[Guide] Median XL 2.0 with D2DX: New Glide wrapper

Need help installing the mod?
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ur all i ever wanted... yeah... ur all i ever needed... yeeaaah. so tell me what to do now... cuz i want.. to hack! and slash! in 60 fps! and now i can!

remarks: scosglen is looking weird in the edges of the screen with white flickering of the unrendered part or something, i think the icy mountanous background. also teh fire at beginning in tul dulra has a shadowy border around it.

island of skarta the light radius is very flickery.
9 | 0
how do i do the number 4 on installation

"Run Diablo 2.exe with the following args:
Required: -3dfx (sets video mode to Glide)
Required: -dxnoresmod (turns off D2DX built-in widescreen resolution mod)"
1 | 0
Lakai wrote:how do i do the number 4 on installation

"Run Diablo 2.exe with the following args:
Required: -3dfx (sets video mode to Glide)
Required: -dxnoresmod (turns off D2DX built-in widescreen resolution mod)"

Add the arguments in the "target" line of your shortcut. Like this:

9 | 0
ok cool thanks it worked.
when i start it in window mode my mouse is locked and i cant resize or move the window. Can i change that?
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Stygian Watcher
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Lakai wrote:when i start it in window mode my mouse is locked and i cant resize or move the window. Can i change that?

You can unlock mouse cursor with -dxnoclipcursor option. However I'm not sure if resizing game window by resize cursor is possible.
1 | 0
If U install Reshade(DX11) u can also stretch the image to remove the black bars Using the aspect ration toggle/Shader

a fake 16:9 :-D looks alright.

A bug i noticed is you cannot get over 60fps in the actual game. lobby runs at max but the in game it hovers then drops back to 60fps
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stretched d2 looks like many things but definitely not alright :)

Btw, is there a way to start game in window of specific resolution? Scale parameter is integer only, it can go only to 2 or 3 which is too big.
Issue is, if i run it with 2, it cuts it to 184%, and i have maximized window with d2 in the middle of it. But i can't then resize that window, if i resize it to 4:3 window, it shrinks the black bars on the sides.


If i start game without scale, it opens up 124x768 small window, but then when i resize it, to whatever size i want, its blurry.

Resized window vs full screen:



Seems that nocompatmodefix=true and then selecting compatibility windows 7 fixes the problem, with that selected, resizing window keeps the sharpness.

#IfWinActive ahk_class Diablo II

WinMove, Diablo II,, x, y, z, q

; x,y - position of left upper corner of window
; z,q - window resolution
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Stygian Watcher
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Great! I have built version that supports floating scale value and tried it - worked like a charm. Windowed game image is sharp.
Let me know, if you want to test it.
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Cow Ninja
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ye sure, i want it
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Stygian Watcher
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Here it is. I've just built version with this PR.

It supports float scaling via config file:

scale=1.5 # range 1.0-3.0, a rational scale factor for the window