2.0 - best char/tier list for doing ubers?

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I played xbow necro and it was smooth gameplay till sleep/130 ubers.
The tricky thing about xbow necro is setting up gear so that you have all the stats you need in good balance. If you can get that it becomes a really easy to play character that can do most ubers on ssf gear.
The farming/leveling was really chill aswell. High ammounts of lifesteal outheal most dmg and I can spam right click while tanking 50 mobs and kill all of them.
The build scales very well with all stats from charms so you progress trough charms a lot more than caster builds and you have very strong gear options from the start that get even better in the late game due to %stats on them.

As a physical weapon damage build this applies to similar builds.
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I think physical dmg is kind of the meta.
Does anybody agree?
Bone Archer
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Nope, just check the ladder.

On topic, batstrike summoner is pretty easy with TU or crafted claws up to 125, easier than totem but just as clunky to play.

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Edited by Muilpeer 2 years.
Ice Clan
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Muilpeer wrote:.

I once asked Jammy about it, she said it's against the rules. As is talking about it.
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ParticuLarry wrote:
Muilpeer wrote:.

I once asked Jammy about it, she said it's against the rules. As is talking about it.

Ah thanks, I didn't know, I edited it out :)
2 | 0
Not an expert but I played ErthShaker barb until 126 then made a new Elementalist barb and with very basic gear rolled very easily through the game. (IS until PS) Right now at lev 130. Haven't killed all the ubbers yet - some because I haven't tried and some mainly because I don't have any or almost any experience killing them and no patience to try too often. (wanted to try the new rift where I keep getting killed by certain mobs in the few tries - it seem I need to now get better gear) HF!
Dark Huntress
12 | 1
New player here. Cold sorc feels pretty strong, all ubers to 120 can be done in SSF (solo, only self found items) with no or few sacred uniques.
I also leveled a Bowazon since it looked like a fun build to play but expect to die constantly. This build really is not suited for ubers at all.
Thunder Beetle
56 | 3
Imperius wrote:I am a 129 totem necro and honestly i dont recomment, its a good and cool build to play till level 115 but when you start level 120 ubers, a lot of bosses are Impossible due to the lack of single target skill, heres a list of the level 120-125 ubers you cant do:

1- Baal - he will instantly call dozens of minions which we dont have enough damage to kill coz we have 9 totems and 5 Jinns, maybe at level 135+ its possible if you find some amazing sssus so you can kill his minions fast enough.

2- Astroga - he regenerates to maximum life every time, i think that this is impossible even at level 150 since the totems target the statues as well.

3- Viz Jun - theres no good source of defense in this build, so even if you kill them fast, they will always kill you with 3-2 hits, dont waste your time on this uber, maybe at level 135-140 with crazy gear its possible but only if you can kill everything really fast, before they have a chance of hitting you.

4- Xazax - not possible at level 125, maybe later with insane gear, since the totems target the penitents you will deal almost no damage to the boss.

Havent done Nymir Light and Gyuia yet but i think that they may be not impossible with this build.
This is without using respecs, maybe other necro builds can do these so you can respec to other build, do the ubers and them respec back, i am not a fan of respec, i try to do all with the same build.
But its a cool build to play, even if you cant do all the ubers its woth at least play to have fun.
To do all the ubers i recommend a Paladin, any build should do it, its so much better than necro.

To straighten things up, all 4 bosses you mentioned are possible and does not need any gg end game gear, better gear will fasten the kill.

Baal headache cuz of summons, but it is not a hard fight. Frost totems to eliminate how many totems you summon and no JInn's to eliminate the chance of how many summons Baal will summon.

Astrogha is a long tedious fight, but again doable and is not a hard fight. Frost totems, you summon them at astrogha feet, once she tp's or summons tons of stuff run away / tp away to avoid killing astrogha totems. Repeat.

Viz Jun is a piece of cake. Tri totems. You will struggle really hard with frost totems, same as in any farm zone.

Xazax slightly a headache, because totems die easily, however this is doable. Might be an issue if you have low damage, because of how many summons there will be. I have used tri totems for this fight.

I've done all of those fights once i hit 125 and my gear did not include a single enchanted runeword or any sacred uniques except robe of steel, basically you could call it garbage gear. The better gear you have the faster, easier the fights will become and eventually you dont even need to play it safe, you go and bang the boss.

Remember most fights have specific mechanics and not always are "10 second" kill and if you do not know them you will struggle quite often and might not be able to do with a build even if it is perfect for that fight.

Totem necro is super strong and farm speed with some gear is off the charts. Also it is a pretty safe lab farmer. Dont expect totems to live and tank. There are multiple show cases of totem necro and what it can become with end game gear, and frankly you dont need such gear to actually farm such zones in the showcase.
36 | 6
Holy1Holy wrote:I think physical dmg is kind of the meta.
Does anybody agree?

Not the meta as it can't do all the content.
But the best way to play the game if you want ssf or killing all except the 5 hardest ubers is enough for you.
The other great thing you can do with it is farm up tg/gear needed with no investment and later transition into an endgame build. If you have no tg from the last seasson, this would be a great way to play the game.