What games are you playing atm? V2

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Another weekly update from Genshin (yeah, boring i know).

1. The temptation is unbearable
One of the hardest part about playing gacha games is the urge to spend money & FOMO (fear of missing out). The situation currently is that im primed to get any specific character as long as i can gather enough resource to pull (90 times, about 230 USD) or get super lucky. But as you know me, i could just spend that money to buy any other good AAA games that is premium price.

So im here contemplating either to spend or not. I dont mind spend for any game that offer good convenience (i paid some ragnarok online f2p and PoE convenient stashes), but Genshin doesnt have it atm. Not even monthly currency or battle pass felt worth it, as pulling character is just too expensive / random while the monthly battle pass doesnt offer any limited progression. Worst part, both only return once you reach 1 month since purchase (instant gratification = more expensive, as usual).

2. New patch 1.3 feedback
Again, the game indeed improved several stuff for f2p like transmutation junk -> to good item, converting item you dont use, new encounter etc. By my biggest hope was shattered as the things like 3x double bonus per days for exp / currency.... is only during event.. which is in another 2 weeks. While i dont care much about new released character (not fitting my current team goals, no money) but the next character banner is the one I was aiming for... except i dont have enough resource.

There are several grind stuff are locked behind weekly drop or limited time resource, made it harder to increase your team power levels at the endgame (except if bought the said battle pass). Waiting for event to come will be a pain for me now i guess.

*I know it is kinda silly from going negative, then going positive, then going negative again about this game. I was really looking forward the patch, but it seem the content drip slowly rather than coming in 1 go (all those free stuffs), which made this week progression abit disappointing slow.

**As i said, i dont mind spending as I saved a lot of money while WFH now. Nothing spend on transport, not going eating outside, not going for movie and having a lot more time for game despite working now. Not like im bought any expensive games during steam sales either.

***Props to anyone who read all the way until the end. I know this isnt my usual style of review, but because of genshin, i dont have the mindset to play any serious games (last one was subnautica). Atm im just grinding Slay the Spire as well, trying to clear ascension 20 with other 3 character that i havent done before which are ironclad, silent & watcher
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Saw the game "To The Hell" in some youtube video about the cheapest games on steam. It's a skill/puzzle side scroller. It's actually pretty good, even if the translation in English isn't that great. But it's an hour or so of fun for less than a €.

PS: I only died 420 times.
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This time i have to give weekly review earlier.
I was planning to report back i reach adventure rank 45, but for benefit of who interested to play Genshin Impact


1. Lantern Rite event
This event is jam packed with activity you can do for next 2 weeks. But problem is that it required you to reach adventure rank 21 (i think 1 or 2 weeks? of full time playing). So this could be the good time to start now as the event still give tons of stuff that you required to progress faster.
Further more, the current limited character banner is godly Xiao, which is pretty strong characters (i skip him for another character) that can be staple in any of you main team. Since you generally recommended to focus on 2 characters as main dps, he will be perfect if you managed to snatch him.

2. Tower defense minigame
Aside from several quest & story event, this event also added fun little game mode of tower defense. From what i experience, it quite easy to master as it is pretty easy and very rewarding. If you an old genshin impact player, this mode alone worth the time to replay it back. Just take note you might need to grind abit to create the "entry key" everytime you want to play it. Not that long as you can easily create 10 keys within 5 minute of farming.

*Now event finally here, im pumped up to prepare my resource up for next level of farming (AR45) and preparing for final character ascension farming. I will be start to pull for gacha (not much, only 20 pulls) for next banner, hoping to get lucky for 4 stars characters.

I also started to play PoE in ritual. So far Im not sure if im liking the ritual mechanic. Since it is kinda "forced" you clear all ritual in order to have enough resource to buy / defer item, so it is kinda tedious abit (some might remind of tedious gameplay from bestiary league). And i dunno what happened to deferred item if you ignore them when you entering new map. So far i havent reach any stuff that i would considered nice yet aside from getting random tabula from ritual. Last time i have big jump was during bestiary -> metamorph league which gave me tons of changes, especially with master rework. So the game is pretty much the same atm.

Going for totem hierophant as templar will be my final character that havent reached late game and this ascendancy also received a major rework this patch. Despite i played ballista totem in metamorph league lasttime (bow elementalist / pathfinder ascendant), so im not sure if will have fun with totem build. Nevertheless, i just aimed for chill game (as im grinding 2 different long game at same time). Of course, i will see if there any endgame I can tackle without feeling of super boring grindy.

The best part is I will have friend to play coop with, although ... they are kinda busy so probably I will need hard carry them. Because of that, i guess maybe i can get back to trading games as I have been SSF for past 2 previous time when i played POE.
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PoE still.

Witch Elementalist at lvl 83 rn, Arc is still good despite the nerfs, and golems are broken af especialy with the node that respawns them after 4 seconds of dying. Pushing red maps now and its very chill. Gonna push for 10 bosses on Maven soon, that'll be interesting...
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At the moment it is World of Warcraft again :) returned to this game after almost a month of playing CS GO hours on end. Got tired of this shooter eventually :mrgreen: What I like about WoW besides its gameplay and graphics is the fact that I can ask a pro player to greatly upgrade my char while I am at work and it is quite affordable (I usually find all I need here https://skycoach.gg/wow-boost )
Edited by ThomasGabriel 3 years.
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Abit early weekly review about my gaming experience.
This one is short as im bored atm, nothing to do.

Genshin Impact:
The struggle is now real. The goal of the game for me is always to slowly leveling up. The big check point level 35, 45 and 50. Problem is, the 45 checkpoint is huge difficulty spike that I didnt anticipate. Lets just say the typical "need job to get experience, need experience to get job". So im now really need to focus on improving my alternate character as some of this level 45 contents, cant be tackle with main DPS as element hard counter them.

Additionally, my main plan to buy characters tomorrow is terrible apparently said by many youtuber. So now I have a big decision to make. Either I spent premium currency now to get a chance for good character now, or save & wait for how long it gonna take. To be frank, I just need different level 5 elements as this game really emphasize on getting alternative damage type. Genshin is now is really on my back burner, the moment i realized i just want to play other games, then i feel like i should limit my time with this games.

Path of Exile
Finally reaching act 10 recently (after 25 hours ++ lol) where I have a simple goal to play 1 act per day. I still dont have anything much to say as I havent experience with old other league mechanic. But the what i experienced, I love the delirium so far as the promising cluster jewels system alone made me want to farm them (although i still dun understand how their encounter work). Ritual itself is 50/50 atm. Aside fom my early tabula and several new unique I havent seen before, it kinda tedious to clear every rituals in every map and defer super expensive item to purchase them next time.

As for my build, just a regular spell totem heirophant that pretty much just a lazy build. I found kitava thirst from a ritual shop, so I bought it which allow me to cast 5 different spells in single cast. However, since Im went for Ancenstral Bond + Avatar of Fire, spell I can fully utilized it fairly limited (as it cant trigger mine / trap). Probably i cleared act 10 by today and starting mapping afterward. It just weird seeing less of previous league mechanic though. I havent found many syndicate, legion or metamorph yet, perhaps they are reserved for specific region on atlas rework.

Slay the Spire:
Oh boy, im happy to finally beat Ironclad Ascension 20 so now I finally move to Silent. I totally forgot how fun the class is especially the ability to play multiple cards without any issue and beat enemy ASAP. I still just barely reach Ascension 4 with her (yes, silent is female) so I assume StS will fill in my free time for weeks to come. Seem like some hearthstone youtuber also moving back to StS content (Trump & Firebat) so it is kinda in line of discovery StS again for first time.

Random Trivia:
I have about 60 games installed on my pc (including VR games) and I only touch this 3 above for past couple of weeks. I wonder if any of you guys had same issues as mine. I cant force myself to play new games despite you know that i love to try new game to finish.
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Garbage gear on besides some endgame stuff like Cloak of Defiance and Crown of the Inward Eye. Golem's synergies are pretty stronk. Its a brand new world for Elementalist, after being probably the worst ascendancy in the game prior to this league. Need more life on gear tho.

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I never understood how people get those multiple auras working, as far as i remember it 2-3 auras and i was almost out of mana. Well i played lacerator mainly or some other melee char.

Currently playing Creeper World 1 and 2. Old school strategy games, used to be on flash, now on steam. You build structures, generate energy, fight the blue spreading creep.
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Kraken Guard
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Anonymous: wrote:I never understood how people get those multiple auras working, as far as i remember it 2-3 auras and i was almost out of mana. Well i played lacerator mainly or some other melee char.

4 different golems summoned = 4 different auras. Then Vitality aura + Clarity + Herald of Thunder, thats about 50% mana reservation on a huge life pool (5K mana right now) , then Wrath aura on Essence Worm ring which nulifies all mana reservation on auras socketed into the ring.

The other 3 are just buffs. Arcane Surge support on Flame dash, Arcane Cloak on LMB, and Sigil of Power from staying in that blue circle thing. i could have more there from my 3 green flasks too.
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Streaming PoE a bit now - https://www.twitch.tv/metalistastv - fresh start, doing acts.