Rant: Spirit of Giyua

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on trinity beamer it takes 2-3 mins with some practice (couple runs)
melee chars are pretty fucked up for this uber yeah, but look in the past, it was another dimension of difficulty
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A totem necromancer in hobo ice caster gear can kill giyua in 3-4 minutes safely, as between the ice totems having 60k hp and some avoid, they can facetank it fine, you just need to mind the purifies and disengage/resummon if you start losing totems. We're talking a few decent crafts and TUs geared for ice. Other casters need some decent xis runeword upgrades to tackle that fight.

It's honestly the worst 125 uber.
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Lava Lord
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So to clarify a bit. This was a rant of mine being a melee user. I've said no thing about the boss being impossibe, or other types of char gonna experience the same exp I had. In fact I've did him couple of time already (frustratingly with dozen of tries ofc). It's just that seasons passed on with this fight still at this level of bullcrap ticked me, and how most person still ok with the boss being like this. I'd recommend some change to enhance bit of the uber experience:
-Location: same, put a WP next to the entrance. So middle of Teganze it is, very convenience to farm the area as well as tryhard the uber boss, minimalizing 'forgot to TP' error.
-The Boss: gonna be beffy as fuq: 90% all resist, 40% all absorb. Can't no longer summon Totem. Skill cast: Flamestrike, Baal Nova, Coloseum, Ring of Flame ,any other flame-themed skills that's noticeable by human eyes, 1% chance to cast Devastation when taking damage?
-The Totem: Invulnerable. Will have set location and number around the map (prob 6 is enough). Near totem: The boss get frenzied (faster, more damage) but reduced resistances and absorbs (-50% all), and Totem will gradually spawn Invulnerable Teganze spirits (Umbaru Spirit?). Cast: Doom curse. Requires 2 purify shot to kill, have 25% chance to drop 1 random tgz runestone.
-Spirit Guardian: Remove mana burn. Cast: Burning Veil, Force Wall, Summon Jinn. 50% chance to cast Gift of Inner fire on death.
=>General Idea:
-Guardian Spirit: still an ass-pain. If let them gathered in bunch, they will curse, stunlock, summon flame army to make ur life misarable. But hey, at least they don't suck your mana anymore.
-Umbaru Spirit: Invulnerable ( to give softlock element). Replacement for lantent. Could still be annoying if let them spawned in large number, still, much more managable and non ass-rapey like those lantents.
-Boss/Giyua: More pronounced skills visual. Could face roll directly if ur strong enough. or u could take the casual approach of staying within the totem aura to reduce his tankiness.
-Totem: more fair and versatile . More than the thing connect with the boss fight, It could have farming potential. You could enter the boss area just for the runestone from these totems.
Edited by duysir0 3 years.
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The overall melee experience in latest sigma patches isn't great. Melee usually require way more time investment to develop and the result in most cases isn't great or is underwhelming and this is not just compared to spell/ranged characters. Melees generally struggle even with end game gear without investing into alternative builds/gear with Oskills and such.
That being said, I also agree and in my opinion Spirit of Giyua doesn't belong in that difficulty bracket, but that can be said to some other ubers in the other brackets as well. For example, the void is quiet easier now compared to other versions. Another example is Uldyssian, once you hit certain points the fight is pretty straightforward, just hit and avoid. I think in every bracket there are dungeons/ubers that are slightly/significantly harder to complete/do.
Generally all dungeons past 120 are supposed to be harder and challenging and all of them offer a different challenge.
To summerize: Think of them as the minimum requirement for you to complete them, rather than you have to complete it at that level or before the next bracket, cause I don't think thats the design behind it.
302 | 8
I agree. I love playing with melee builds, but with caster/ranged is way easier. Most of the melee builds are struggling from the lvl120 ubers (and for some IOTSS is not that easy too). But with a T4 gear and some MO's a totemancer can do Kabraxis at lvl120 with starter gear, and without dying......
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I like your rant and agree about that piece of shit of an uber, and your suggested changes too, you should post it to feedback-thread or that live-msg-thingie I forgot name of. Sadly melee always have serious drawbacks when it comes to ARPG's but I think Median has done good job fixing that. Then again melee have some great dmg-potential to single targets compared to other builds.
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Lava Lord
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Thanks for all the positive feedback despite my post being a negative rant. Glad that most people would agree about the shitiness of the Giyua uber and this further demonstrates that something has to be done with this uber.
Jampula wrote:I like your rant and agree about that piece of shit of an uber, and your suggested changes too, you should post it to feedback-thread or that live-msg-thingie I forgot name of. Sadly melee always have serious drawbacks when it comes to ARPG's but I think Median has done good job fixing that. Then again melee have some great dmg-potential to single targets compared to other builds.
Thanks for the suggestion but I doubt the chance of any player suggestion would make it through on the "feedback section". The sub-forum feels like a meme wall, for users and suckers like me come in, fight and debait with each another, getting bruises and spitting blood at each other because most of us have no idea how the game work. While mods, elites and devs laughing their ass off and be like " kekw look at these clowns, sigma still go brr our way next season"
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Amazon Warrior
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That is true, maybe this topic will get some attention.
BTW you have 666 tg, are you the devil to save us all?
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Lava Lord
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Chances are slim and I think Dev doesn't take it kindly when it comes to negative feedback such as this of mine. Could only hope brodas. Btw speak of the devil, we some how fuck up the layout of the forum, or this just mine lmao?
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Onyx Knight
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I think this happens when someone screws up their quote tags, ex. [ quote ] text [ quote ] instead of [ quote ] text [ /quote ]. At least that's how it used to be.

duysir0 wrote:Good. Ballanced as it should be. Their uber screw with my day. I screw with their forum :mrgreen:

:D it's only fair, I guess
Edited by Frytas 3 years.