XL Capitalization

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There's something abnormal taking place in Median XL land, it's obvious to long time players that game mechanics have
shifted from being conducive to creativity and exploration to a more linear path wherein players are led inevitably to seek
out extremely limited items and upgrades that force them to spend long hours attempting to get that one upgrade they
need only to move on to spending even further long hours trying to get the next 'one upgrade they
need.' Players are forced to to chase after charms, and upgrades with a mathematically determined chance
of success that necessitates every waking hour to get the exact stats, the exact rolls, the exact items, they cannot progress without.

Some charms take days of farming to get the stats you need. Some take weeks. Some items take months to find, some you
can never find. Then there's the lucky, then there's the lotto, and ultimately median XL has turned into a big fat casino of endless
capitalization. This has been a slow steady progression over the years of it's development, but now with the introduction of trade gold,
the analogy of a video game designed like a casino-has never been more apparent than right now.

There used to be joy in discovering unique interactions between items/mechanics, new builds, unique playstyles, whereas now
everything has been simplified, 99% of the items are total junk, and you'll spend countless hours searching for the mathematically
limited items and upgrades that inevitably are the only ones you want after all.

There's a dark side to median XL, and the evolution or devolution of the game has brought it out into a much clearer light, for the
first time in five years on and off playing the game casually, people lied to me, people stole from me, to gain an edge in the virtual
rat race median XL has turned into, and after all now that there's a virtual currency involved, median XL has taken the path that has
destroyed modern gaming at large as we know it and has devastated virtual communities everywhere.

There's a sickening justification to it all now, that the game masters so to speak have created the underlying basis of a lottery system
being equivalent to a real currency that players can trade. What was once a basis of freely helping others, working together for fun,
has turned into a cruel virtual slavery where players are destined to chase after items/upgrades that have already mathematically
been predetermined for them to never ever get, while seemingly, because some players have managed to do it, they can too, or need to.

Anyone can argue that there is a virtual need that players feel, but that doesn't have to exist-until it is pointed out what equity means to people. It isn't fair to others, that there's a 1% class of individuals in median XL land with the vast majority of the wealth mathematically designed so that no one else can get it, it isn't fair that 1% of the items in the game are worthwhile while the rest are totally worthless, it isn't fair to assume that people will spend every waking hour essentially playing a lottery like a drug addict, next to all the others doing the same, and while that has become the substance
of a game-that game is totally lacking in any good sense of the word substance, and it is antithetical to what median XL was created to be; a game where players have the power, not behind the scenes overlords, a game where helping others and working together to invent new ideas was always more worthwhile than what the modern gaming world was turning into-has turned into-a virtual world of enslavement to fraudulent ideas of success and need.
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He’s Einstein’s reincarnation that’s why we dont get what he means :shock:
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Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick
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We def have a lot of ground to cover here. Strap yourselves in boys and girls for the tldr.

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As much as i don't like concepts of p2w, this is a necessary evil to cover server costs.

Just turn off the servers. It's a single player game. 99% of the players are playing solo. No.servers no need for tg.