Suggestions for upcoming patch

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King wrote:Nerf drop rates by 80%.

Actually not everybody has so much time to dedicate to the game... with the huge pool of drops that there is, this would make it almost unplayable for the majority of players.

King wrote:Make laz have 5% chance of heal on kill.

Why that? Moreover 5% it's a percentage so low that it'll probably be mistaken for a bug when occur. It'd be simply an annoying addidtion.

King wrote:Increase den of evil size.

Increase den of evil size. Here, fixed that.
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about level 18 throw sin skill maelstrom...make it with a bigger ranger like the old one and dont make it disappear after hitting a enemie(pass throught it still shooting novas)
Thunder Beetle
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King wrote:Stop people from trapping uldy with two people making him flee.

You can do that with one char.
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King wrote:Nerf drop rates by 80%. Season basically done within a month... Remove cheese... Less drops means more grind but it also means they'll ethier grind or find alternative gear. Once ladder is full of dtouch etc... All good items become junk in comparison. The problem lays in very strong uniques and sets, not in drops. Noone wants to play 3 hours to find an unique.

Make yshari boss have 50% chance to spawn, it takes 5 minutes to get there... Even soul of pride has that. Lame idea. Soul of pride has it because well. It's the soul of pride... And once you have the ring you have it.

Nerf wolf Druid and fix the adding of mana regeneration after casting wolf Druid exploit. Don't think explanation needed. Clearly mana issue can't be fixed or I would have done it. Don't know if there will be a way to fix it wihout ugly hardcoding in sigma. The build can be fixed by other means

Lower tstones damage, it's like the only sorc skill abused (except maybe abyss)... Fire sorcs anyone? Indeed.

Cap amount of targets parasite has or lower the amount of targets. Could be. Although I think the problem with melee necro is the set being too strong.

Make bpr attack fast and actually hit 100% of the time... Too cheesable just hiding behind a wall... I don't consider using a wall cheesing BPR. It's kind of the point of it.

Not sure if possible with sigma... But stop people from fully absorbing tal Rasha and qt but lower their dmg respectively. Give them like -1000 piece and lower damage. Stop that cheese. Tal rasha is fine, the problem with QT lays in mystic orbs which will be reworked anyway.

Make kabraxis immune to slow. Kabraxis isn't the only boss who suffers from slow abuse. Actually all bosses do. Kabraxis itself is fine, except for a specific cheese method that I plan on addressing.

Make laz have 5% chance of heal on kill. Healing is screwed on ubers in general for some reason (astrogha too). He is meant to heal already.

Remove heal from marconecrox, buff his life 400% If life could be buffed beyond 1mill, heroic shields wouldn't even exist

Stop people from trapping uldy with two people making him flee. D2 AIs are pretty dumb. Anyways, I have plans already for this.

Increase den of evil size. No
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Dang it, i lost tons of question for marco when accidentally press back button on phone...

1. Legendary affix like d3 in median that spawned on 1 uniqur only?

2.rare Affix min max value that based on itemtype. Should magic item have more value?

3.item crafting like in poe where you craft up item from magic to rare and then shrine blessed.

4. Alternatively, cube recipe like lottery and shrine blessing that work differently depending on itemtype.

5. Thought on low level runeword, gemword and honorific to be powerful in late game. Perhaps a stronger runeword using 2 runes/gems instead?

I think thats all for now.
Woohoo it is in sigma thread now.
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You're right I was kidding about the den of evil and forgot to blue my text
Lol. I will give more suggestions when I have time. I will enjoy watching all these cheese methods get fixed. As for the bpr comment Marco, he barely does anything when using the wall. You should try doing the kiting with his hoof stomp attack and kill him. Quite fun and would make him a bit harder, which he is also able to be one shot with poison anyway, so why not? :~D
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I wouldn't consider fighting a boss, who spams screenwide stunning AoE, "fun" in any shape or form.
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King wrote:Nerf drop rates by 80%. Season basically done within a month... Remove cheese... Less drops means more grind but it also means they'll ethier grind or find alternative gear. Once ladder is full of dtouch etc... All good items become junk in comparison.

Make yshari boss have 50% chance to spawn, it takes 5 minutes to get there... Even soul of pride has that.

Nerf wolf Druid and fix the adding of mana regeneration after casting wolf Druid exploit. Don't think explanation needed.

Lower tstones damage, it's like the only sorc skill abused (except maybe abyss)... Fire sorcs anyone?

Cap amount of targets parasite has or lower the amount of targets.

Make bpr attack fast and actually hit 100% of the time... Too cheesable just hiding behind a wall...

Not sure if possible with sigma... But stop people from fully absorbing tal Rasha and qt but lower their dmg respectively. Give them like -1000 piece and lower damage. Stop that cheese.

Make kabraxis immune to slow.

Make laz have 5% chance of heal on kill.

Remove heal from marconecrox, buff his life 400%

Stop people from trapping uldy with two people making him flee.

Increase den of evil size.

Some good points here keep them coming guys ;)

It terms of making ladder durable drops needs to be lower especially su. Boss su drop nerf did his job pretty well but like westville said ladder is pretty much done within a month.

Thing is players who can play more and have the time to play will obv. find more and better stuff nothing wrong here but when it drops too much thoose players can actually flood the whole realm with stuff and make those casual players rich in no time. Basically ppl who dont have time to farm they still can farm for skulls for examples or trophys wich they can trade for various items they need in exchange.

Marco u could think about inc. the set drop in k3k d a bit so ppl can farm tehir set and sig and to be able to run some harder ubers and farm but in the end highend su needs to be low especially ssu and sssu version, and by low i mean lower then current drop :)
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maybe we don't have to have all the SUs have the same drop rate (same with SSU, SSSU, set...).

instead of nerfing all drops or nerfing the specific op items, why not just nerf the drop rates of those op items, and leave the other items alone?
I know it's tedious, depends on the build and it kinda ruins the point of tiers and stuff, but it would work, no?

lots of items would still drop, so people wouldn't feel like nothing's happening, but the good stuff would be harder to get, requiring more farming and thus prolonging the ladder season for the veterans and people who play a lot.

the filler items kinda already do that, but this is easier than just inserting more filler items.
in the end, some items would have to be switched from SU to SSU, and everything else reworked, obviously, but that takes time...
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I think an issue is that there seems to be a whole bunch of SU that nobody has a use for. So you have a huge pile of SU eventually with nothing to do with besides signet it, and it feels like even in the SSSU tier most of them are unused. It's felt really disappointing to get about 90% of the SUs that I have currently from spending a lot of time playing the last few weeks on TSW, and nearly all of them fell into these 1-4 thought processes when looking them up.

1. it's actually rather common based on search posts
2. they don't have much use, or players cannot find a use for them which returns us to step 1, because it's not used in builds.
3. Keep it and hope somebody will need it as trade fodder. (which has felt very unlikely)
4. Signet it.

It has also felt very hard to trade because it feels almost impossible to get someone who doesn't want only TG, and it's hard to get enough to trade for items, without spending money if you were late to ladder. When I donated $5 I immediately got messages from a l ot of people wanting to trade me anything and everything for TG, even very common stuff to the point I felt like I was getting hustled for the near insignificant amount of TG I had (50) compared to the prices people are wanting for items that don't fall into the signet as soon as you get it tier, i.e D.Touch for 50-90 TG (Yes, I know this could be a poor example as D.Touch is the best gloves for a lot of staple builds)

tl;dr I think there is just a ton of uniques nobody has found a use for rather than some are too good, making it feel like the ones people want are just too good. It still takes a lot of time trading or finding these items that are better than all the rest by far.