Best place to Goblin farm

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Hi! Where is the best place to farm goblins?
So far I think that the place that appears the most is in k3k.
Is there a better location? Or another?
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There is no best place, they appears everywhere in the game
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From what I understood from goblin spawn, you get an invisible buff (not stackable) when killing something that last about 10 sec, during that buff there's a very small chance every frame(or something) for a goblin to spawn near you.
So indeed theorically as long as you keep killing there's no best place, as it's only time related. I think Bremmtown doesn't have them for some reason (unless I'm the unluckiest), but mostly they should have the same spawn chance everywhere, and only rift inspectors differ
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There is no best place, but there is a best way: play with others. Goblins have increased chance to spawn for each additional player you have near you. Mind that they have to be actually near you, not just in the game with you standing in town or farming an another zone.
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Istaryu wrote:There is no best place, but there is a best way: play with others. Goblins have increased chance to spawn for each additional player you have near you. Mind that they have to be actually near you, not just in the game with you standing in town or farming an another zone.

Is there any information on how exactly the chance scales?
Does "number fo goblins spawned" scale by a factor greater then "number of players"? For example:
Do 2 players playing together (on average) get more goblins then 2 players playing separately (summed up)?
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Splargh wrote:
Istaryu wrote:There is no best place, but there is a best way: play with others. Goblins have increased chance to spawn for each additional player you have near you. Mind that they have to be actually near you, not just in the game with you standing in town or farming an another zone.

Is there any information on how exactly the chance scales?
Does "number fo goblins spawned" scale by a factor greater then "number of players"? For example:
Do 2 players playing together (on average) get more goblins then 2 players playing separately (summed up)?

there is no official data, but yeah, players ( me included) experience confirms it - be at the same zone with others, not just stand at the town. In fact, I'm interested in gathering a gang, european timeline - for this
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IIRC each player has its own chance of spawning a goblin, it is not shared between players, thus there isn't a "general chance of spawning a goblin" that scale with the number of players, it remains the same for each player. This means that, if you have a team of 8 players, every one of them will roll its chances of spawning a goblin, and so, if said players are farming close together you could have 8 goblins spawning at the same time in the same area. It is pretty insane. The best way of farming goblins while team-playing would be to stay close; or maybe, if the characters are powerful enough to overcome the /players x effect, the process could probably be optimized by using two groups of 4 players farming in different zones. Also, if my memory isn't playing tricks on me, there is a slight difference in chances between some zones but it is less than 20%, so it shouldn't really be a concern and plays a tangible role only when considering the playerbase as a whole.
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There's no better spot, they're everywhere in the game.