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I've played a fair bit now using Powder Keg as my main ability to deal damage, both as a neutraldin setup, and as a unholy caster set up.
I do not have full investment into Powder Keg, however there are two issues that have been evident from the get go. Anyone from my stream has seen them time and time again. So I'll go into breaking down the key elements on the skill and what would bring it in tune to make it a much more enjoyable experience, and less of a meme.

Firstly, Powder Keg is a nice addition for early game builds like Neutraldin that suffer from lack of single target. They can deal a large amount of damage, however to do so, is quite tricky, and relies heavily upon RNG.

So, how do Powder Kegs deal their damage: Simple. You throw a barrel, after a relatively long delay (depending on distance casted) it seems to take upwards of 3 seconds to go off, and a minimum of around 1.5-2 seconds, they explode dealing higher damage the closer an enemy is to standing on top of it. However those two things are the problem. An enemy has to be Directly Ontop of the Barrel to take considerable damage, and the Barrels take too long to explode, so keeping an opponent there is highly unlikely, resulting in a really messy attempt at setting up barrels while slowly kiting a boss.

The other side of this issue is, a stationary target, like Death Projector. Doing Death Projector, my initial barrels chunked it to 50% in no time, but as I had to move around, the barrels started to place in a different position from the original casts, and sometimes dealing almost 0 damage, other times maybe 1/10th of the previous explosions I had going on.

So, to fix this, I'd make the initial multihit aoe slightly larger giving a bit more play room, as well as a scaling mechanic to the skill along the lines of stormclash. Stormclash is a great skill when fully invested into and used at a high level as it gain extra projectiles. So my idea for the barrels would be to reduce the explosion timer based on skill level. Giving people a reason to push them into a higher level so they'd actually be useable as a build, rather than a small filler for pretty much just neutraldin early game as it feels like thats the only role it fills currently.

The other issue is the damage, since it's 50% phys 50% fire, you can't really scale the phys and fire damage, and grab pierce, thats just too many stats to properly adjust for, so it's better to run them on a class which is already using phys or fire spells. I honestly think that they'd be best used on possibly a holy caster, as they get free fire spell/phys spell, much higher than other classes do. Or again used on a phys spell caster which lacks single target, like Neutraldin.

All in all, barrels are still a fun meme which slightly work, just needs some fine tuning to actually be worth the indepth investment to push the skill.
Ice Clan
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In rare cases the Rune quest in act 4 doesn't drop everything. It may or may not be related to where you stand when you hit the hellforge. I attacked it from the north-eastern direction and all that dropped was an Amn rune without any Gems. I don't want to try it out again due to my fear of not getting the full reward.

As for my assassin using SMG and Whirlpool:
It works great so far! I cleared every 115 uber aside from Bartuc, but I'll get there, too once I get my positioning right. Imho SMG is really similar to Maelstrom once you understand that you need to move the cursor slowly from left to right and from right to left regularly. That way every enemy gets hit and lands either in hit recovery animation or in the knockback animation. So far I haven't hit a brick wall yet, but honestly, I hope that Teganze is farmable with this build due to the nature of SMG requiring you to stand around as a freekill. That's also the only thing that makes SMG worse than Maelstrom, but I'll see how far I can get.

Also, I haven't found a single sacred Blade Talons yet, which is why I'm still using my T4 Blade Talons. I'm really digging how far I got with just that.
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Release notes says that "Fixed unintentional healing when unconverted Lucion was next to Malic" - but now it's even worse.
Earlier this quest was sort of time consuming, but easy - clear area around, lure Lucion to Malic, charm him and run in circles.
Now spent more than half a hour and Malic is doing absolutely nothing to Lucion. Hundreds of bolts going trough, zero damage.
Somehow managed to get one hit after half hour, but as soon as Lucion got closer to Malic after my death - he got healed in full again.
35 | 1

Veil king Skill has way too many penalty's for it to be worth it,

1. It's a Ultimate skill

2. It always turns hostile upon death or if player dies

3. -50% army size

I suggest removing the 50% army size penalty because Veil king being hostile upon death and being a ultimate skill is more than enough.

If you must have a penalty replace that I would suggest something like Veil king needing double amount of skill points, so every level takes 2 skill points instead of the usual 1 skill point.
Onyx Knight
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Josko_91 wrote:Feedback:

Veil king Skill has way too many penalty's for it to be worth it,

1. It's a Ultimate skill

2. It always turns hostile upon death or if player dies

3. -50% army size

I suggest removing the 50% army size penalty because Veil king being hostile upon death and being a ultimate skill is more than enough.

If you must have a penalty replace that I would suggest something like Veil king needing double amount of skill points, so every level takes 2 skill points instead of the usual 1 skill point.

It being an Ultimate skill is not a penalty. It's a super strong minion. Veil King is one hell of a tank, and works great for classes that need a good meatshield but don't rely on other minions. That's how it's designed to be. If you are playing a build that uses other summons, Rathma's Chosen or Jinn are both way better options (for phys and elemental minions, respectively).

Also, Veil King doesn't turn hostile when the player dies, it just despawns.
35 | 1
Semigloss wrote:
Josko_91 wrote:Feedback:

Veil king Skill has way too many penalty's for it to be worth it,

1. It's a Ultimate skill

2. It always turns hostile upon death or if player dies

3. -50% army size

I suggest removing the 50% army size penalty because Veil king being hostile upon death and being a ultimate skill is more than enough.

If you must have a penalty replace that I would suggest something like Veil king needing double amount of skill points, so every level takes 2 skill points instead of the usual 1 skill point.

It being an Ultimate skill is not a penalty. It's a super strong minion. Veil King is one hell of a tank, and works great for classes that need a good meatshield but don't rely on other minions. That's how it's designed to be. If you are playing a build that uses other summons, Rathma's Chosen or Jinn are both way better options (for phys and elemental minions, respectively).

Also, Veil King doesn't turn hostile when the player dies, it just despawns.

But I wanna play a build with other summons and veil king!


So what is the best of of Veil king then? What kind of build? If I try with other summons -50% army size, if I try with death lord, -50% summon stats...

I don't get it :P
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Josko_91 wrote:
But I wanna play a build with other summons and veil king!


So what is the best of of Veil king then? What kind of build? If I try with other summons -50% army size, if I try with death lord, -50% summon stats...

I don't get it :P

Malice necro gets the most out of that guy, it can seriously tank almost anything. And if it's about to die just recast it.
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Change/remove the sound (scream) of Screaming Eagle debuff please, especially in high-density areas it is really annoying.
Ice Clan
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When the enemy is very close to the border of the map or some type of pathblocking object, Whirlpool activates only once. That goes for both, the damage and the visuals. It's basically like Barrier Strike, where to projectiles over the river of flame for example appear and then disappear after 1 tick. the only difference is that the whole visual ticks once until it's over.

Feedback on SMG:
So I finally managed to get
Riot (Xis)
and honestly, I still like it. However, due to having Whirpool from
Leather of Aut
Leather of Aut
Hard Leather Armor (4)

Defense: (66 - 75) to (132 - 151)
Required Level: 2
Required Strength: 28
Item Level: 1
+(2 to 4) to Whirlpool
+(18 to 35)% Enhanced Defense
(3 to 5)% to Strength
(3 to 5)% to Dexterity
(3 to 5)% to Vitality
(11 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (2)
Defense: (267 - 297) to (449 - 500)
Required Level: 19
Required Strength: 55
Item Level: 31
+(5 to 8) to Whirlpool
+(52 to 69)% Enhanced Defense
(9 to 11)% to Strength
(9 to 11)% to Dexterity
(9 to 11)% to Vitality
(21 to 30)% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (4)
Defense: (701 - 761) to (1131 - 1228)
Required Level: 37
Required Strength: 193
Item Level: 51
+(9 to 12) to Whirlpool
+(87 to 103)% Enhanced Defense
(15 to 17)% to Strength
(15 to 17)% to Dexterity
(15 to 17)% to Vitality
(31 to 40)% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (5)
Defense: (1052 - 1135) to (1691 - 1823)
Required Level: 45
Required Strength: 385
Item Level: 77
+(13 to 16) to Whirlpool
+(104 to 120)% Enhanced Defense
(18 to 20)% to Strength
(18 to 20)% to Dexterity
(18 to 20)% to Vitality
(41 to 50)% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (6)
, I feel like every use of SMG is wasted. Whirlpool and SMG work well together in places like Fauztinville, where you can clear the souls with Whirlpool and the Necromobs with SMG. Whirlpool still clears a lot faster, so in almost every uber I'd rather use Whirlpool over SMG. So just let me compare those 2 skills in the different areas to tell you about my experiences:

► Show Spoiler

TL/DR: I like SMG, but it's sadly lacking. Especially when there are enemies coming at you from more than 1 side, whirlpool is simply the better choice. It may feel underwhelming due to Whirlpool getting such a huge buff in comparison, But I think SMG is in a rather good place already if it weren't for the issues.

The main issues of SMG (compared to Whirlpool):
- You have to charge it. It makes you immobile and thus useless against most ubers. This wouldn't be a problem if the starting cooldown wasn't there, so the time you need to charge up until the first missile is ejected. However, I don't know if it's even possible to change that. Also, if you charge up, stop the charge and cast any other ability, it won't work. The animation will be played, the sounds will appear, the spell effects appears, the cooldowns will begin but the effect will not work, the cooldown will be resetted after a splitsecond and you will have to recast the spell /attack with the ability in order to give it an effect. Especially in places like Duncraig every frame counts, and not being able to teleport away/use whirlpool for 1 second after charging even though you can already move makes this abiliy a lot worse.
- The missile is too big. It causes issues. There are several instances where you simply can't hit the enemies because they stand right besides a bush. The bushes added in Tran Athulua actually felt more hindering than helpful because of that. You could hit the enemies with any other ranged spell that way, but not with SMG.
- The AoE is lacking. I think if you revert the missile width to the once in the previous patch and add 2 more missiles to the left and right of it (in a static way, not in the way that Flamefront changes the distance between the missiles depending on the position of your mouse cursor) I think you could solve the last 2 mentioned issues at once
- The damage is either fine or a bit too much. I honestly can't decide. It was fine when I just used the normal Riot, but once I had access to the XIS rune, I thought that 1700 additional magic damage per hit might be too much. You could adjust the scaling of the magic damage portion to be diminshing returns instead of 40 per level. I don't quite get the scaling anyway, to be honest. My skill level 30 SMG riot has 1720 damage on skill level 41. But it only has 1660 on level 40. So it's not exactly 40 per level, but it seems to have increasing returns on higher levels.
- SMG doesn't work in Baal/Diablo transformations You just can't cast it.

I had lots of fun with this build. But I think I'll try out something new from this point onwards.
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what if median has poe lab with ascension?


mother of nature


poison mage


dark knigh
dragon slayer
