What games are you playing atm? V2

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I have wanted to play Baldur's Gate again for a while now and just now noticed G3 (https://www.gibberlings3.net/). Can't wait to get all set-up.
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PoE new league mechanic (Ritual) is kinda meh. Probably my second least favorite league topped only by Bestiary as my number 1 worst league overall.

The Atlas Expansion tho, whole different story. Each region of the Atlas with its own skill tree to further customize what content you get the most in each of the map sections. Big like.
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Always break barrels.

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Another weekly update for Genshin, again no proper format. But i think i can say that understand most of the game system by now.

Genshin Impact play around concept of Adventure Rank (AR) and World level for their content. With adventure rank capped at 50, and Im barely reach AR35, the game feel like slow already to me. Mainly because to get adventure rank, you have to rely heavily on doing stuff that have caps per day, limiting amount of AR you can gain. At this pace, it feel like maybe 1 rank per 3 days of playing (because Im working for home now), so it felt very slow & nothing to do. The abyssal domains, the one that used for endgame grind, required me to be at max level because i can attempt it since monster scaled % proportionally at high level. Not that f2p cant compete, but it feel like i might need 1 month to reach max level.

Think AR like level cap when playing MMORPG. When you reach one rank cap, you need to do quest to unlock new one. Existing monster level will raise up, giving you more resource per kills, basically improving your resource gathering. But still, it doesnt make things move faster though, it just easier to gather basic stuff for new characters maybe

I love playing collectibles in open world games. But Genshin Impact have both system of collectibles in 2 different type, permanent one (i have to use outside tracker to keep track of it) and resource mining spot, which I need to do every couple of days to stock up my resource. Mining stuff was fun in the beginning because it tied in to your power level, as in getting new level, getting weapons, upgrading artifact etc. But since level requirement of everything in the game raise exponentially, you will run out of resource if you dont pace yourself (meaning dont do try to do everything in 1 day). I ran out of experience books when i maximized 3 of my main character at AR30.. im like ... really?

At least Im done 90% for first town, and now i have 2 more areas (big open of Liyue and small map Dragonspine). They both have some collectibles that related to your power level and required time to collect. I think if the game have in game tracker, i would be more happy and can grind it easier.

No doubt, i have huge urge to at least spend 5 dollar in this game, mostly because Im ok with basic MTX, especially the one that reward you daily. The gacha system, even with pity system is quite terrible now I think about it, because 99% stuff of you get is weapons, and weapons is the EASIEST stuff to level up in the game (artifact / character based on grind or luck), so it felt useless. Even if you get the character wanted, since you are capped to 4 member per team, so chance are, you might to pull all of your resource accordingly to setup new team. The only reason to do this is probably on certain hard dungeons where certain elements are recommended.

Based on some rough calculation.. it seem like you need 160 USD if you have terrible luck with pulling gacha and let the pity timer to kick in to get the character of the season (it depend on banner). It seem like less generous than many other gacha on mobile market, although game do give you alot of premium currency in the games itself (finding chest, quest, daily stuff, etc)

I dont think Im gonna say that Im burnout with Genshin, it just it doesnt reward your time even you play it heavily it in one day. It is more designed like mobile games rather than... a proper MMORPG (despite having similar philosophy). I feel like im running out of things to do, despite the game do reward you to search for random chests around the map.

So i think i will decide that maybe I just set Genshin on back burner, play maybe couple hours, clear my energy and daily, and done for the day. Im giving the game for chance for few more weeks maybe, i have several games installed already. At least I can play the game while watching anime, which is a good plus for me (assuming Im not doing story mission).
(Mainly reason because i realize that Genshin made me not touching other games at all, remind me of time when I played Destiny 2 and Ragnarok Online)
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Astral Guardian
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I've been playing Median mainly. We formed a tight group of 5 people and only trade amongst ourselves. Changes the game completely.
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Wotan wrote:I've been playing Median mainly. We formed a tight group of 5 people and only trade amongst ourselves. Changes the game completely.

That is nice to hear but this is wrong topic stary kaziol.

Still binged on Fallout 4. Can give brief summary is anyone is interested. Read a lot of comments in steam before purchase and waited for discout too. But oh well must say that game fullfilled my expectations and more. As the one who played fallout 1 and 2 and disliked the tactics version - was expecting some sort of this turn based combat, dialogue, explore game. Which i got. Yes it's a bit different from old school turn based stuff but it took me few moments to figure out the vats system. You can play fps as stalker with a possibility to switch into turn based-ish mod which gives more time to react, plan ahead and pick targets. Also this adventure/exploring atmosphere is there from the beggining. Map is huge, areas plenty, from one location you can see the next in the horizon and you want to go there. It really hooks from the start so bad that i left main quest line and wondered for 20-ish levels just to see what is out there to find/kill/ect. Some comments were that the game is boring and repetetive. Well some quests are - some meme npc (cough cough next settlement needs your help suka) are annoying, some quests are radiant - meaning something random quest will pop right after you done previous one.
But overall - go, explore, kill, craft, build towns, gather resourses, find your son (only when bored exploring lol).
Enemies - plenty and the difficulty increases while you lvl up. Human scum, super hulk mutants, insects, bugs, scorpions, ghouls, zombies, mini nukes flying at you, robots, sythetic people...
Xp - you can level up endlesly and max out everything. This is a bit pro/con for me, but now i realised that i can do it all in one long walkthrough. Builds and options - again so many - sneak ninja sniper, heavy gun + combat armor, fast pistol shooter, melee madness, ect.

10/10 would by without discout.
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Another week, another small update from my geshin impact experience.
They just announced 1.3 which start on 3rd February, should bring me enough content to play for another 3 weeks at least.
As you see from my previous post, i almost quitting the game because it feel grindy or wasting too much time.
But because I can watch anime and the game doesnt take much of my free time, im now feeling much better than before.
Still there is are couple of tips

1. Watch online guide
For previous 3 weeks, i was kinda playing the game blind. I have no direction aside from wanting to complete the story & collecting as many collectibles as possible. So now I have cleared pretty much everything available on the map, only missing several stuff that need to use trackers.

The biggest lesson I learnt definitely about team building & resource management (especially if you f2p). Since the game became much more grindier at max level, you cant simply maximize level for every characters in the game. So you have to priority your resource and pooling everything to make them a monster. With endgame revolved around having 2 powerful teams, now i have general idea on what to aim for.

2. Have a clear goals.
Just like your daily life, you set you main goals (2 main damage dealer) while setting up 3 support characters behind their back. This including farming for artifacts, getting a good weapons, leveling up talents as well as learn more advanced technique in order to survive the endgame dungeon. I admit, I still hate for not being able to grind as much as possible (like i have off day today, i have just moving around on open world rather than farming in domain)

Then pretty much have what small goals you want to achieve that will lead your main goals. I know gacha / mobile games tend to create a habit out of player, to entice you to make purchase, but I have played many MMORPG / mobile, so i know the way to control (meaning i wont to a point of getting poor by gambling addiction). Nevertheless, this make me look forward once i can tackle endgame stuff.

3. Chill & take it slow.
Again, same points as before. Unlike traditional ARPG where you can speed farming up at high level content, this game is much slower nature by default (unless you willing to pay to rush). Mostly because the game are designed to be played for very long time, and because the developer have planned some content for next 2 years (they said something like current game is about 15% to 20% content preplanned). So you wont get burned out by this.

Worst case, probably you can just quit, and replay the game again after 6 weeks since that is their target goals for content update. So now with 1.3 in the horizon, im now excited to enjoy the ride (until i get really bored with the game)
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The Medium. Decent atmosphere game, though anyone expecting the next Silent Hill in it will probably be disappointed. This is story driven, and there is no combat, though there are some stealth sequences albeit very scripted and very short. The puzzles are ok, nothing mindblowing though.

Very polarizing game over all, "hit or miss" is definitely the term to use here. I enjoyed it for its simplicity. 6/10
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I've started playing Amid Evil, a retro FPS in a fantasy setting. The plot is that the holy lands of the gods have become corrupted by an evil force, and it's up to you to set things right... by killing everyone and everything you encounter. You start with a surprisingly awesome axe, and have to search the environment for other weapons. Like the staff that turns enemies into water, the rod that shoots planets, or the weird thing that conjures black holes. The levels are beautiful, flow well, and contain occasional secret rooms that contain additional health and ammunition, and occasionally give out new weapons earlier than you would get them ordinarily.

The enemies are visually distinct, have specific behaviours and attacks, and are weak to particular weapons, of which there are seven in total. There are also a total of seven worlds to fight through, which consist of four levels each, one of which contains a boss. It's great fun if you're into the old style of shooters. About twenty Euros on Steam and GOG.

It is not, however, an easy game by any means. I'm in the fifth episode, The Forges, and it is pain. Especially the Painmasters - the masters of pain - who spew nails at you up close and can take five planets to the face. Also painful are deathtraps over bottomless pits, tricky platforming in a first person perspective, and spiky balls that roll up to you and tear your health bar off. I'll give it another go tomorrow.
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Werewolf the apocalypse : earthblood

it's kinda garbo for today's standards.