Any witches existing?

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So, it's been several years since I last played and I noticed I'm on the eve of 2.0 release (I think it's back when the elementals were in the sewers). I'm actually curious... Do the startled witches still exist or are they all gone now? I saw that level challenge 2 is gone but I can't remember if that one was related to witches or not.

On that note, I always thought it'd be fun to have them spawn in their old places once obtaining a source of Purify, and you banish them with that. Of course I fully understand if this idea isn't even entertained, but I figured it'd be something of a fun mini-game worth mentioning regardless.
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Fortunately, there are no more challenges at level 5 and no more witches in Act 1. But the uber quest NYMYR'S LIGHT remained, where you can meet witches. And purify mechanic :)
Core Lord
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Welcome back. all mini-games are gone now, also alot of quest/bosses have been relocated from pre-Sigma. and additional uberquest areas are on level 130+.
Anyways we're only few days ahead to all new version 2.0, good time to start again. Cheers
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Pit Knight
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Sadly those are gone ;/ it was so much fun venturing into tamoe zone for the first time
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Lava Lord
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Puzzles removed. Fun not allowed. Grind only !
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DeaTh wrote:Fortunately, there are no more challenges at level 5 and no more witches in Act 1. But the uber quest NYMYR'S LIGHT remained, where you can meet witches. And purify mechanic :)

This is the only witch i want removed. Seriously , purify is killing the game.. mmorpg (hack n slash) is what this game from the beginning was all about. And that’s my reason for Loving it.
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Thanks all!

I just wish there were some witches in regular places like tamoe highland where you could use purify to instantly kill them. Just a fun little banishment tool. Puts their souls at rest. Cleanses them of their rage.

But the uberquest, I"ll have to give it a try.
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It wasn't fun (esp. in HC) in open areas where if you didn't spot a witch it would pounce and 1-shot you from off screen.

Having to move that slowly and carefully in an ARPG feels wrong. The puzzle in the tower was maybe ok, since you knew where they were - but back then the MOs for summons were still available so you could move the witches around. Now those MOs are gone most builds would have no good way to do that game.
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Yeah I know. That's why I thought it'd be fun but only if you have a source of purify would they spawn.
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I like purify mechanic. It's gear-independent.