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Nice guide. I just want to clarify that the Energy damage bonus on the tooltip is correct.

War Cry has less energy scaling than normal spells because it's a shout not a classic spell and also to prevent reaching the damage cap on a crit.
Void Archon
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from what I've seen while fooling around with warcry a couple months ago, energy provided very little dmg. I tried putting only 300 points into energy and rest in vit, which resulted in a negligible drop in dmg and a huge (several thousand) boost in hp. have you tested this?
Bone Archer
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Runemaster- Enough to cap defense at 5%
May I ask what is this 5%? Is it 5% bonus def per rune? If that's the case so I just need 3 points in it?
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nazh202 wrote:Runemaster- Enough to cap defense at 5%
May I ask what is this 5%? Is it 5% bonus def per rune? If that's the case so I just need 3 points in it?

Enemy chance to hit you. With ~825k total defence necrobots have %5 chance to hit you, so for fauzt that is what you should aim for. Chance to be hit can not be lower than 5%.

For labs you obviously need more. If you hover cursor over defense, it shows how likely last enemy you've encountered will hit you.

It was mentioned at least in the end of mf-gearing section.
The ideal defense needed to farm fauntz is 825kish at lvl 140 roughly. The idea is to have enough defense that you are only being hit 5% of the time which is the lowest you can achieve. Gaining more defense after the fact will net you nothing.
Edited by koffi 4 years.
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Diaco wrote:from what I've seen while fooling around with warcry a couple months ago, energy provided very little dmg. I tried putting only 300 points into energy and rest in vit, which resulted in a negligible drop in dmg and a huge (several thousand) boost in hp. have you tested this?

Because you also need energy factor.
Void Archon
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Istaryu wrote:
Diaco wrote:from what I've seen while fooling around with warcry a couple months ago, energy provided very little dmg. I tried putting only 300 points into energy and rest in vit, which resulted in a negligible drop in dmg and a huge (several thousand) boost in hp. have you tested this?

Because you also need energy factor.

there's only +160 energy factor in the entire endgame setup (with perfect rolls)
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Diaco wrote:
Istaryu wrote:
Diaco wrote:from what I've seen while fooling around with warcry a couple months ago, energy provided very little dmg. I tried putting only 300 points into energy and rest in vit, which resulted in a negligible drop in dmg and a huge (several thousand) boost in hp. have you tested this?

Because you also need energy factor.

there's only +160 energy factor in the entire endgame setup (with perfect rolls)

I guess you only count the EF from Spirit Walkers an Lunar Eclipse. Please take a look at the socketing and MO section! 12 Ghals in Weapon = 360 EF + 70-80 from basic charms. With 130 from above items this is 560 flat EF already.
One or two Auriel UMOs or an affix EF roll on crafted Gloves makes that 600+. An easy CoV Sleep would add another 50 flat and 5% EF (when nothing else is needed from sleep).
EF plays an important roll for WC endgame gearing and was considered by the guide writer.
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suchbalance wrote:Nice guide. I just want to clarify that the Energy damage bonus on the tooltip is correct.

War Cry has less energy scaling than normal spells because it's a shout not a classic spell and also to prevent reaching the damage cap on a crit.

Thank you for this information, i will be changing my guide up to correct my assumptions i made about the tooltip being bugged potentially.
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datdudejay wrote:
suchbalance wrote:Nice guide. I just want to clarify that the Energy damage bonus on the tooltip is correct.

War Cry has less energy scaling than normal spells because it's a shout not a classic spell and also to prevent reaching the damage cap on a crit.

Thank you for this information, i will be changing my guide up to correct my assumptions i made about the tooltip being bugged potentially.

With this information in mind what about trying to scale the Spell Damage with Str Factor instead? Ive found a few items like a belt with Str Factor Scaling on it and was wondering about a good use for such on a barb possibly.. What do you think about that? Would that make it possible to scale str for max spell damage scaling instead?