambeson.

For Life sustain specifically, you're layering regen+LoA+leech. Living Flame provides good regen and Baneblade gives enough LoA naturally. So you just need a little leech from Ber-crafted Jewels or gear to supplement those 2 sources. This (combined with other mods) allows you to handle most non-1hko situations as long as you don't stop attacking and you don't get slowed/chilled. Use Healing pots to further supplement your regen, and moon cookies In emergencies. Additionally, with a little leech, Fusillade+Living Flame can regen your entire Life globe in about a second or 2. So it works well for keeping you alive when you can't melee. And using Fusillade before a retreat can save your bacon when casters/rangers are mixed into mobs.

Edit - General guide update:

The guide should be pretty much up-to-date now.

The Valthek fight and the Uldy fight still need work (though all Yshari and Uldy stages are complete). And I'll continue testing gear as I find it and updating the Dimensional Labyrinths section as I complete more tiers.
