What games are you playing atm? V2

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IF you played and like mount and blade you should checkout the mod for it that covers feudal japan. Fantastic game and fantastic mod Bannerlord soon pls

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Just finished Asura

Do you like ARPG, roguelite and methodical combat like dark souls? Then play this game. It is kinda an indie game that is small, but have engaging gameplay. You have power of melee attack, bow / throwing spear and spell. Game is not that hard to get into, although some people might dislike for slower pace combat, since every weapon attack required stamina (unless you use weapon that have 0 stamina cost).

Although it have a lot of nice things in this game, dont expect something deep. If i want to score the customization, it probably around only 15 / 100 as it have limited set of skill, enemy, weapons and spell. Best part is the game is playable with controller, although it is kinda tricky to use bow against some ranged unit (it only have semi-auto aiming). As for rogue-lite aspect, it have 3 extra characters you can unlock, new gears that will spawns in dungeon once you defeat bosses and new passive skill that will help complete the dungeon.

The game fun, it required a lot of playthrough, which is taking about 30 minute to 1 hour per round. However since I have too many games atm, i just stop playing at easiest difficulty once i beat final boss. It have 3 more difficulty, so the game might get much harder afterward.

Alternative : Wizard of Legend is much faster pace, Forced Showdown have much more customization. There are many other option for roguelite that is non ARPG, like Rogue Legacy, Enter the Gungeon and Nuclear Throne.
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Path of Exile.

Loving the melee rework.
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i think its safe to say that April 2020 will be the month that i'll call in sick for like a week or 2 straight with FF7 Remake and Cyberpunk 2077 launches on that same month.
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Just finished Northgard

This is was my anticipated strategy that i really want to try my hand on, mainly because of "clean" graphic without much noise on the map. This remind me so much of old strategy game back in 90s and early 2000s. The story revolved around a group of vikings who went to an island in the north and discovering the new lands. Turned out that there are many clans are trying to do the same and there are apparently several type of mystical monsters living on the ground.

Now I want to say about the gameplay, this to me is more like city builder rather than strategy game, as you are required more about planning your town rather than microing your army. Another unique aspect of the game is the yearly cycle where you need to gather enough food and wood so you can survive harsh winter. But my gosh i have so many things i hate about this game, the game have some sort barrier in every aspect of it from scouting a land, colonizing it, buildings stuff, training army and upgrading your stuff. It remind so much of playing idle / mobile games. THERE ARE WAY TOO MANY WAITING IN THE GAME. I feel like i spend like majority of the game to have just enough resource for the next action, the harsh winter also made your army weaker, thus you usually dont attack / expand during winter and guess what, your production are crippled in winter too.

This games is not bad, but while completing the campaign on hard (default setting apparently) it seem like I was too frustrating with most of its mechanic. Your as player will just passively waiting for next things to ticks and i got sick of it. And even a simple missions, can easily lasted hours because you waiting for something to reach the end goals.

Alternative games : I suggest you play turn-based games instead like civilization, at least you focused more on decision making. As for a RTS, anything with more infantry / squad management is much more fun. Or at least, just stick to game like city / business planning.
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Just finished Sniper Elite 3

Again, im not sure why im struggled to finish this games, despite having only 10 levels and you can rush all levels pretty easy on easiest difficulty, i really not having fun with the game at all. Compared to Sniper Elite 2, this game is more open world and less linear gameplay. You moving around from one objective to another objective, usually something to do with destroying a target, either key person, building or FREAKING TANKS!

One of the aspect I hate is probably the detection system. While you cant stealth at all in Sniper Elite 2, this game give you chance to become full ghost and snipe everyone at your own leisure. There is catch though, it have alert system where it 4 levels (hidden, cover, investigate and attack). As long as you ok with sitting idle for several minute for alert to go down, you really have make full use of noise cancellation available throughout the area. I would say the AI in this game is just pretty bullshit / dumb depending on alert level. On first 3, it is kinda stupid that unable to protect themselves despite aware of deadly sniper in the field. When you go to attacking alert level, hell break loose and the AI suddenly become AIM-bot that can detect / try to shoot through wall, small gaping hole or simple able to snipe you with measly sub machine gun.

I tried to play on hard difficulty on this games, but it was too tedious and slow that Im not patiently enough especially with stupid alert system. I just crank it down to easiest and play it like normal 360-no-scope games. Yet, i still dont enjoy it as i thought. Play this if you enjoy the slow methodical gameplay.

Alternative : There isnt many sniper game out there aside from sniper ghost warrior which is another mediocre series (more linear). But if stealth and open world is something you looking for, probably just stick to open world games like Far Cry series or Crysis series probably.
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My gosh, i have been struggle to play 1 game from start to finish lately (no anime either)

Finished Vanquish

This is one of 2 games from platinum (another one is bayonetta) that I bought on steam direct with high expectation. Considering I played Metal Gear Revegeance, so I want to see if the game is really over the top like it. Additionally, despite I know the game is hard and tricky I will going in with hard difficulty. Oh boy, the game is pretty hard but with enough perseverance, I finally beat the game.

The game is sci-fi 3rd person cover based shooter that have advanced mobility feature and very fast pace. I tried controller at first, but after having hard time to aim properly, i switched to keyboard and mouse to make it more manageable. The enemy type are varied from a single small foot soldier to gigantic mech with multiple form. There are several bosses fight that quite challenging, required player to aim at weakpoint and do the QTE once the health is weaken.

However I have some issues though, this game is designed with acrobatic playstyle in mind but there are hundreds of bullet flying through screen from all over the screen. Despite you can use the mobility, you are quite fragile that if you take too much damage, you will go to slowmode and unable to recharge your boost for quite some time. So unless you are pretty good and know where the enemy spawn, this one is probably will be played like modern shooter where you hide behind cover to regenerate power. Worse part of the games is final 2 missions where suddenly difficulty spikes with 2 different bosses that cause about 50 deaths for me (which is more than my whole playthrough death) for terrible brutal encounter design.

Vanquish is not a bad, but there arent memorable about it. If you like mastering a game, probably this is fine game although I dont feel any skill depth available in it. Story is forgetable, character is typical, nothing big subject matter, artstyle is messy with too much noises. Of course the action is over the top but it feel shallow and not rewarding to play. Probably i shouldve stick to easy mode.

Alternative : For more dancing / shooter gameplay, I recommend Doom 2016 no doubt, or if you dont mind grinding, probably Warframe fit in better. As for similar gameplay style with 3rd person shooter, let me to recommend you Binary Domain (awesome story subject matter) and Spec Ops the Line (play this blind) which is probably worse in gameplay department but both are awesome in story part. EDITED : Added Cloudbuilt if you wanted a game with more tricky parkour and dashing.


Finished Braveland

What if you can play tactical turn based strategy game on mobile without much consequences? You got this game. I have no idea where i got this game, but probably from a free steam promotion. Let me tell you from beginning that you dont bother to play this game at all. There is some content, but it is just mediocre mobile port without nothing new. Game is quite short with about 2 or 3 hours gameplay.

You started with small army, you move around map nodes collecting new army, buying new gear and customize your army. Each battle will you give you some gold, if you have dead army, ur gold reward will be deducted. This game is pretty much reset to full army after each win, thus the effect of your poor playing skill is more on the long term (where you wont have enough gold for late game unit). You have standard peasant, archer, pathfinder, swordsman, healer, crossbowman and knight (sound familiar?) as you total available army.

The game is bad in term like it is just same thing over and over again, without any depth it look like knockoff version of Heroes of Might & Magic series (too be honest, it is more like king's bounty games). Story is dumb, strategy is dumb, unit design is dumb, item design is dumb, skill design is dumb. Despite mobile port, i feel like you better spend your time else where as the game is too shallow.

As for alternative : Not many turn-based title in my library aside from HoMM series but it is 2 different things as it have kingdom management.


Im on streak today, finishing several short game (2 - 5 hours game)
I just finished Among the Sleep

The main focus of this game is playing from perspective of a child. Additionally, this is also a horror and surreal experience games where our character will move around several dream-like world in order to find his mother. You are guided by your teddy bear throughout a simple puzzle and navigate through weird world from super low perspective (you are a short kid after all).

Despite tag of Horror games, this one is mostly an atmospheric intense walking simulator. You do met several monster (you will learn about the monster by the end of the game) that you have to hide around while moving toward your objective. You also have to manipulate several objects in the game with physic from opening door, pulling chair to climb higher area and solving puzzle.

Game is simple and short experience. Although gameplay mechanic is basic, I think the atmosphere experience along is pretty nice. Take a time to play this, although it is not really the best walking simulator IMO.

Alternative: Cute + Horror? seem like a combination I rarely play (there are tons of those games on steam that i havent play though). As for my recommendation, probably the Lucius series (very deadly kid), Pinstripe (although platformer with similar story theme)
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Speaking of PlatinumGames, im about to replay Nier Automata again. Its installing at the time im typing this.
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i'll just leave this here.

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Just finished Smoke and Sacrifice

What you will do when your whole world is a lie? What if you know your son which you sacrificed for greater good is actually alive after all this year? This the main theme of this game. It is a ..action survival game that set in very dark gritty world where the you have to keep harvest ingredients to craft a better gear in order to survive the dangerous nighttime (sound familiar?). The unique part of the game is probably the hybrid of high resolution sprite in isometric fairly huge and diverse open world (surely sound very familiar?)

The game itself required you to keep learn new recipe and crafting new gear in order to move to new area, think like metroidvania's ability which allow you to progress harder level. Enemy encounter feel very dangerous at first, but once you reach the endgame, it is pretty easy... as usual. The resource gathering is probably the most tedious part, some are as ridiculous that required 2 or 3 other component / steps in order to get rare ingredient (like milking a big hog when it stunned after charging on a tree, milking a ghost after you stunned them with flash grenade etc). Additionally, aside from normal small and big enemy, you also will be facing several bosses that fairly challenging, mainly because of how basic the combat in this game.

Smoke and sacrifice is a good game if you like this crafting survival genre, or else it felt so tedious especially you need to move around map to gather resources and craft gear (there are a lot of fast travels, no worry). As crafting part, my only issue is that a lot of earlier item are obsolete once you reach end game, making you not sure which item you should stockpile, which you should throw away. Somehow I managed to 100% this... cool.

Alternative : (aside from terraria and dont starve which i dont have) .... which i dont have any other alternative. But for graphic style wise, this remind me so much of Bastion.