Can't stay alive, what is happening?

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Edited by Kalesh-kun 2 years.
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I absolutely plowed everything with my bow druid, i hardly even bothered with any gear and just picked some random rares while omw to hell :P

Sure i died a bunch of times but that was only bcuz not paying attention or rushing.

Mercs are insanely strong while lvling and they can solo carry you if you have the gold for ressing once in a while ^^
Bone Archer
70 | 0
ama bow sucks have same problem iam act 1 hell now 1k wyrem dps need 20 hits for 1 mob second i get 2 shootet whit 5k hp is to realy bad so i think ama is death
Bone Archer
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Respecs are free till lvl50, so go melee storm or java, they are tankier/have better range than bow. Once you get wyrmshot range you can go back to bow.
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Get boots with some movementspeed and then MO some movementspeed. It's much easier to stay alive when you run around like Sonic
Onyx Knight
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Seasoned player here, and I too have noticed a significant increase in difficulty in early levels. I think it's a combination of increased pack sizes and reworked monster abilities (way more elemental attacks now).

BUT, I like it. I thinks it's a welcomed change, as early progression isnt boring anymore and actually requires me to pay attention haha. It's more memorable, which is exactly what the team was after with these changes.
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I think the early levels are tooo hard for beginners... Even I play a lot Median, it's easy to die... In another words, it's not that friendly to both new and old player.
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The difficulty curve of the acts feels weird now, personally. Acts 1 and 2 felt harder on all difficulties than Acts 3/4/5 for me. It may have been gear scaling, hitting TU upgrades around A3 each time, but the mob types in A1/A2 felt really punishing. Lots of casters and ranged stacked in large packs, very heavy poison application from very tanky mobs that can't be removed with health pots now.

I made it to Hell on Friday, but A1/A2 were definitely oddly difficult compared to everything else.
Acid Prince
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Gearing is difficult in normal until act 5, when you can make honorifics and farm Nithilak. Up until that point runewords and the skill tree are really the only thing that's reliable. The main things to focus on are resists and Faster Hit Recovery, at least until Hell.

IMO to help with this new difficulty level earlier honorifics would be a big help. You still will be gated by cash, but you could get a few things to ease the pain.
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Slain Soul
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Semigloss wrote:Seasoned player here, and I too have noticed a significant increase in difficulty in early levels. I think it's a combination of increased pack sizes and reworked monster abilities (way more elemental attacks now).

BUT, I like it. I thinks it's a welcomed change, as early progression isnt boring anymore and actually requires me to pay attention haha. It's more memorable, which is exactly what the team was after with these changes.

I agree, but I also disagree! At first, I was enjoying the added difficulty, and had to max my resists early on, by Act 2 Normal just to survive Arcane Sanctuary. However, I've been watching necros and druids mow down mobs quickly and with no problem while I struggle with my cold sorc to even kill a small mob in about 30-sec to one minute... The skills are NOT balanced is the issue here. Balance the skills, and the rest of the game is fine, otherwise you will find a lot of frustrated players quitting. With my cold sorc, to get enough defense to NOT die, I had to place many points into Str which meant less into energy which meant not enough added energy for spells or damage output. Early game is grueling for this sub class... it took me hours to make it to A3 Normal, and it's not like it's complicated now... there are three skills at my level in the cold skill tree... don't over skill or mana costs are impossible to keep up with... don't under skill or you don't do enough damage. Simple, right? Nope, damage scaling is way off for this build when balanced with survivability! I bet late game, she will be a beast, but early game it's not very fun so far when everyone else is killing indiscriminately and you struggle to even progress past the next screen of enemies.