Naginata Assassin

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Lynderika wrote:4th reserved post just in case
I will use this post for updates
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Accidentally down voted when scrolling on my phone, sorry! Will upvote tomorrow
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Upvote for this guide and also forum name - not every forum name has to brimmed with masculinity and necromancy :P
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Pit Knight
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Broadside+Backstab, what the best way to use them to get full use of the Bonus Damage? I mean, first throw Broadside and Backstab after, or first Backstab and then Broadside? or maybe it doesnt matter which one goes first...

EDIT:: Nevermind, already found the answer. Great guide, man.
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Several questions about Nagisin:

1)Isn`t it effective to get high defense TU armors, because they stack really good with LaserBlade passive 4% def component?

2)Can this build be played without Broadside? The skill is very strong and addictive :-D , but it feels not like I imagine a Nagisin.
Maybe with max Barrier Strike?
Tried it, nope - low damage low aoe, Broadside is much better and too smooth. So basically, it`s broadside for single target and Hades Gate for general trash clearing.

3)Bloodmage got to be the best merc for Hades Gate spam cause he casts his heals more often, or he doesn`t? Or even a Shapeshifter? All that this build need to do is throw a Broadside and survive during it`s cooldown.
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soup228 wrote:1)Isn`t it effective to get high defense TU armors, because they stack really good with LaserBlade passive 4% def component?

Strength requirements are too high.
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soup228 wrote:Several questions about Nagisin:


1) Base dex is too important for Laserblade damage, and even physical from Nagi scaling. Also the def bonus is not that big, around 200-300% alone is nice but small compared to others char, the most important defensive layer still is Perfect Being.

2) Farming specs can, but even then I still prefer to use it, at least one point in. But for leveling no, definitly not.

3) Leech heal enough already, bloodmage thing will not be relevent. Usually if I want a damage dealer I go for A1 Ranger (she's simply op), and if a tank Necrolythe, he's as immortal as Shapeshifter for most of the game and debuff better.
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Updated for 2.0 ! New skilltree and gear have been updated, and lots of part have been rewritten entierly, and some excess info removed.

I still need to :
-Add screenshot of the new skillplan (will do tomorrow when the game is updated)
-Update the "rifts and dungeons" part, as my beta time ended before I could try any of the new ones anyway, all my second post still is old info
-Record and post brand new 2.0 version videos of every ubers

Everything else is ready and done ! 8-)
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Dark Wanderer
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Thank you for taking the time to update this guide, there is often a high barrier of entry for mxl, and the ability for new players to just click on random updated/relevant guides definitely helps out.
Stone Warrior
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Vouch Lynderika for being a great person, helped me tons during the beta when i was a nagi noobie
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Core Lord
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Great job at always dude !