Skill on Wheel

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Is there a particular reason as to why secondary skills aren't available on a mouse wheel? It really is an inconvenience to some builds, as well as a hindrance to others. Is there a way that we can use skill on a wheel?
Stone Warrior
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Tbh this is an odd one
before I reinstalled, I could roll skills on my mouse wheel, my mouse button 3 was another way to press "alt" but, the real kicker, was my mouse button 4 was a TOGGLED SPRINT.. I had to reinstall due to accidental corrupting between switching from d2 to median so much and havent had it working since
the toggle sprint was nice for my bowazon :/
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Onyx Knight
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It works but setting it up is weird, I tried to explain how to get it done in this topic, maybe it will help you(there's also a shorter explanation without screenshots on page 1): viewtopic.php?p=309197#p309197