Σ 1.2.0 Patch Notes

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Species8472 wrote:Do people really need to downvote someone for expressing an opinion? That'll get people rushing to provide their thoughts, won't it?

if you've got something to say then say it, don't hide behind the cowardly downvote button.

First time, huh? Have an upvote. You’ll find that many here don’t like you expressing your opinions, especially not repetitively.
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1.2.2 changelog (hotfix) is up.

(First post of this thread)
Bone Archer
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I was doing 6.5k Damage with Divine Apparition and now after patch I'm doing 2.3k damage... That's not slightly reducing damage man that's a straight up in the ground nerf
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In a world full of hate and ingratitude we should try every day to remember some of the important things in life. Being polite, showing respect for others work and time, being grateful, etc..
Thank you Marco and dev's team for all the hard work put into this. And thank you all, members of this comunity, for existing.
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Yea went from 33k Divine Apparition to 24k, not very slight but I feel like it's still busted af. 10 min full teganze clear instead of 9 FeelsBadMan
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imagine testing builds before patch release and not GUTTING specs few days into new ladder. when people are most hyped and invest most time and tg into their characters. this will only lead to less players coming back for next ladder. nerfing things that turn out too strong isnt wrong, but do it after ladder runs its course and just let people have fun with characters their put dozens of hours and sometimes thousands of tgs into first few days of season (biggest hype).
Edited by bapcja 4 years.
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Catalyst trap nerf is the worst. Balance team playing sorcs? lol

Let's double the cooldown on the only skill that lets you damage any boss, oh yeah it's also a skill that sits on the ground that many bosses just walk out of. Yuck. Next.
Jungle Hunter
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Thx for the new patch, trap assasin was quite too strong indeed, gj on keeping the balance for this mod.
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Pit Knight
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Geeko wrote:Thx for the new patch, trap assasin was quite too strong indeed, gj on keeping the balance for this mod.

Have at least tried to play trap sin?
It was quiet strong but not unbalanced, even with high clear speed its single target was rather average or below. It almost ruined whole fun.

Plying her now is sometimes similar to Limper Laser on k3k - you just want to smash keyboard with your head ( k3k has barely any walls ) :D
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Geeko wrote:... gj on keeping the balance for this mod.

This is mod is all, but not something like "balanced".

Changing elemental mechanics after guys invested much TGs in chars is a hit right in the face. One more reason to play SP :mrgreen: