Calculating the base damage of Blood Thorns

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Call me lazy, i'm not inclined at all to calculate the base damage, hahaha.
To make my life easier, i'm just aiming to get my ass to 1k EF and 2k vit.

That said, for the jewel selection

Percentage scaling of any attributes only works best when you a good amount of said flat attribute to boot with

taking the jewels you've put in example
1) 10 EF - 3% Fire spell - 1% vit
2) 4% fire dmg - +10 vit jewel

assuming you have at least 1k FLAT vit (from base + other source of flat stat from gears/charm)
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1% of 1k vit = 10 vit

if you have yet to cap EF, jewel number 1 is better.

Percent fire spell damage would only matter more after capping 1k EF and 2k vit.
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heamn wrote:Call me lazy, i'm not inclined at all to calculate the base damage, hahaha.
To make my life easier, i'm just aiming to get my ass to 1k EF and 2k vit.

That said, for the jewel selection

Percentage scaling of any attributes only works best when you a good amount of said flat attribute to boot with

taking the jewels you've put in example
1) 10 EF - 3% Fire spell - 1% vit
2) 4% fire dmg - +10 vit jewel

assuming you have at least 1k FLAT vit (from base + other source of flat stat from gears/charm)
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1% of 1k vit = 10 vit

if you have yet to cap EF, jewel number 1 is better.

Percent fire spell damage would only matter more after capping 1k EF and 2k vit.

Yes, i know what you are saying and i know it's mostly correct but your also making alot of assumptions and i just want to be able to calculate the facts on what would net me the best raw damage output.
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Anyone? :roll:
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The formula for attribute + spell focus scaling in most cases is: BaseDamage*(50+TooltipBonus)%. This is the case for blood thorns.

So in your case:
1) 11% dmg bonus from vitality: BaseDmg*61% = 100 => BaseDmg ~ 163
2) 50% dmg bonus from vitality: BaseDmg*100% = 163 => BaseDmg ~ 163
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Huh. Carrrying on the tradition of FHR and FBR's half base / equivalent to double effect of % added, eh?