PlugY and median xl

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Primarch wrote:
ChuckNoRis wrote:if plugy/shared stash will no longer work you can just create as many mules characters as you want , to carry all the crap you find that looks interesting or worth keeping . give them proper names that are pointing out about what they are carrying (name examples: Signets/rare rings/barbarian_SUs ) in order to keep a structured list and not waste much time on finding what you are looking for . it takes a bit more time to build and use , but it's basically the same thing as having a shared stash , so no worry at all

the same happened when we have moved on from xvi to m2017 - wipe . in the beginning there were mules as described above , short after that there was a plugy adjustment that made it compatible with the new patch . i believe it will happen the same when Sigma comes out

How would mules help on single player? What you’re describing is a multiplayer item management system. Plugy was never useable online, anyways.

2 Diablo windows, TCP/IP, one window for creating game, second for joining to uself with different chars. All is same :\
Dark Huntress
12 | 0
You know those quests that have no real benefit to completing? ... reward "Stash Tabs" for completing them. :D
You're bathing in fortune? Buy some stash tabs from gheed
(exponential increase in price to the point even max stash gold and character gold can't buy an extra one) ... Or ... or ... Monetize Stash tabs (I'd buy some tbh)

Don't take the above too seriously, I'm only joking, but at the same time, having some sort of Multiple tabs of storage or even a shared storage between characters on the same account on the ream saves time in moving stuff from char to char, plus, multiple tabs of storage, might also reduce character clutter on the server (no need for so many mules), tho idk how much it would help as it depends on how those multiple tabs are implemented.

I'd still buy stash tabs if I could . :D
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Thunder Beetle
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I know this is an old topic, but is Plugy ever going to come back in single player?

Cause when its back, i'll be back immediately.
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Jakob wrote:I know this is an old topic, but is Plugy ever going to come back in single player?

Cause when its back, i'll be back immediately.

I am sure Marco and crew will drop everything aside and focus on plugy, since you are a valuable piece of this community.
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Thunder Beetle
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Anonymous: wrote:
I am sure Marco and crew will drop everything aside and focus on plugy, since you are a valuable piece of this community.

Thats a very rude way to put words in my mouth and assume something i never did. I just asked a question, im not sure why are you so condescending. btw a lot of people misses it.
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Sorry i assumed you were valuable.

Stash > game content ?
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Jitan, Come On
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Stash is the content. Stash is where i put my items in item grinding game.
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Thunder Beetle
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Anonymous: wrote:Sorry i assumed you were valuable.

Stash > game content ?

You did not assume im valuable, i think you understood what i meant, and you choose to misrepresent my comment.

And no stash is not more important then game content, but at the current state, game is amazing, but i miss the opportunity to store my findings.
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Sand Maggot
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Median XL Team Member
Jakob wrote:I know this is an old topic, but is Plugy ever going to come back in single player?
Cause when its back, i'll be back immediately.

PlugY will probably never be compatible with Median XL ever again.
That said, in several occasions, members of the team have stated of wanting to implement a multiple pages stash fully integrated in the Sigma engine. This wouldn't be the case with PlugY itself which is a tool not developed by the Median XL team and that could lead to a host of nasty and unforseen side effects. Keep in mind that often, even with MXL Ultimative compatibility, the save files used to get ruined by a corrupted stash while using PlugY, frequently requiring to manually backup the saves "just in case". The idea of additional stash pages is there, and I'd guess that sooner or later it will get implemented in the best way possible, but as of this very moment there are much bigger priorities to takle with the Sigma development that might incidentally help with the future implementation of an extended stash.
• Troubleshooting for MXL Sigma
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Come on Marco, all it takes is:

plugY = true;
