vanilla D2 still better than MXL in some areas?

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Pit Knight
100 | 0
i'm curious of your opinions. What you miss from vanilla D2 that MXL doesn't have?

as for me :

-some class trees and skills are better in vanilla, they were more polished, and they fit the characters more, felt better to use.
Like in MXL, bow amazon's main skill is wyrmshot, where the char shoots minidragons out of a bow which than autoshoots fire arrows(wtf?). It feels too much like a 'mod', in vanilla d2 the skills are more "realistic" in the game's world. I dont understand why some cool vanilla skills were dumped while they had better vfx and felt better to use.

-D2's slower pace felt better somewhy. MXL endgame is sped up like POE where you run around in rocketspeed nuking everything. Now at endgame you kill 3000 mobs in fautzen over and over, while in vanilla, an MF run in ancient tunnels you killed only like 300, and you actually saw what monster you're hitting.

-Vanilla rune system was better : Even lower runes like Lem,pul,um runes worth a lot because they were rare and needed, so even newbies could find them and slowly gather a little wealth. To find 1 high rune would need as much effort as like finding 6x Xis here. This created a cool economy. In MXL rune price system is wrong. Common runes are too frequent drop they have 0 value, while worthy runes are pain in an ass to farm. Why can't they be random world drop?

-charms can be fun (once) but its veryvery bad that they are a must to have. If they had way less impact on char's overall strength, ppl would still farm them, but they won't feel like its always a must to do chore thing. These strong charms give big advantage to older players at ladder start, because they know how to easily get them, and they are instantly multiple times powerful than newer players who can't even put their feet inside good farm areas(fautzen or bremmtown) without charms. So these 30x medianxl charms shouldn't really have more effect than annihilus+hellfire torch combined.

Also charms are only good for trading at first weeks of ladder, but after that they don't have value. It also sucks that "cycles" only drop in triune, and also that they are mostly crap and there's no big variety in them. cycles should be world drop from lvl1 like diablo2's random charms

-tg system is strange. at ladder reset there are ppl with 99999 tg which they collected from previous seasons. it would be nice if at reset, ppl could only use like 20 tg from their previous wealth. Their previous wealth would still show up as an achievement, like how much tg they collected in past seasons next to their "active" tg amount.

-MXL has 0 ingame trading, while it is fun. MXL has 0 pvp, while it is fun.
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Here we go again guys. Let me grab my popcorn...

One observation: mxl is d2 based mod but it's a totally different game.. Comparisons will often be innacurate.
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Go play vanilla then, if you want something more like vanilla.
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Chrysamere wrote:-MXL has 0 ingame trading, while it is fun. MXL has 0 pvp, while it is fun.
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People only traded in game on d2 because they didn't know d2jsp was a thing, or they were banned from it
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Different Strokes for Different Folks...

If you enjoy Vanilla better then just play Vanilla. MXL isn't for everyone just like POE or D3 or any other game out there. But, that's the great thing about having lots of options to choose from.
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Chrysamere wrote:-some class trees and skills are better in vanilla, they were more polished, and they fit the characters more, felt better to use.
Like in MXL, bow amazon's main skill is wyrmshot, where the char shoots minidragons out of a bow which than autoshoots fire arrows(wtf?). It feels too much like a 'mod', in vanilla d2 the skills are more "realistic" in the game's world. I dont understand why some cool vanilla skills were dumped while they had better vfx and felt better to use.

It feels too much like a mod - I mean, it is a mod, by definition. A total conversion mod in fact, meaning most of the game was changed. There are mods that are way more vanilla in feel, if that is your preference, MXL is not the mod for you.

Chrysamere wrote:-D2's slower pace felt better somewhy. MXL endgame is sped up like POE where you run around in rocketspeed nuking everything. Now at endgame you kill 3000 mobs in fautzen over and over, while in vanilla, an MF run in ancient tunnels you killed only like 300, and you actually saw what monster you're hitting.

If that's what you prefer, good on you. Neither is objectively better than the other.

Chrysamere wrote:-Vanilla rune system was better : Even lower runes like Lem,pul,um runes worth a lot because they were rare and needed, so even newbies could find them and slowly gather a little wealth. To find 1 high rune would need as much effort as like finding 6x Xis here. This created a cool economy. In MXL rune price system is wrong. Common runes are too frequent drop they have 0 value, while worthy runes are pain in an ass to farm. Why can't they be random world drop?

Worthy runes are a pain in the ass to farm, doesn't that make them fill the same niche as high runes? I'm not understanding that criticism. Imo, it's much better this way because worthwhile runes are almost target farmable instead of opening chests for hours on end hoping for RNG to really bless you. You can argue that Great Runes are rare, but still a hell of a lot more common than a random high rune in vanilla. Xis runes aren't even that hard to get if you have a half decent farmer for them, I used to pump them out non stop with a teganze clear time of 8-10 mins (inner and outer) and I'd generally average one in under an hour back in m17.

Chrysamere wrote:-charms can be fun (once) but its veryvery bad that they are a must to have. If they had way less impact on char's overall strength, ppl would still farm them, but they won't feel like its always a must to do chore thing. These strong charms give big advantage to older players at ladder start, because they know how to easily get them, and they are instantly multiple times powerful than newer players who can't even put their feet inside good farm areas(fautzen or bremmtown) without charms. So these 30x medianxl charms shouldn't really have more effect than annihilus+hellfire torch combined.

Is the argument here that game knowledge makes the game easier to play? I don't get it. That's how games, and life, works. Vanilla was the same way, people who knew how to play had a huge advantage over someone brand new. Do you think new players had any idea on where to actually farm? I guarantee they didn't do Bazaar chest runs, pindle, pits, etc. and were at a disadvantage due to lack of game knowledge.

Chrysamere wrote:Also charms are only good for trading at first weeks of ladder, but after that they don't have value. It also sucks that "cycles" only drop in triune, and also that they are mostly crap and there's no big variety in them. cycles should be world drop from lvl1 like diablo2's random charms

That's untrue. They may lose value, but harder charms are still worth TG well into the season. Nobody likes running Void. Cycles used to fill inventory slots but were reworked because of the larger inventory. If it wasn't in the current state, people would only farm Triune to fill their inventories with grand stat ones or + skill ones. If they dropped from everywhere, there would be no reason to ever farm Triune. You could make your same argument about runestone/essences. If they were world drops, why would anybody farm anything other than Fauzt? Sounds like more stale gameplay to me.

Chrysamere wrote:-tg system is strange. at ladder reset there are ppl with 99999 tg which they collected from previous seasons. it would be nice if at reset, ppl could only use like 20 tg from their previous wealth. Their previous wealth would still show up as an achievement, like how much tg they collected in past seasons next to their "active" tg amount.

Sounds like a punishment for people who donate, which means nobody does, and the mod dies. If it bothers you that much, just play ssf.
Pit Knight
100 | 0
i'm not enjoying vanilla better, its actually more boring in some ways, that's why i'm playing mxl
But it had some things right
MXL is great, there are only these things that i don't enjoy as an average player
its just 1 opinion, i wanted to know what others think.
i must not be the only guy who feels mxl could improve here and there?

CallMeCrazySam wrote:
Chrysamere wrote:-tg system is strange. at ladder reset there are ppl with 99999 tg which they collected from previous seasons. it would be nice if at reset, ppl could only use like 20 tg from their previous wealth. Their previous wealth would still show up as an achievement, like how much tg they collected in past seasons next to their "active" tg amount.

Sounds like a punishment for people who donate, which means nobody does, and the mod dies. If it bothers you that much, just play ssf.

who knows if not even more ppl donated every ladder because of a change like this?
for example i now have 230 tg from a previous season. but if i could only use 20tg from it in the next, i'd more likely donate each season
Azure Drake
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Well, Diablo II and LoD have been made by professional team, and MXL is a fan-made modification based on the original.
And the game still plays like Diablo 2. It would be hard to miss that.
I still like to play classic LoD aside from various mods. Mods are just mods, whereas the original game is still as good as it was 20 years ago.
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I agree with you about PVP system. Dev team should add it so I can watch a game with full of retard trinity paladin killing each others.